Is God active in the World today
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Response 1
Indeed, natural disasters and other calamities such as wildfires, tornados, and hurricanes are a clear manifestation of God on earth. These occurrences are there to serve as a warning to the straying public. And most of all, it is a sign of the coming to an end. The return of Jesus (the judgment hour). Through prophecy, God points that natural calamities would rise in number and intensity as the end of time approaches (Mathew 24:7; Revelation 6:12; Luke 21:25-26). The Bible further says that all the natural calamities that we are seeing today should not scare us. Instead they should humble us to seek His kingdom. They are just meant to shake people of their complacency and adhere to the provisions of His word. Overall, both the good and bad that happens in the world are a clear presence of a superior power.
Response 2
Prayer is another clear indication of God’s presence in the world today. Prayer is a way of communication between mortals and God. Prayer bestows hope and faith in people that God is privy to whatever they might be going through. “When You said ‘Seek My face,’ My heart said to You, ‘Your face, LORD, I will seek’” (Psalm 27:8). In short, prayer helps people partner with God and seek for His presence for both personal and group gains. The fact that many people still resort to prayer in all circumstances (both bad and good) is a clear indication of the Lord’s omnipresence in the world.
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In this tumultuous time filled with immorality (incest and gay relationships), it is our Lord that gives us the necessary push through prayer to differentiate between the bad and good. In short, prayer and most of all human faith is indeed a clear indication of God’s presence in the world.
Response 3
Indeed, love is a powerful gift given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. In the present world that is filled with hateful and negative natural occurrences, people have forgotten the little good deeds that define humanity. For instance, in the wails of pain, death, and turmoil in Syria. The displacement of people and destruction of property, it is rather easy to be consumed by negative vibes. But out of all these bad and deadly calamities, God’s powerful gift of love appears. The humanitarian aid that is accorded to the victims of natural calamities is nothing short of the utmost manifestation of God’s love. As the saying goes, “wherever love is, God Himself is there.” In other words, God’s love is always there even in times of hardship and pain, and it manifests itself through the little good deeds that people do in such times.
Response 4
Indeed, the testimony of the North Korean gentleman is a clear indication that through miracles, God is always in our presence. For centuries, miracles have been a way of showing God’s might and power. They also show God’s presence. The raising of the dead that Jesus did three times, in addition to His own resurrection, are some of the examples of the miracles facilitated by God in the ancient times (Luke 7: 11-17; 8:49-56; John 11:38-44). Today, miracles happen to us in many ways. People survive for days buried in building rubble that result from earthquakes. It is also common for people to walk out of hospital completely healed after spending several months in the ICU. In short, the miracles that we see, as small as they might be, are a clear a clear indication o God’s presence in the world today.
ADDIN Mendeley Bibliography CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Bible. 2011. “Holy Bible, New International Version.” Biblica, Inc. 2011. Corinthians 12:12-31.
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