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James Hunter Leadership Book Essay


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James Hunter leadership book essay

  This book is a relevant text that deepens a clear leadership prototype based on the vocation of service, from different experiences and perspectives that have lived different people with respect to their academic and labor formations.

One of the substantial and necessary concepts of which will be discussed in this writing, is the leadership based on the different appreciations of thinkers that will clarify the conception of this term.

Leadership according to James Hunter, is the "art of influencing people to work with enthusiasm in achieving objectives for the common good".  

The quality of leadership, in the police is necessary to be able to direct a group of people in an adequate and adequate way, through the ability to influence the superiors towards the subordinates, that is: this influence that invites the contribution, forpower through motivations and teachings or examples to reach a desired objective.

According to the definition of Lupano and Castro "leadership is fundamentally an attributive process resulting from a process of social perception, the essence of the same being perceived as leader by others".

To acquire leadership, series of qualities that lead to adequate behavior, which serve to predominate in people’s behaviors or transform them to achieve a purpose to achieve a purpose to achieve a purpose. A leader must stand out for being exemplary, helpful, respectful and tolerant;being the result of a method of social perception the essence of it, being perceived as a great leader by the others.

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“Leadership is a highly interactive and shared process, in this the members of all teams develop skills in the same process;It implies establishing an address, vision and strategies to reach a goal, aligning people and at the same time motivating them ”.   

In order to lead a staff at the National Police institution, it is considered under the main courtship or servitude foundation, because this is one that allows a person with the role of leader to meet the basic needs of the worker;The good leader must know how to listen, give solutions and many times placed the shoes of others to be able.

At present in the social and police sphere, classic leadership is applied, which contains two important terms within it such as authority and power, these are applied to be able to guide groups of people for an essential purpose.

According to the book, the introvert leader, makes us known four main categories of challenges that leaders find at work. these are:

  • Stress: excess work, physical symptoms, social exhaustion.
  • Perception gaps: negative impressions, lack of tempering
  • Professional deviations: Walk, ignore contacts
  • Invisibility: lost opportunities, ideas not heard, loss of personal power (Kahnweiler, 2009)

These conditions are a clear example to be able to counteract or avoid unfavorable personal situations, since, if it is allowed to influence them, the police officer will be reflected as a bad example to follow and his work team will fall and breach the challenges torealize.

It should be taken into account that authority, "is the art of ensuring that people voluntarily do what you want due to your personal influence". 

The authority in the police field is the skill that an officer possesses, in order to have an impact on his work team and achieve that they freely carry out their work, under the criteria of mission and institutional vision.

Authority together with leadership are components that are acquired through proper use of power;They are the result of qualities, capacities and values that as a minimum should be. The authority is formed every day and molds with respect to the moments of difficulty to strengthen the company.

We can know that power is the ability to force or coerce someone, so that it, even if it prefers not to exercise it, do its will due to your position or your strength. 

Power is the ability for a leader to impose firmness and force a work team to perform certain actions for a common good, depending on its position or degree in execution;That medium control is what is called power.

Through leadership, power can be used in order to punish staff;This power must be used only at eventual moments in order to restructure critical situations in a company or institution.

There is a connection between power and leadership, power constitutes a means to obtain subordination and leadership is a system of influence on the behavior of others.

Power according to D. M. Wrong, studies and classifies the different exercise modalities according to the diversity of its foundations. To make its power effective, an individual or group can appeal to fears, physical sanctions, to the exercise of persuasion, manipulation or commitment that non-powerful have with the ‘feeling of duty’. Depending on its bases, Wrong distinguishes the relationships that are asymmetric from which they demand reciprocity. Among the first are strength and manipulation;within the second persuasion and authority.

There is a question today, due to the mode of command of a National Police officer or head of a group, since leadership and power are two systems that are carried out according to the personality of the person who exercises command to acquire benefit orfulfill an objective at the institutional level;Do you consider that leadership is necessary or the officers can stay as bosses?

It should be taken into account that to direct, five levels of basic needs must be met according to the Maslow Pyramid, this will obtain a good result in the workplace;This structure determines:

  • Food, water, coat
  • Security, protection
  • Love
  • self – esteem and personal fulfillment

It can be established that leadership through personal fulfillment is not based on obtaining titles or courses that help him be the best of all;This term is based on the study and knowledge, which has a leader in order for people who occupy work positions, can be given as a reason or inspiration to obtain beneficiary results. For this reason, the leadership of the authority must be implemented because this is the best way for a working group to flow from that of an excellent way. We must remember that we must not put aside power, because there are critical or difficult moments in which we incur to apply it, in order to redirect and be able to meet the objective to which one wants to reach 

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