Influential Personality
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Fame and fortune have taken over the minds of humankind where everyone hopes to rise in publicity. Everyone aspires to be successful and live a glamorous life that is void of societal struggles and other hurdles that derail success. There are several positive aspects related with a popular lifestyle which is under persistent media scrutiny. A popular lifestyle may seem far-fetched to both onlookers and the person in question, but there are several challenges related to maintaining a despicable public figure (Kaufman, James, and Joanne, 71). Living such a life is a calling that prompts an individual to assume the face of the society by being a role model. A popular lifestyle not only influences the youth to aspire to greatness but also places the success bar higher for those who wish to emerge triumphant in a dynamic universe.
The primary role of the media is to emancipate the public on various activities that ensue in the society. The popular and prominent figures in the society influence the life of many individuals on different grounds. The background of a person is pivotal in determining their social life and how the society perceives them (Marshall, 56). The poor receive minimal media attention, and this is only during critical instances that require collective attention. However, the rich are more fortunate and are a reference point for the media even on issues which do not require attention. Their wealth, affluence, and power are the driving force to the perception which the society has continuously held (Kaufman, James, and Joanne, 71).
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They are manipulative, and their wealth is the focal point of concern. However, their families are not left behind in this discussion.
Brenda Frazier had an opportunity to showcase and prove her personality to the society. The fact that she was raised in a wealthy family is an added advantage and her debut to the public domain was her stepping stone (Diliberto, 90). Brenda held no special traits to deserve such media attention. The poor and the less fortunate always lament for not being born in an upper-class family in the society. Some envy the lifestyle of those who occupy the upper social class claiming that they already have individuals who have built a foundation in their lives. Brenda did not struggle for her fame and neither was the media attention her wish nor fault (Luce, 9). Fortunately, her recently acquired media attention landed her several advertisements which would have completely changed her life. Such opportunities seem nightmares for the less fortunate individuals in the society.
We live in a society which is increasing being globalized, and where multiculturalism has emerged as a significant force that shapes the society. The increasing global population is a threat to humanity as the available resources are gradually being depleted. The curriculum is also changing to necessitate innovative ideas among the youth (Montessori, 68). The 21st century is embodied with dwindling personality where one must compete with others to emerge triumphant in the society. Humans always strain to make their pitch and Don Draper has given his best shot to ensure that he remains outstanding and all-time competitive. Viewers of Mad Men may be tricked and limited to focus on the personal life of this character rather than focus on his extended lifestyle (Goodlad, 1). Despite being a womanizer, Don knows what he wants to achieve in life and is determined to attain his life goals. He has a set of priorities which defines his schedule and the efforts he has placed towards the fulfillment of living a glamorous and satisfactory lifestyle.
The society lays down a foundation for various individuals in the society which defines how they behave, act and their way of life. However, the society expects the popular figures in the society to extend similar gratitude to the less fortunate and the youthful population. This is a motivating factor that prompts everyone to works towards the realization of a set of goals. They are expected to give hope and advice to the desperate individuals while setting the pace for future generations. Don Draper knew that he had to take care of his wife and also eyed for a luxurious lifestyle of owning a car and a lovely house. Antonin Dvorak’s song on “Goin Home” belongs to Symphony No. 9 which explores life in the new world, America (Yates, 43). Dvorak had a passion for African American Melodies and hoped that Americans would embrace the Negro melodies in their music. Being a renowned composer, Dvorak’s songs were influential to the society which later adopted and adopted these folk songs into their music. His fame as a classical master spanned from his nation of origin, Czech, to the United States. Dvorak embodies an influential personality in the society with the power to change the American music. However, there are those who always remain loyal to any influential personality in the society and Dvorak had loyal fans back at home, Czech.
Despite various hurdles in life that may threaten our adulthood, humans will always be optimistic and will, therefore, shift their attention to their desired goals. Even those who may seem to offer little assistance are still crucial in influencing our life. However, some clues are motivating and drive humans closer to realizing their fantasies. These clues help people make decisions depending on the context of the situation. They are also crucial in preparing for various life stages and how to counter challenges experienced along the course.
The media has recently proved to be an open door of opportunities that gives individuals a chance to share their life history and experiences. This is all with the aim of influencing and motivating others who have similar life encounters. The Vogue Magazine gave Didion an opportunity to share her fantasies with the world (Didion, 1). Many have criticized her article claiming it is based on imagination, but they overlook the role played by fantasies in shaping our life. Fantasies allow humanity to explore their greatest personal desires in the quest to live a perfect and fulfilling life. Everyone envies the fruitful and glamorous adult life of popular and influential persons in the society. However, fate lies on the efforts deployed towards the realization of these goals. Didion admired and fantasized on a prominent personality that attracted the attention of paparazzi (Didion, 1).
Media attention denotes the lifestyle of an individual who works remaining relevant in the public domain. It’s all fun walking on the red carpet with camera flashes on all sides, but it takes time to gain such influence. Fame is consistently linked with inspiration where popular personalities in the society are expected to be mentors to the young generation. However, they are supposed to depict their selfless deeds to the community since they are looked upon by the public. Some act out of passion since it’s their career while others want to retain an influential public image. Maintaining an influential personality over a long time span like Don Draper denotes his devotion towards achieving his life goals.
