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Jesus shows through his teachings the importance of ‘Love’


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Give a full explanation of the different types of love. (KU 20.) ……………………………………..4-6
2.  Relate and give the meaning of a parable which demonstrates love as a way or caring. (KU 10.) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………7-8
3. Assess the work of an agency, group or individual involved in charitable service. (I 25) …9-11
4. Assess the importance of love for this
(a) Husband and Wife;
(b) Children……………………………………………………………………………………………………….12-16
5. What do you think should be the Christian’s response in showing gratitude for God’s love? (JPR 10.) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17-18
6. Today’s church is not doing all that it can do to follow Jesus’ teaching of ‘loving the neighbor as oneself’. Discuss. (JPR 10.) …………………………………………………………………………………….19-20

References ……………………………………………………………………………………….22
The scriptures advice believers to love each other regardless of our differences. There are various approaches that one can use to show love to others with the form common types of love being Agape, Philos, Eros, and Storge.

Wait! Jesus shows through his teachings the importance of ‘Love’ paper is just an example!

In his quest to prove the value of showing affection in the form of sharing what we have through the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. Humans can show love to each other by participating in charitable events with the sole intention of helping the needy, the elderly and the disabled in the society. The aspect of love starts with showing affection to those who we interact with each day. Christians should start by showing love to their close family members before extending the love to others. This essay explores the meaning of love, the different types of love, the importance of showing affection to others and ways in which believers can appreciate God’s love.
Question #1 Jesus shows through his teachings the importance of ‘Love.’ Assess its importance
for today.
Give a full explanation of the different types of love. (KU 20.)
“Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
What is love? We use the word to describe a multitude of emotions. Google defines love
as “an intense feeling of deep affection.” We can love anything from people to books. We can
Even love people in different ways. While in English the word love is all-encompassing, the
ancient Greeks separated love into four categories: Agape, Philos, Eros, and Storge which
described the different types of love.
Agape is the love bestowed by God to all humanity. It is perfect, unchanging and constant, just as God is. The above is shown in Malachi chapter three verse six of the Bible. It is extended to us, all who were before, and all who will be after us, shown in first John, chapter four verse eight. Hebrews chapter twelve, verse eight states, “God is treating you all like sons.” God’s love is nurturing; as an earthly father loves his children; God loves us the same way. It is given to us because God cares for us and is concerned with our welfare. First Timothy chapter two, verse four “who [God] desires for all people to be saved…” shows this. Agape love is extended to us regardless of if we deserve it. His affection is constant. It is manifested in Jesus Christ, His son, and is God’s gift to all humanity, which is stated in John chapter three, verse sixteen.
Philos love occurs between humans. It is most commonly called philia, which is a Greek
word which when translated to English means “brotherly love.” Brotherly love is the love
that exists between brothers or siblings, but can also exist between friends. Nelson’s New
Illustrated Bible Dictionary states that philia is an “impulsive love,” which means it is done
without deliberate thought and is not premeditated. Philos is the love between friends, and it is
possible to love more than one friend at the same time. Jesus encourages Philos love when He
says to dwell in fellowship with one another as brothers and sisters. 
The third type of love, eros “refers to the romantic love that has tremendous passion,
physical longing, deep intensity, and intimacy,” as defined by cyberparent.com. It is the love that
exists between a couple. This type of love is often confused with lust. To lust is to only “have a
strong sexual desire for someone,” as defined by Google. The difference between this and love is
that to love someone is to be interested in the relationship as a whole, including sex. But with lust, the interest is only focused on sex. Eros love should not be practiced outside of a marriage,
or else it becomes adultery which is forbidden by God in the Seventh Commandment. Eros love
was meant to strengthen the bond between a married couple and make them emotionally and physically closer as said by gotquestions.org.
