Islam Coursework Example
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Religion is a belief in the existence and the adherence to the rules, norms, and regulations set by the Supreme being. There various types of religions in the world today the most common are the Muslim religion, Christianity, and Hindu religion. This paper shall look at the factors and some of the dynamics of the Muslim religion. This religion is one of the vastest religions in the world with large number faithful followers it is the second largest of the world religions.
The Quran is a holy book with words of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibril. Hadiths are actions, commands, and sayings of prophet Muhammad that aid Islams to live a holy life. Sunna is deeds of prophet Muhammad that the faithful should look up to. According to Esposito, J. L. (2016) Muhammad did not consider Islam as a new religion because he compares it to many other religions that he says they have a lot of similarities. The Quranic universe was created in six days and with a logical order. In a verse in the Quran, it relates the creation with the character traits that Muslims should have. Based on the Universe created the Islamic community should relate the heavens and earth assign for the believers. The animals on earth are for those who are assured of faith and when Allah sends signs from the skies and alters with the flow of the winds are signs of the wise. The Golden Age of Islams is the period when prophet Muhammad was alive. This was the era when Muslims could get direct guidance from their prophet because he was physically present with them.
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Islam manifested itself to the west in a more aggressive way, prophet Muhammad while trying to reach out to the west he severally attacked those who opposed him, He is renowned by most western countries in using warfare to western countries. In the period of America’s beginning majority of the Muslims were brought in as slaves. They had a hard time to be accepted in the American society with very few people advocating for them but at the end of the day, they were accepted as ordinary Americans.
The Muslim religion has had its drawbacks in most societies that it is not prevalent. The Muslims have been viewed by most societies that they venture into as radicals and terrorists. But, this aspect is changing and it is slowly being washed away by the civilization of the human race. In communities where they were not given any chances to fully express themselves fully, they currently are full members of those communities some have even taken up leadership positions. This is a clear sign of human development.
ReferenceEsposito, J. L. (2016). Islam: The straight path (Vol. 4). Oxford University Press.
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