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Influence Of Oral Hygiene On The Oral Health Of Children


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Influence of oral hygiene on the oral health of children


Cleaning is the process that people should opt for the greatest control of factors that exert harmful effects on their health. Hygiene in each person is something essential. Therefore, dental hygiene is the union of guidelines that allow preventing diseases in oral cavity and greatly avoiding susceptibility to tooth decay. But proper cleaning must be done properly and with implements that help., necessary time must be dedicated to be effective.

Since the oral cavity is susceptible to the access of varieties of germs and bacteria; according to medical specialists; You can find up to 600 types of these elements, many of which are malicious for general health, beyond the evil caused to teeth and gums.

The health of dental pieces and the care of gums can indicate the state of our body. Bad dental cleaning habits has been associated with a large index of diseases in adults.

Problem Statement

The mouth is the first access route of a wide variety of bacteria; according to medical specialists; You can find up to 600 types of these elements, many of which are harmful to general health, beyond the damage they cause to teeth and gums. The health of the teeth and gums can indicate the status of all health in general and poor dental hygiene has been associated with a high risk of some diseases in adults.

The severity of evils that can cause the lack of oral hygiene were treated in a seminar (Mexico, 2008) carried out by Colgate Palmolive and the Mexican and Latin American dental associations of Diabetes (AALAD), the Mexican Diabetes Federation, Venezuelan Society of Cardiology, the College of Dentist Surgeons and the National Center for Epidemiological Surveillance and Disease Control of the Ministry of Health (Cenave).

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They affirm that “there are studies that warn about the relationship between periodontitis and certain systemic conditions: heart attack and other heart disease. You can even have links with diabetes ". For all this, in the seminar they came to the conclusion that preventive measures must be extreme, beginning to improve oral and general health. For which, campaigns began to be taught throughout the country, in which the population is recommended to make lifestyle changes, such as exercising regularly, feeding healthy, quitting smoking and above all you should follow good Oral hygiene habits, such as periodically visiting the dentist and brushing their teeth at least three times a day with an approved dental cream to help prevent gingivitis.

In addition, according to the National Oral Health Program (2008), in Ecuador six out of ten children under six have a decay, 95% of 15 -year -olds suffer more than three decay and practically 100% of The population over 25 suffers effects on gums, problems that eventually can get to lose a tooth; Therefore, a oral health program must be implemented that prevents the common problems presented by the population


The research is based on the deficit in the oral hygiene of children and their incidents in the oral health of these participants, since it is considered something fundamental for the general health, because if there is a oral problem that is not treated properly, this can trigger serious complications. Problem research is considered important because bad oral hygiene practices reflect problems in the oral health of; In addition, the most relevant point is to determine the presence of problems that can be solved in time and that nevertheless people do not give importance until they begin to feel serious complications and no longer have a solution

General objective

Determine the incidence of oral hygiene in the oral problems of children

Specific objectives

  • Investigate oral hygiene implements used by children to relate them to simplified oral hygiene indicators.
  • Evaluate brushing techniques and their impact on epidemiological indicators.
  • Establish CEO, CPO and oral hygiene indices to relate them to the children’s oral health status
  • Design an alternative proposal for solution to the poor oral hygiene of children 7 and 8 years old.



Oral hygiene affects the presence of oral problems in children from 7 to 8 years.

Theoretical framework

Provide children with medical attention, dental support and vaccination, within the possibilities that allow them their resources; Thus starting a health campaign that lasts

Oral hygiene

Hygiene is the union of knowledge and techniques that people should apply to control the factors that can lead to harmful effects on their health. Personal hygiene is the concept of cleaning, cleaning and care of our body. Therefore, dental hygiene is the set of norms that will allow disease to prevent oral cavity and will greatly avoid susceptibility to tooth decay. But dental hygiene must be done through adequate tools. In addition, due time must be dedicated to be effective.

The care of the teeth and mouth is of great importance, since it is the primary part of the digestive system. Dental pieces are a fundamental part of maintaining the body in good condition, its main function is the crushing of food to ensure good digestion of them. The partial or total lack of these pieces will have an agency in general, the difficulty in chewing, predisposes to poor nutrition and this facilitates malnutrition and the acquisition of systemic diseases, in addition to sick teeth by themselves constitute spotlights of infection that cause other general disorders and even occasionally, death.

Oral hygiene teaching

Children in general are very lazy to perform daily daily hygiene and even many for general hygiene, so it is parents’ duty to try to get the habit of brushing their teeth every day.

It is more than demonstrated that daily hygiene contributes to a great decrease in oral disease condition. If the child does not have the habit of brushing his teeth, he must study the parents, since in many cases it turns out that parents do not possess it and then the mission and task of teaching hygiene becomes arduous and difficult. A teaching method is to dye the teeth in the consultation to demonstrate the existence of bacterial plaque, today there are many children’s explanatory brochures that cause pediatric patients to understand that there are ‘bichitos’ that can destroy their teeth.

Importance of dental health for health and general well -being

The mouth is the first organ of the digestive system and thanks to it you can receive, crush and swallow food. It also actively participates in the perception of flavor and sense of taste, as well as in breathing. A healthy mouth makes it easier for the individual to different gestures and sounds with which he communicates with other people. A healthy mouth is the reflection of a healthy body and a person well integrated into society. Therefore, it is important to devote time to the care of the teeth. Visit at least every six months to the dentist to make a general review to avoid problems with oral health.

Importance of preventive dentistry

The purpose of current dentistry is to help people achieve and keep their oral health throughout life. Preventive dentistry, is based on preventing or avoiding the appearance of different diseases, or at most, decrease the degree of malignancy or destruction of oral structures in the event that they appear. Preventive dentistry can be conceptualized such as study or science that is responsible for promoting oral health to avoid problems such as caries or periodontal diseases, preventing more invasive complications or interventions about the patient. In general, prevention could be applied in all subspecialties of dentistry, since a lot of money and hours of research have been invested to achieve the current ability to control the ravages of dentobacterial plaque diseases.


  1. It was found that at least oral hygiene, the greater the oral problems present.
  2. Parents do not care about the oral health of their children; since only 2% of parents teach their children oral hygiene measures.
  3. 80% of children have received talks about oral hygiene, which does not reflect the reality of their hygiene because it was found that despite the fact that in schools they are of talks to children, they mostly have no knowledge concrete on hygiene implements or their respective use; since 57% claim to change brush when they were also damaged not to use dental thread and rinse.
  4. A high percentage of children, which corresponds to 78%, do not use a correct brushing technique; which is reflected in the majority said they had food remains after brushing.



  1. http: // www.Odonto -red.com.mx/hygiene.htm
  2. http: // www.dentocat.com
  3. http: // Oscarlopez.Lacoctelera.Net/Post/2010
  4. http: // www.monographs.com
  5. http: // www.Health.com/health-dental/use-fluor.ASP
  6. http: // www.ACTAODONTOLOGICA.com/editions/2006/3/halitosis.ASP
  7. http: // www.Mapfre.com/health/es/cinformative/treatment-caries.SHTML
  8. http: // www.docs.Google.com

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