Storge love is love for material objects or inanimate objects. The love of worldly things is
discouraged in the Bible, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world [material
things], but lose your soul?” Material things here are seen as meaningless in comparison to a soul. Loving possessions such as clothes and electronics is normal, but when it is excessive, it
becomes storge love. Storge love is one-sided, in the sense that though you may love objects, they cannot love you back. Storge love has no long-term benefits, as material things don’t last
forever. Storge can also refer to the love of wisdom. That can be a good thing because the Bible
also encourages a love of knowledge. Knowledge is supreme; therefore, get wisdom says Proverbs. From the above, not all storge love is depraved for us. Love encompasses a wide range of emotions. Altogether, love is the affection and caring for another. It is an essential part of us as human beings and is the very being of God above.
Question #2
Relate and give the meaning of a parable which demonstrates love as a way or caring. (KU 10.)
Whenever someone asked Jesus which of God’s commandments was the most important, Jesus said these two are the most important of all: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself.”
“Love” can mean many different things, but the “Christian love” that Jesus talked about means treating others with kindness and respect and helping them when they need it. It is the kind of love we do instead of the type of love we feel.
The parable that I am going to talk about is “The Rich Man and Lazarus.” In the parable
of the “The Rich Man and Lazarus,” there was a rich man that wore purple and fine linen. There
also was a bigger named Lazarus. Lazarus ate crumbs from the rich man’s table, and the dogs
came and licked his sores. It so happened that the beggar died and was carried up to heaven by
angels. The rich man also died and was sent to hell. While he was in hell, he looked up and saw
Abraham and Lazarus was with him. He then asked Abraham if Lazarus could dip his finger in some water and bring it to him. Abraham told the rich man that when you were on earth, you had
everything and Lazarus didn’t and now you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and
you a great chasm has been set in place so that those who want to go from here to you cannot,
neither can anyone cross over from there to us. The Rich man then asked if Lazarus could warn
his five brothers so that they will not go to hell. Abraham Replied that his brothers had Moses
and The Prophets and if they do not listen to them then they will not listen to a man that had
risen from the dead.
This parable says that God blesses us with everything we have. Some people
are more fortunate than others, and it is only fair that we share with those who cannot help
themselves. When we bless other people, God becomes pleased with us and bestows us more.
Helping others was something The Rich Man did not know how to do. He thought he was
guaranteed a place in heaven because of his physical relationship with Abraham. And, instead of
repenting of his sins, The Rich man neglected the fact that he could have helped Lazarus. He realized when it was too late and wanted to help his brothers change their ways so they will not have to come to a place like hell. Considering the word of God can help you to escape hell. The rich man had not done so; for his brothers, it would be their only hope. If God’s word doesn’t move you to repentance, a miracle won’t either.
I can relate to a story. I have a neighbor, and her husband had died. He was the sole
breadwinner in the family. She was suffering to pay her bills and buy her children’s school
supplies. We felt bad for her, so my mother decided to help her out. We had extra supplies, so we
gave her some of the materials that we didn’t use. We also helped to raise money to help her pay
her mortgage and her bills. We invited her to go to church with us so that she can know that God
is always here with her and he never leads you astray.
After going to church with us, she started searching for a job and received one at a private
bank. She was very educated and had all the requirements. She Was Very grateful and
thanked God every day. Any function the church had she would be there. Every day she thanks
us and tells us she is very appreciative and didn’t know what she would have done if we had not
helped her in her time of need.
Question #3
Assess the work of an agency, group or individual involved in charitable service. (I 25)
“If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.”
The word ‘charity’ means generosity in giving something to the needy out of loving
kindness towards them, and a charitable organization is an institution with funds to help the needy. Here in the Bahamas, we have a different of organizations that cater to the needy such
as The Red Cross, Salvation Army, Ride for Hope Bahamas and Great Commission, etc. Many individuals in the Bahamas face great economic hardship. Fortunately, we have such an institution who are doing all they can to assist and meet their need. My research focused on services of Great Commission Ministries and how they help the less fortunate. To accomplish this goal, I will interview with a representative from the Great Commission and based on what is said I will present a critical analysis of their efforts.
