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What is the problem/issue addressed in the paper? In other words, what does the author cite as the purpose of the study or what is the author trying to find out?
The paper address juvenile crime in relation to age, transport availability, geographical understanding, and the level of commitment, which hinder their operations. The author also tries to establish the relationship between parental commitment and juvenile development.
Summarize the author’s review of the related literature.
Daily activities carried out by juveniles enhance the cognitive ability of their environment and assist in developing crime maps. By performing repetitive activities, the knowledge of the surrounding environment improves and so does their ability to identify easy target spots. Understanding their environment help in marking out zones with high probability to commit crime effectively. The distance traveled depend on the readiness of criminal opportunities. High crime activities revolve around a juvenile’s home and the school they attend. The home area represents the spot where a high concentration of crime takes place owing to the knowledge of the environment. The distance traveled to commit crime increases with increasing age and is dependent on gender where female juveniles travel longer distances. The quantity of loot reward depends on the possession of driving skills and a broader understanding of a wider geographical area.
What is the specific research question/questions?
The main research question was what relationship existed between the distance a juvenile traveled and the crime committed at that particular location.
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Another question was the relationship between crime clusters and the environment where these clusters exist.
Is this a quantitative study or qualitative or mixed method? How do you know?
This was a qualitative study because it follows an exploratory technique to improve insight into juvenile crime. The method used to gather information was observations, which assist to gain more knowledge on the issue addressed.
What dataset (or datasets) does the author use? Who is being studied? What mechanism is used to collect the data? When was the data collected? Where did the study take place? Why was this data set chosen? How much data was collected?
The author uses a numerical dataset of about 200,000 participants (Drawve et al. 4). The study focusses on juvenile activity about distance traveled and the clustered hotspots. The methods used include observations and analyzing documents and records from the arrest data. The data was collected was collected during juvenile arrests. The study took place at Little Rock, Arkansas. The dataset was chosen because of the high cases of juvenile crime in the region. The data collected over a period of five years was two thousand, seven hundred and thirty-eight cases of juvenile crime.
What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the dataset?
The strengths of the dataset included providing relevant details on the suspects such as incident and home address as well as the crime type. However, the data did not include the arrest location. It also eliminated the home addresses located outside of Little Rock. The data also had limitations, as the identity of a suspect home could not be identified. This was because a suspect could fabricate their addresses.
What are the major results and important findings of the study? (Be sure to address the research question.)
The research was able to offer insight into what motivated juveniles to travel to a certain location to commit a crime. This was because of the availability of opportunities in the location and the nature of the crime. The clusters were found in areas with high opportunities for criminal activities.
What are the author’s main conclusions?
The author’s main conclusion was that the environments that juveniles were found were highly associated with their criminal activities. The opportunities for crime available in the different activity spaces supported the theory linking routine activities to the cognitive mapping of crime hotspots.
How would this study be useful for criminal justice professionals? What policies could be informed or changed as a result of this study? (correctional officers, probation/parole officers, judges, law enforcement agents or lawyers)
The research would assist criminal justice professionals by providing knowledge on where to focus their search for juveniles and to assist them in forming a mapping system to monitor their movements. The research also adds insight into the process of juvenile hotspot identification and the role played by parental negligence in encouraging young children to turn to crime. The law enforcement agents’ policies could be informed by the results of the study by adding more knowledge to the existing one on juvenile behavior.
Work cited
Drawve, Grant, Jeffery T. Walker, and Marcus Felson. “Juvenile offenders: an examination of distance-to-crime and crime clusters.” Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42.2 (2015): 122-133.
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