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The Story of an Hour
It is good to enjoy life, but the biggest irony is that nobody gets out of life alive. People always spend most of their time downloading music and movies from the internet promoting piracy yet no one would walk to go steal from a mall. Others claim to have a balanced life yet they spend 80% of their lives working and the rest of their time (10%) watching television. This paper will analyze the irony depicted in the Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin where the main character Mrs. Mallard gets to know of her husband’s death from her husband’s best friend and her sister.
Mrs. Mallard was very happy to hear about her husband’s death. Instead of weeping and mourning her husband, she goes to the window and thinks of how she will lead a peaceful life without her husband. She undergoes internal conflicts as she thinks how she will live a lonely life and later on becomes happy after much internalization. She decides to get out her room and unexpectedly she sees her husband walking into the house. Her joy is short-lived, and instead of the husband dying, she falls down and is pronounced dead. Her fate becomes so ironical for she did not die of shock but died due to “joy that kills.” She expected to be at peace without her husband, but it is only at this point of death when she becomes peaceful with her internal conflict (Chopin, 2018).
In conclusion, the Story of an Hour brings out many instances of irony that include Mrs.
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Mallard being happy that her husband died, and instead of the husband dying, she is the one who finally dies. Indeed nobody can run away from his or her fate when its time has come nobody can stop it. The expectation is far much different from reality and vice versa.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Chopin, K. (2018). Kate Chopin’s Short Stories Summary and Analysis of “The Story of an Hour”.Gradesaver . Retrieved from
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