I’ve shared the pleasure with interviewing a spiritual individual currently employed as
an office manager of a well establishese an organization for the people. Great Commission Ministries International (GCMI) is a global, non-profit, non-governmental organization, whose mission is to bring reconciliation, restoration, and hope for persons affected by poverty, crime, drug abuse, and broken relationships. Greater Commission Building is presently located in The Erma Miller Centre, 16 Wulff Road, this great institution has been established since 1987 and has been around for thirty-two (32) years to assist poor, needy and homeless men, women and children. Members of the Board of Directors are the Founder, Bishop Walter S. Hanchell, who serves as President; Rev. Tejado Hanchell, Vice President. Some of the charities services given are:
Feeding Centers; that provide daily meals for the poor and elderly
“Save the Children” Club Ministry; age 5-8 every Saturday for ages 5-19
Hope House; Drug Rehabilitation ProgrammeComputer Lab; 15- station internet ready
Community Academy; a training and development resource center offering courses in evangelism, missions, leadership development, parenting and family values
Homeless Shelters; for Men, Women, and Children
Empowerment Centre
Anger Management Classes
Home-Work and Reading Centre
Course in Parenting, Computer Skills
Leadership Development and Missions
It takes much to assist these people in need, therefore according to Mrs. Bethel they receive
assistance from Government and private companies (such as BTC) who gives regular and yearly
grant. I still feel that this is not enough because of a lot of Bahamians as well as outsiders are struggling and one in great financial needs. And this institution can only do so much
even according to Mrs. Bethel they do not turn anyone away so imagine the number of people
they have to deal with. I sincerely think that we as Bahamians need to come together to assist
such efforts so our brothers and sisters’ needs can be met. Daily we are driven to assist the whole
man, both religiously and socially because the Father gives us the mandate to care and show compassion for the needy. I feel that the institution is doing a great job because based on the various programs and services; they feed the whole man spiritually and; socially. But Mrs.
Bethel said that there is still room for improvement by the people of the Bahamas by giving more
funds to this institution. I asked the question do you think our economy is responsible for the
increased needs of our people. She answered by saying yes, somewhat because of the loss of jobs
and a number of them coming for help. And I think this is a thoughtful organization that doesn’t care how low they get God always comes through. The job comes with understanding, and the
company does the most for the public and receives less recognition. I am satisfied with the
response of the people who we have assisted. No interminable process to get services and they may just be asked a few questions, and they help them with services. If you are turned down by an organization, you can be supported here at the Great Commission. I feel as if this institution is
incredible and I would like to open my charitable organization. Mrs. Bethel said that she
does not agree with the question asked, “Because Salvation is to come first then financial needs
if we get it right then we won’t need financial needs.” Having Salvation and a relationship with
God we won’t have a problem with financial needs. Financial contributions are not the greatest
need for people in the Bahamas, and having Salvation and getting to know God we would not
have to worry about the grants.
Question #4
Assess the importance of love for this
(a) Husband and Wife;
(b) Children
I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing two (2) happily married individuals, that both shared an informative, exciting conversation. Mrs. Bowe grants me the privilege to conduct an interview September 6th, 2018 and Mr. & Mrs. Rolle on September 7th, 2018 warmly welcome me to have a chat to learn what they believe made them successful.
Husband and Wife’s Questionnaire
Couple #1
Good day, I’m a prove eleven (11) grade student of The Bahamas Academy School. My interest today is finding out the importance of love in marriages. I would appreciate an interview to learn from a spiritually successful, mother, father, wife, and husband such as yourself to complete my research.
1. Surname of couple
 2. How long were you together/married?
 Married five years 
 3. Can a marriage last happily without love? 
No, all relationship needs love, care, and nourishment. That doesn’t mean that the occasional dry spell which is common in relationships especially with life changes signifies that the couples no longer are in love or suitable to be together
4. What are some things that attract you to each other? 
Appearance, personality, sense of humor, supportive attitude, shared goals, etc.  
5. What is your definition of a healthy marriage relationship?
 A union where both individuals share a common bond, respect each other and live as one unit. A healthy marriage should incorporate love, intimacy, spiritual, moral and financial support.   