There are several hurdles related to living a popular lifestyle. Brenda Frazier did not seek for media attention, but she found herself under public scrutiny where her life would be made public (Diliberto, 120). Many are the times we fail to look at the personal life of popular figures in the society behind the scenes and the cameras. The public ends up generalizing their life as a suave lifestyle with minimal or no setbacks. However, this is not the case since most of them struggle to wear on a smile every time they are in the limelight. Their lives may be graved by dark backgrounds and personal experiences, but they are forced to mask and veil their dark personalities in the quest to assume a positive lifestyle. Despite being an influential figure, Brenda Frazier was struggling to hide the truth about her family divorce. However, emotions overwhelmed her where she could no longer hold on anymore (Robe, 74). Anyone who saw her wearing a smile on the red carpet envied her lifestyle, but they barely knew how her personal life was faring.
Life places humans in various tempting situations to test their suitability in dealing and handling challenging moments. Survival is only for the fittest and those who have devised means and ways of handling various hurdles that may arise in their life. However, some like Brenda Frazier are not strong enough to withstand the pressure and experience an emotional breakout (Luce, 9). Despite attempts to hide our dark lives from the public, some may leak to the public domain. This is why names of Brenda Frazier are no longer heard in the public sphere. Information about her addiction life leaked through a local magazine, and this act defamed her. Succeeding generations will always question how she even rose to become an iconic and public personality. Those who knew her are tired of her name and her short-lived fame which they consistently criticize. The public domain is very demanding, and one must uphold a level of stature to remain relevant.
The dawn of realism is painful among fantasizers such as Didion. Most yearnings may fade away if they learn that the flip side of their fantasies may turn out to be the reality (Didion, 1). Fantasies are a route to developing life paranoia especially if the perceived thoughts are unappealing. Fantasies may surpass the normal realm where they may seem peculiar and unattainable. One may be prompted to view and fantasize about things they have never soon but probably heard. Negative fantasies are demoting and may instill fear at adulthood. Humans shift their focus on the positive life experiences and therefore ends up overlooking the deleterious side of life. However, others will devise defense mechanisms to mask and deal with the dark parts of their fantasies. This might disorient someone from the primary goal in life in the attempt of realizing the pragmatism of fantasies. It is also the point where one starts to visualize that our worst enemies live within us. One may be prompted to question the practicality of their conscious. Some may be inspired to change the environment in the quest to suit their current lifestyle.
Ignorance has consistently been cited as a hindrance to critical thinking. Influential personalities in the society tend to ignore those they perceive as inferior. This may be explained by their common character trait of refraining from many rules and regulations that may limit their optimistic attitude. However, their ability to win arguments and draw everyone to their side is also a weakness. An impulsive nature to emotions is unwelcoming to critical thinking and depicts an element of ignorance. Most influential figures in the society fear being rejected. Brenda Frazier acted of fear of being denounced by her family and those close to her.
Popularity has frequently been linked with acceptance. Everyone expected that Didion’s fantasy wedding would be fruitful considering her influential personality as depicted by her fantasy. Unfortunately, becoming a celebrity denotes a sacrifice to privacy where the personal life becomes public life (Lynn, Steven, and Judith, 404). If Didion was an average woman in an ideal society, news about her divorce would be taken with ease since she held no power or affluence (Didion, 1). However, her life would have remained out of public domain and thus giving her an opportunity to address personal life challenges.
Everyone wishes to have a fruitful life that is independent, has some element of luxury and is void of control from others. This is regardless of one’s social class, gender, race, religion, skin color, and ethnicity. The nature of the society plays a vital role in determining how the set goals can be accomplished. However, there exists a rift on the routes used to realize realism and the approaches deployed. The bottom line it to have a glamorous life that is independent and free from control by others through exploration of personal desires. An influential personality is dependent on all these factors. Despite the route used to earn fame and fortune, there is a need to establish an ethical and moral approach to maintaining a despicable public figure.
Works Cited
Didion, Joan. “In Sable and Dark Glasses.” Vogue, 2011,
Diliberto, Gioia. Debutante: the story of Brenda Frazier. Alfred A. Knopf, 1987.
Goodlad, Lauren M.E. “Why We Love ‘Mad Men’.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2009,
Kaufman, James C. and Joanne Broder Sumerson. “Editors’ Introduction: Psychology of Popular
Media Culture.”. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, vol 1, no. 2, 2012, pp. 71-71. American Psychological Association (APA), doi:10.1037/a0028430.
Luce, Henry R. Life. Chicago, Ill.: Time Inc., 1936. Print.
Lynn, Steven J., and Judith W. Rhue. “The fantasy-prone person: Hypnosis, imagination, and
creativity.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 51.2 (1986): 404.
Marshall, P D. Celebrity, and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture. Minneapolis [u.a.: Univ.
Of Minnesota Press, 1997. Print.
Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. New York, 1967. Print.
Robe, Lucy B. Co-starring Famous Women and Alcohol. Minneapolis, Minn: CompCare
Publications, 1986. Print.
Yates, Joyce. Heaven Can I Go. City: West Bow Pr, 2013. Print.
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