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Intercultural Communicative Competence


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Intercultural communicative competence

In the last 20 years, cultural globalization and marketing of markets have developed by leaps and bounds, which has allowed people from different places, cultures, languages, customs ideas to continually relate through different means, so that education and education and education andMoreover, in his teaching work, he cannot be except for this reality, which is why the teaching of foreign languages since he needs to adopt an approach in which the student not only develops communicative competence but also intercultural competence;In this way byram proposes the teaching of cultural education in which he refers to an intercultural communicative compete.;Gribkova, b. and Starkey, H.,  The cultural speaker/meter develops components such as attitudes, knowledge, skills to interpret and relate, discovery and interaction skills and critical cultural consciousness.

By touching the issue of intercultural communicative competeTheory of Syntax "defines linguistic competence as" system of rules that, internalized by the listener/ speaker make up her verbal knowledge (expression) and allow her to understand an infinite number of linguistic statements (understanding) ", according to this definitionIt is likely that the listener speaker would achieve the use of the language, if he manages to dominate linguistic concepts such as syntaxis, vocabulary, morphology and phonology;These statements caused various reactions among researchers who did not share the framework of generative grammar;One of these researchers was Hymes who refute to linguistic competence saying that:

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There are rules of use without which the grammatical rules would be useless. In the same way that syntactic rules can control aspects of phonology, and semantic rules perhaps control aspects of syntax, the rules of speech acts act as factors that control the linguistic form in their entirety.

That is, for Hymes, Chomsky’s linguistic competence has limitations because it only considers the grammatical component and does not consider the functional and sociolinguistic component so it cannot be accepted in the teaching of foreign languages. Thus proposing communicative competence in 1972, of which he defined as the "ability that the disconte. While this approach is true, apparently, it is more complex in adding linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, pragmatic competition and psycholinguistics;However, according to ISISAG, this approach presents two failures, the first one is that it does not recognize the ties between language and culture, the second is the fact that the saying learns about the other culture does not mean that you understand both cultures, for this it is necessaryThat there is awareness of the culture itself, that is, if the student does not understand or accept their culture, it will not be able to do so with another. In addition, this competition follows the native speaker model which at a certain point is not beneficial because it aims to acquire the language similar to that of the native, this can produce stereotypes and belittle their language and culture.

The cultural intercultural communication competence has as a representative Michael Byram (1999) in his work Language Teachers, Politics and Culture said that the teaching of foreign languages ​​is directly involved with communication, but a communication that is understandable, that is, it is much more than an exchange of information, and send messages; But rather that in these actions the information that is issued will depend on how the listener or reader of another cultural context interpreted, which is focused on establishing and maintaining the relationship by showing the desire and interest of relating using courtesy, considering that concepts From education it varies from one language and culture to another, as an example we have that in countries like Japan the student should not look at the teacher and keep his head bent down during the opposite class would be lack of respect, something that is very different in Our country where if the student does not make contact with the teacher or keeps his head raised, it could be considered as if he does not care or has no interest in the course, these differences could generate conflicts if the components of the intercultural communicative competence that Allows you to maintain a courtesy relationship. These components according to the authors byram, M.;Gribkova, b. and Starkey, H.,  are the following:

The first is the component of attitudes which consists in having curiosity and the open mind by removing all kinds of prejudices about other cultures and their own, what the author defines it as decantre, that is, having the opening and willingness to know theown culture;Values, beliefs and behaviors without assuming that they are the only and correct, to open the way to other cultures thus interacting and interacting with others as Byrom points out according to a mallen appointment ,:

“The student must be able to suspend the lack of credibility and value judgment with respect to the meanings, beliefs and behavior of others, at the same time they must have the will to suspend the belief in their own meanings, behaviors and analyze them from thepoint of view of others;with whom he is interacting "

Second the component of knowledge is another vital factor in the development of intercultural communicative competences because;It seeks to develop knowledge of how social groups and their cultures work through intercultural interaction. The authors emphasize that if the culture, customs, values of the person with whom it will be interacting could then be intended, to better understand and interpret the information of the interlocutor;Although in a classroom the teacher cannot anticipate all the cultural knowledge of their students, since many of them have not had the privilege of experiencing all or some of the cultures that students can find, however the teacher’s workDo not cool only to teach knowledge but also in developing skills and could thus together with students learn about new cultures.

The third component is that of the skills to interpret and relate this refers to the ability to develop the ability to compare, interpret and relate cultures through ideas, documents;Example There are words in other languages that can have another meaning in another language this would lead the student or mediator to misinterpret what is said in the text. But if previously he knows the meaning of this word and the use they give in a certain culture or social group then would be opened to the interpretation and comparison and leaving aside the assumptions and misunderstandings since the explanation would be given based on thecontext of the other culture.

The fourth component is from the discovery and interaction skills that component is basically knowing the authors define it as the ability to acquire knowledge of a cultural culture and practices and the ability to operate knowledge, attitudes and skills under the limitations of real timecommunication and interaction;It is understood that this component develops the ability to seek information on customs, beliefs, behaviors and values to have a broader knowledge of the new culture, to put it into practice through interaction with the interlocutor, providing the mediator to trust andRespect in communication.

The last component is the cultural consciousness, however open, curious and tolerant with other people beliefs, values and behaviors that students are, their own beliefs, values and behaviors are deeply rooted and can create reaction and rejection and rejection. Because of this inevitable response, intercultural interlocutors / mediators must become aware of their own values and how they influence their views on people. Intercultural speakers / mediators need a critical awareness of themselves and their values, as well as those of other people. 

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