6. Do you think wives need more love than husbands? 
Realistically they do.  Women are more emotional than men and need more attention as well as affection than their husbands.   The greatest need of a man is respect.  Once he is respected and attended to he is satisfied.   
 7. Do you think that showing love and affection for a spouse is the best way to demonstrate love?   
The Bible admonishes us to love each other just as God loves us.  In the end, Love conquers all.   If a couple does not have material wealth once they should love each other, they will survive.  
 8. If a husband does not love his wife is he going against God’s law?   
Ephesians 5:25-27 clearly states that husbands should love their wives like Christ love for the church.   The love Christ demonstrated for his church was indefinite during his time on earth.  He sacrificed his life for it.  If husbands failed to abide by God’s instruction they would undoubtedly disobey his commands. 
9. Do you think if husbands and wives commit and remain faithful to each other we will have a better society?
I believe that marriage is the foundation of a successful family.   Individuals who love, respect and commit to each other eventually raise successful children who are the root of a good society.   The children who know the right morals and values become good healthy citizens.  These citizens contribute to the country and its economy as well.  A good relationship between married couples is the bedrock of a good society. 
Husband and Wife’s Questionnaire
Couple #2
1. Surname of couple
2. How long were you together/married?
Nine (9) years of marriage
3. Can a marriage last happily without love?
No, I don’t think marriage would last happily without love because love is the foundation of a relationship.
4. What are some things that attract you to each other?
Some of the things that attract me most to my husband were the way he communicates, his patient and understanding.
5. What is your definition of a healthy marriage relationship?
A healthy marriage relationship is built on loving and respecting each other.
6. Do you think wives need more love than husbands?
No wives should not need more love than their husbands.
7. Do you think that showing love and affection for a spouse is the best way to demonstrate love?
Yes, showing love and affection is the best way because love is an action word.
8. If a husband does not love his wife is he going against God’s law?
Yes, he is going against God’s law as the Bible say husbands ought to love their wives as Christ loves the church.
9. Do you think if husbands and wives commit and remain faithful to each other we will have a better society?
Yes, indeed we will have a better society.
Assess the importance of love for this
Siblings Questionnaire (Pending)
1. Surname of family
2. How old are you?
3. Why does a child need love and affection?
4. Do you think a parent’s affection shape’s a child’s happiness for life?
5. Do mothers have a stronger bond with their children than fathers do?
6. Are loving parents likely to produce loving children?
7. Is it essential for you to see love in action between parents?
8. Should the love between parents be higher than their love for children?
9. Is loving your sibling important as loving your parents?
10. Does loving your parents and siblings input the way you feel about friends and other people?
Question #5
What do you think should be the Christian’s response in showing gratitude for God’s love? (JPR 10.)
Rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. —Colossians 2:7
According to the Webster Dictionary gratitude is best defined as the quality of being thankful or readiness to show appreciation for and to return the kindness. Giving thanks to God or showing your gratitude as an obedient religious person proved that you have faith and a strong belief in God. There are lots of things and God’s blessings for what you should thank him from the bottom of your heart and almost for everything. Yes, you should praise God not only when you’re going through sufferings or sad moments but always. We show God gratitude by not only telling Him, but we show gratitude also by living a holy life. Never forget that we are not saved by being holy; we are holy because we have been saved. But because we are still sinners, we quickly forget and become careless. Gratitude is demonstrated furthermore by us giving Him one-tenth of our income. Now tithing was made legal under the law. We, however,
are not under the law but under grace. We are not required to tithe as a condition to salvation.
But God promises to bless those who do.
I strongly agree with this statement that Christians should always show gratitude to God
for his love because he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins
which was mentioned in John 3:16, For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. We should show gratitude because he provides us with life necessities. He never asks for anything in return. The Lord gave us life and made that sacrifice for the sins of the world thus we should show gratitude. God sends his angels to guide and protect us from harm and danger, a family member related to me was once almost faced a severe tragedy where he almost died. Late evening a few
friends were enjoying a game, and a car pulled up and fired shots where the young man next to him pronounced dead at the crime scene. He could have been shot, but the lord and his angels watched over him it was like he was invisible. Every day of our lives he restores to us new mercies and love. Google defines tolerance as “compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone who it is within one’s power to punish or harm. We don’t deserve God’s mercies, yet God grants it to us. Therefore, we should show gratitude. According to Matthew 6:26, He puts the shelter
over our heads food on our tables, and clothes on our backs, he provides for us.
