Is Parental Involvement in Education Critical for Student achievement?
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According to Tyson & Hill (2009), there is a positive relationship between parental involvement in middle school learners and achievement in school. Parents help their children with homework. Parents relating to their children in education bridge the demographic gap in achievement and maximizes the potential of students. Parents increase their children’s level of accountability and communication between their teachers and families. Involving parents in schoolwork helps realize hidden potential, talents, educational attainment, and confidence. Parents advise their children on increasing their efficacy and improve their cognitive abilities. The parents help their children the basics in various works as they review work done in school. Many parents interested in the performance of their children at school, provide materials that will engage their children intellectually and improve their structure at home to monitor and check the homework.
Cheung & Pomerantz (2015), report that a negative relationship between parental involvements in children learning. The parent’s qualifications in education, level of income, belief in education and societal influence strongly affect the level of support given at home. Lower income families have little money to provide appropriate materials at home such as enough lighting and time for their children. Thus, it is impossible for poor homes to support their children at home, which leads to poor performance.
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Higher income homes can discuss school proceedings at home, programs, their participation in school activities and check homework. They have the knowledge to limit TV time when to go out and to volunteer at school events. Such parents realize the importance of attending school meetings.
The social class of the family, level of education, and material deprivation influence parental involvement in education. The interest of parents towards their education at home shapes the outcome of their pupils at the school. Parents providing a proper environment for learning at home, encourage their children to read, visit the library, play with numbers, paint, draw figures, teaching the alphabet, nursery rhymes and singing, encourage children to learn and sharpen their intelligence which, results in higher grades at school. The increased cooperation levels lower upsetting and anti-social behavior at school thus increasing school performance.
Hill, N., Tyson, D. (2009). Parental involvement in middle school: A meta-analysis assessment of the strategies that promote achievement. Development psychology, 45(3), 740-763.
Cheung, C., &Pomerantz, E. (2015). Value Development Underlies the Benefits of Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Learning: A Longitudinal Investigation in the United States and China.Journal of educational psychology,107(1),309-320.
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