Is the United States really a nation of immigrants?
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United States as a Nation of Immigrants
The question of whether the United States is a nation of immigrants sparks different view from different people. However, I tend to consider the United States to be a nation of Immigrants. One of the reasons is that the United States has a green card program where citizens of different origin are allowed to apply for it so as to reside and work in the United States. The green card program is conducted each year and successful participants of the lottery are allowed to live in the United States. This is contrary to most nations that only allow such case only when one is seeking asylum. It is estimated that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (U.N.C.I.S) receives almost 6 million immigration application in each year (“US Immigration”, n.p). This statistics is a clear indicator that the United States is a nation of Immigrants.
Another reason is that when the United States was established there were no regulations on immigration and people across the globe were allowed to reside in the United States. As a result, the United States has people of different origin as American citizens. According to the Bureau of Census and Statistics, the Native-Americans account for 2% of the population in the United States while the 98% is made up of immigrants of different origin (US Census Bureau, n.p). That being the case, it is indeed correct to argue that the United States is a nation of immigrants.
Wait! Is the United States really a nation of immigrants? paper is just an example!
The United States has a problem with illegal immigrants. There are about 11.3 illegal immigrants in the United States (Mary, n.p). Mexicans top the list of the illegal immigrants who sneak into the United States in search for better jobs opportunities. Therefore, it is right to conclude that the United States is a nation of immigrants.
Mary Jo Dudley. “Why Care About Undocumented Immigrants? For One Thing, They’ve Become Vital to Key Sectors of the US Economy.” The Conversation, 25 June 2018,
US Census Bureau. “FFF: American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month: November 2014.”, 12 Nov. 2014,
US Immigration. “How Many Immigration Applications Are Filed Each Year?” US Naturalization and Immigration, Citizenship Application, US Visas,
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