On the other hand, some people feel as if God doesn’t do enough for them so why should
they show gratitude to God for his love or in many cases believe that there is even a God.
Many are born into poverty, and they don’t have anything so, they believe that there is
no need to show gratitude to him, during life they come into contact with an individual who’s able to assist finically and suddenly they find an earthly god. There’s this relate to us my mom, and I would have a regular debate on concerning God’s gratitude towards us. His belief in God
isn’t stable for various reasons, mainly because he lost both parents at an early age in a traffic fatality. My mom had a hard time but completed school and ended up successful with a career in position. My mom doesn’t feel as if God is the reason because he lost both parents and had To defend for herself to get where he’s at in life today. In reality and today’s society, many
will agree and disagree with the statement that Christians should always show gratitude for his
Question #6
Today’s church is not doing all that it can do to follow Jesus’ teaching of ‘loving the neighbor as oneself.’ Discuss. (JPR 10
A version of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. First found in the Old Testament. Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate this commandment.
We commonly think of neighbors as the people who live near us, but Jesus meant it to include all humanity – even our enemies! Jesus told His famous parable of the Good Samaritan to make it clear that “love your neighbor” means to love all persons, everywhere – not just our friends, allies, countrymen, etc. Churches today could be doing more to show affection to its neighbors. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica commending them for the way they loved their neighbors, but then he encouraged them to do so even more (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10). The Apostle Peter appreciated his readers for their sincere love of the brethren, but then urged them to love one another fervently (1 Peter 1:22). Part of our spiritual journey is learning to love self-less and love God and others
But we should not lose sight of the fact that the church has accomplished much in the way of loving our neighbors. Churches feed the homeless, assist the sick, visit prisoners, take care of the infirm, establish hospitals, homeless shelters, inner-city schools, encourage those who are discouraged, tell people of the good news of Christ’s salvation, bring hope to people in poverty, assist in caring for the mentally ill, and many other matters. Churches are often the first to respond to disasters, bringing much-needed aid both in the Nassau and around the many beautiful Islands and Cays. Church organizations such as Good Samaritan’s, Great Commission,
and many other groups risk their lives to carry out the command of loving one’s neighbor.
On the other hand, we could use in troubled areas priests and pastors, caregivers and helpers, each seeking to carry out the love-your-neighbor command. While many people go to church that may not be carrying out the love-your-neighbor command very well, there are others and have always been others in the church who have been acting on this command since the church’s earliest days. Can we do more? The answer is always “yes.” But people who come to church are at different stages of their spiritual journey. Some are still very self-focused, seeing their needs and desires as being the big issue. Such people tend not to love their neighbors very much. Other people give of themselves day in and day out for the sake of God and other people. These people are loving people.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that the churches could do more this is not a criticism, but rather a simple statement. As long as one person in the church can do more, then the church can do more. Thus, if I can do more to love my neighbor, then the church can do more because I am part of the church. But I try to love my neighbor. I do not think that the church has failed on this command, although I agree that the church could do more. I trust that our love for Jesus and our love for others will increase and abound.
God showed the love that he had for the world by sending his only begotten son to save the world. God purposely sent Jesus to redeem sinners and not even the righteous. Humans have failed to observe the Greatest Commandment. The church has failed in its role of uniting the universe and spreading God’s love. The scriptures advise all believers to love their neighbors of the same magnitude that they love themselves. In a nutshell, the scripture advice human beings to be selfless and share what they have with others. There are many ways of showing love to others and believers should deploy all these approaches in the quest to extend God’s love for humanity. The church should be on the front line in the quest to spread God’s love.

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