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Interim Progress Report – 2


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An interim progress report of the decline in the amount of sales of iPads’
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According to Yagan (2014), Apple’s iPad qualified as the leading and the fastest moving brand by the year 2011. Statistics regarding the same denoted an incessant market share of a whopping 30 percent with 8.9 million units supplied worldwide. However, despite being the most purchased, its shipment declined year to year from 2014 with the IDC quoting that, ‘it is not immune to the shifting dynamics of industry and consumer demand’ (Weinberger 2017, p. 1). This research therefore concludes that the product is swiftly losing its base because customers are shifting focus to more affordable two-in-one hybrid devices that can serve as both tablets and notebooks. The output of the report will come in handy in establishing an enhanced marketing strategy that will see to an increase in sales.
Progress to date
The research has made an impressive progress to this point despite few challenges. To start with, it has completed the project formulation stage where it has identified the components involved. The required inputs are majorly research materials, finances, and other institutions that are already in place. As of 10th February, the research kick started the preliminary data collection which was through the apple’s website as well as the Bureau of Economic Analysis (MBAschool, 2018). These availed amble information that came in handy in the completion of the literature review chapter.

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So far, this work resonates with the study as it outlines the market, customer base, and advertisement as the factors liable for the sales trends.
The research is now well into the data collection and analysis stage where it scrutinizes sales patterns for the past 5 years concluding that up until 2016, the year-over-year growth maintained a devastatingly downward spiral depicting a 165 percent growth in 2011 and a low of -20 in 2017. According to (Doole and Lowe, 2008), a market analysis of the same concludes that people opt for cheaper brands and the previous buyers are holding on to their pieces longer thus no new purchases. Porter’s 5P and SWOT analyses have come in handy in identifying the brand parameters, and internal features like advertisement (Gelman & Hill 2006).. The methodology and the analysis steps are underway and entail the use of T-tests to establish variable relationship and the normality test to establish the level of bias in the samples used.
The finding and conclusion stages are scheduled to be conducted from 26 February to 3rd march after which the final copy will be submitted to the board.
A grant chart of the expected progress in relation to the set progress
Project activity 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
introduction Problem statement Literature review methodology Analysis Findings Recommendations conclusions Final submission
Actual progress
Project activity 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60
introduction Problem statement Literature review methodology Analysis Findings – Recommendations conclusions Final submission Problems encountered
The prime challenge that we have encountered so far regards financing. Login into the sites to analyze the available data requires extensive use of Wi-Fi that is substantially costly. The purchase of mathematical items required in these quantitative analyses also calls for a huge chunk of money that we currently lack. On the other hand, most data sources are barely reliable seeing as they only offer theoretical work as opposed to actual figures. In most cases also, the research relies on estimations deducted from the graph work available on most materials. Due to this, compilation of the literature review is excessively challenging (Kraemer, Linden & Dedrick 2011). Another challenge regards time and its lack thereof. Such an extensive research requires maximum attention that I may not offer mostly due to work commitments.
Actions taken to solve problems
To solve the financial problem, the research has indulged some stakeholders like Apple management who vows to fund the course in exchange with the recommended action plan. As regards data inaccuracy, the study decides to settle for the confidence test that determines the error margin. To solve the unavailability test, the research opted to involve a partner who would carry on in my absence. This will simplify data transverse by conducting a phased analysis.
Conclusively, I would like to affirm that indeed, the study goes on as anticipated and as planned. Regardless of the voluminous data that we have had to gather and process, we have managed to establish and back a rationale for the program. Indeed, the iPad, despite being exceptional, faces competition from other cheaper brands because it is costly and lacks the basic features thus being less desirable (Assmus, Farley, & Lehmann, 1984). The completed version of the research outlines such remedies that will come in handy in reversing the current downward spiral.
Assmus, G., Farley, J.U. and Lehmann, D.R., (1984). How advertising affects sales: Meta-analysis of econometric results. Journal of Marketing Research, pp.65-74.
Doole, I., & Lowe, R. (2008). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation. London: Cengage Learning.
Gelman, A. and Hill, J., (2006). Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models. Cambridge university press.
Gong, Y, (2013). Global operations strategy: fundamentals and practice. Heidelberg: Springer.
Kraemer, K.L., Linden, G. and Dedrick, J., (2011). Capturing value in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad and iPhone. University of California, Irvine, University of California, Berkeley, y Syracuse University, NY. http://pcic. merage. uci. edu/papers/2011/value_iPad_iPhone. pdf. Consultado el, 15.
BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 MBAschool. (2018, January 1). Apple iPad2 SWOT analysis, USP and competitors. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from https://www.mbaskool.com/brandguide/consumer-electronics/579-apple-ipad2.html
Stark, J., (2015). Product lifecycle management. In Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1) (pp. 1-29). Springer, Cham.
Weinberger, M. (2017, January 31). Apple’s iPad business is experienceing major shrinkage. Business Insider , p. 1.
Yagan, D. (2014). Supply vs. Demand under an Affirmative Action Ban: Estimates from UC Law Schools. doi:10.3386/w20361

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