Influence Of The World Of Man: An Analysis Of Sonnet Xxiii While Pink And Lucena
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Take advantage of the day, or commonly known as Carpediem, explains the impulse to use the present time to the maximum. Living in a world with such a fast society, often forget a step back, questions the problems that are surrounded and living life truly at the time. Through the use of images and symbols, in its poem, sonnet XXIII> Garcilosa de la Vega unconsciously forms a projection of male optics to create a fragmented portrait of idealized female beauty, threatening the desired woman with an imagined future and imposing pressureof the transience of time.
The sonnet contextualizes the four stations of the year to represent the progression of beauty in time. Functioning as a symbol of changing, the stations portray a cycle of transformation and metamorphosis of beauty with age. Like stations, the life cycle is constant, without stopping through a lifetime. By using winter in the snow line the beautiful summit, there is a representation of Canosa old age, while spring symbolizes youth and a new, fresh life, it is evident that the two refer to both age and appearance. Together, these symbols form a fragmented vision of idealized woman, which implies that their value is based on their beauty. The lover uses manipulation for imposing these metaphors, which serve as a reminder of time pressure, to convince that it is their responsibility to take action.
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Time is inescapable, and old age is inevitable, catching her inside the male discourse that her beauty is based.
The symbols of hair, skin and color in the gesture, which the lover presents, use that the value of women is based on their appearance. But beauty is a social construction of men, it is defined from the male perspective, created for their benefit, and based on idealized visions only for them. The praise it seems to give are really a costume, pressing the pressure and responsibility for it. All the power of women over men is based on beauty, which is lost more and more as time passes. The sweet fruit of spring, ripe for the shot, serves as a reminder of the need to take all opportunities now, before it is too late. Oparely, snow symbolizes a final station, being the end, as old age. The color of the gesture refers to its cheeks, with the red color is a youth symbol. Similarly, her white skin represents nobility, a high and perfect class.
The blond hair that moves in the wind portrays a dispersed and messy image. The lover wants to disorder his purity and perfection to wear down her. He pushes to enter this same way of thinking. The only certainty in life is change. For using symbols and images, Garcilaso de Vega imposes issues of time and space contextualize by nature and environment. By using the idealized female beauty pressure in women, he imposes responsibility gives the transience of time, on it. The cycle of life and its impact on beauty are inescapable, so it is crucial is the greatest time. In everything, the moral is from Carpediem to live life as it is now, if not time will happen, in the same way of the loss of beauty.
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