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Influence Of K-Pop On Ecuador Students


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Influence of K-Pop on Ecuador students


The K-Pop is a musical genre that emerged in the 90s in South Korea, this genre covers musical styles such as electronic dance music, hip hop, rap, rock, r & b, etc., over the years this genre leftExpanding around the rest of the world until reaching Latin America, where an acceptance is denoted, thus generating a subculture, which is why it is considered pertinent to investigate the impact of this subculture on society, within this analysis aspects such as aspects such asSpecific characteristics of this group and how they are seen before a group of people who know and are not followers and before a group of people who know it and are adepts.

For this, in addition to investigated data, a survey was conducted towards the students of the Hospitality and Hospitality career of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador about the knowledge they have in relation to the K-POP, it was possible to show that the students if they know aboutWhat is this musical genre due to great popularity worldwide, but only one in six students admits to having a taste for this genre. Which shows that this type of music is known in Ecuador, but few people prove to have a taste for this type of music. He also asked what is the reason why they have no interest in the K-Pop, to which they answered that the reasons why they do not attract their attention, it is because they believe that KPOP lovers are somewhat extravagant people and thinkThat the boys who like kpop are "gays", due to their perspective of masculinity.

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The K-Pop, is a topic of interest around the world, due to the great acceptance that you are having by young people. Thanks to the great success that this genre has had, the formation of a new subculture called Los K-POPERS has given way. "It is called an even societal subculture that has maintained the features of a global culture differs from this and other groups that integrate it because they establish their own areas of differentiated meaning and significance" (Guerrero, 2002, p.57). According to students who are adherents to this type of musical genre and therefore they are part of this subculture, this success is due to the combination of several musical rhythms, song and strong choreographies by musical groups.

The reason why the K-Pop has been announced in Latin America, is thanks to the international marketing carried out by the entertainment companies of South Korea. "The" parents "of these prefabricated bands are nucleated in four agencies, starting with the successful SM Entertainment, next to YG, JYP and Cube Entertainment, which does not escape the controversy that generates popularity" (Raimondi, 2018,para. 5). These companies are characterized by recruiting young children and having them in training, so that they can later fulfill their dream of being able to debut in a musical group.

The boys who want are part of musical groups should look good to get the attention of people and thus have more fame, “in the KPOP aesthetics is key.

Indistinctly of the sex of idol, the use of makeup, colorful or extravagant clothing, or the striking and changing hair tones are some of the most outstanding features of the Hallyu product, especially the kpop.”(Simón, 2015, P. 12). The students who were conducted this survey, knew us that they like to resemble their idols and that for this reason they decided to dye their hair and acquire the clothing that their favorite famous singers wear.

People who know the K-Pop and are not followers

The K-Pop at the time of expanding to Latin America generated controversies because both in South Korea and in Latin American countries, culture is different, then a phenomenon mentioned in Guerrero’s book is developed, which is the essentialist approach where it talks about howPeople attribute characteristics that are not typical of them just by having different tastes. Which is an unbeatted fact that generates some discrimination since the taste of a person does not directly influence since this type of subcultures not so known in the environment in which we live can become discriminated, so the adherents to thisgender do not usually accept that they have this type of taste for the fear of not being accepted within a group or society itself.

For this reason, students believe that people who like K-Pop are somewhat strange people, since many K-Pop fans like to look as their idols as much as possible, some of them even make up the same equal to themno matter if they are men or women. When a K-Pop fan goes out dressed and made up just like a famous K-Pop singer in our country, people can stay strangely or even make fun of their appearance, calling him homosexual. The reason why this is given is because the perspective of masculinity is different in South Korea compared to Western countries.

In South Korea, a new type of masculinity is very popular, which, “is defined as a social, emotional and/or physical ambiguity of the male gender in relation to the female, that is, a man who shares characteristics, features or attitudessocially related to the female gender ”(Simón, 2015, P.13). In western countries, when they observe a boy with this type of characteristics, it is thought that it is homosexual because their perspective of masculinity is totally different since for them men must have strong features, they must be rude and have muscles. "They consider that the reasons for the rejection of the K-Pop by the Spanish general public are, apart from its Asian origin, the misunderstanding of the letters and the effeminate aesthetics of the male idols" (Olmedo, 2017-2018, p. 78). This type of thoughts should change since the world is globalizing and I know how to have such a closed mind in society can be something contradictory.


In conclusion, all students of the hospitality and hotel career could be said, they know what the K-Pop is about but only one in six students has an affinity for the K-Pop, and this is due to international marketing thatThey have invested Korean entertainment companies. Also with the arrival of K-Pop to Latin America, it has allowed the formation of a new subculture called the K-POPERS, who are young people who feel a taste for the K-Pop and for this reason they like to look like their artistsfavorites to such an point of dressing and dyeing your hair just like them.

But with the appearance of this new subculture, a stereotype has been generated between society, since people, seeing a boy dressed, dyed hair and using makeup just like a Korean singer, it is automatically believed that the boy is homosexual, due to the big difference that exists with respect to the perspective of masculinity, which should change so that no discrimination is generated.


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