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Is Child Obesity a Reflection of Parental Negligence?


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Child Obesity in Reflection to Parental Negligence
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Child Obesity in Reflection to Parental Negligence
Danese, A., & Tan, M. (2014). Childhood maltreatment and obesity: systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular psychiatry, 19(5), 544.
The author’s point of view was to show how children being mistreated by parents get to be obese in their childhood or even later in their adulthood. Sexual abuse by parents keeps a child stressed up and also develop psychological disorders which then become factors to obesity. The systematic review is relevant through the research in the field where adults who have lived their lives being obese explains how they were mistreated when they were children. There is plenty information in the article that I will use in my research. It gives insights that stress can lead to obesity through elements of weight management during prenatal care. Today’s population is experiencing such aspects which I want to study.
Gibson, L. Y., Allen, K. L., Byrne, S. M., Clark, K., Blair, E., Davis, E., & Zubrick, S. R. (2016). Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Maternal and Family Factors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(11), 3236-3246.
The research on how maternal and family factors can lead to child overweight and obesity indicates that there is a relationship between maternal weight during pregnancy of the mother and the weight of the current grown child. There is evidence through some research that families with parents who were initially overweight that the child will grow to be obese.

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Families with one parent are the vulnerable group for a child to be obese. The author seconds Mech, Hooley, Skouteris, & Williams that low social class has led to parents neglecting a healthy life for their children. Low social, economic status has been brought clear it is the leading cause of childhood obesity. The insights of the authors are significant to my study as it enumerates the statuses that I need to consider important in my study. I need to incorporate these disparities in my interaction with respondents.
Hohwü, L., Zhu, J. L., Graversen, L., Li, J., Sørensen, T. I., & Obel, C. (2015). Prenatal parental separation and body weight, including the development of overweight and obesity later in childhood. PLoS One, 10(3), e0119138.
The editorial from the article prenatal parental separation and body weight in childhood describes how parents who separate from each other when the mother is pregnant has caused obesity in the offspring. The author states how separation causes stress which changes hormones causing imbalances which result in an obese offspring. The information was accurate since the research was done on offspring from a couple of families and a single mother. The choice of this book is relevant to my study since there is a gap that the government and parents should manage to prevent cases of obesity in offspring which later becomes a burden to their lives. Therefore, it will help in the study in choosing the intended audience of the study. They include healthcare personnel, the parents and also psychologist who may help in managing stress in pregnant women.
Mech, P., Hooley, M., Skouteris, H., & Williams, J. (2016). Parent‐related mechanisms underlying the social gradient of childhood overweight and obesity: a systematic review. Child: care, health, and development, 42(5), 603-624.
The author identifies three reasons for child obesity which have been influenced by parent’s negligence to their children. Low social, economic status, cultural influences and social influences are the principal causes of child obesity. In high-income countries which are the developed countries, people who live in low social classes have their children at risk of overweight and obesity. Giving the child what is just available has led to bad eating habits which are not healthy. Fast foods can be acquired quickly and are cheaper compared to other food children are fed on the fast foods, and this develops a condition of obesity. I believe the information given by the author forms a cornerstone of my study. I have realized the contribution of parents to child obesity is led by what they borrow from colleagues. The parent of a child giving fast food because the workmate’s child is packed fast food for lunch has greatly increased obesity in children. The insights on such behavior will help to study on impact of fact foods. Since fast food has been accepted to be consumed in school setups, parent takes without considerations of what it may cause. The research has enlightened on the measures to improve foods consumed.
Danese, A., & Tan, M. (2014). Childhood maltreatment and obesity: systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular psychiatry, 19(5), 544.
Gibson, L. Y., Allen, K. L., Byrne, S. M., Clark, K., Blair, E., Davis, E., & Zubrick, S. R. (2016). Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Maternal and Family Factors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(11), 3236-3246.
Hohwü, L., Zhu, J. L., Graversen, L., Li, J., Sørensen, T. I., & Obel, C. (2015). Prenatal parental separation and body weight, including development of overweight and obesity later in childhood. PLoS One, 10(3), e0119138.
Mech, P., Hooley, M., Skouteris, H., & Williams, J. (2016). Parent‐related mechanisms underlying the social gradient of childhood overweight and obesity: a systematic review. Child: care, health and development, 42(5), 603-624.

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