Jorge Ubico’S Life
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Jorge Ubico was part of an outstanding family, he was the son of Mr. Arturo Ubico a recognized lawyer and related to the Liberal Party. Jorge Ubico’s baptism sponsors were Justo Rufino Barrios and his wife Francisca Barrios. At that time Just Rufino Barrios was the president of Guatemala. Justo Rufino Barrios and Jorge Ubico were very close, little Jorge Ubico always caught his attention the work carried outHe fulfilled when he went to the Polytechnic School, does not end his studies there, since he goes to the United States to complement his military studies.
He began his political career where he came to perform the positions of Minister of Development, in 1920, first designated to the Presidency, on April 27, 1927, until he reached the position he had always dreamed, the presidency, on February 14, 1931. Jorge Ubico is known for being the last authoritarian liberal ruler in Latin America. The Jorge Ubico regime lasted from 1931 to 1944, was one of the most controversial in Guatemalan history.
With such a difficult situation the country was desperate and needed a strong and brave (hard hand) to bring stability to the country back, for that reason, they thought of him, they thought he could have those same qualities and that he could make him make himGuatemala will return to his best years. Jorge Ubico was the only person to run for the presidency during the 1930 problems, after several changes in the government were made.
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The party that proposed to Jorge Ubico was the progressive liberal party, control and authoritarianism were aspects that described Ubico. Guatemala was already familiar to regimes characterized by a high level of power towards the President of the Republic.
However, Ubico was transformed with the time of a great boss to a true dictator who supported totalitarian unquestionable ideas. Unfortunately Ubico moved away from adapting to the norms and values preferred to stubble and strengthen more and more. The time during the Ubico government can be divided into four phases: 1st in its early years it had the support of most Guatemalans and present its dynamics and efficiency. 2nd produced a general punishment regime. In this phase I located still enjoyed a popularity. But, although I did not demonstrate its dynamics as it showed it in the first phase. 3rd Ubico still showed an imprecise administration. Since the scope of his work in the first years helped him to have some recognition. 4º His dynamics collapse The most recognized politicians and officials departed from the dictator. The country sank into total repression.
Jorge Ubico made many contributions to our Guatemala country. It was established as a state with less crime such as robberies, assaults, murders that are doing is very common in our Guatemala country. Guatemala was also a very poor country and President Jorge Ubico Achico will improve the Nation’s Budget.
Jorge Ubico formed three very important laws: Law on the debt debt law, consists of the obligation to pay damage caused as a fine and can only be sender by law. two. Law of laziness, which consists that the people who were on the street had to go do heavy jobs and without any pay.
Viability Law, Improve and extend the Network of National Roads, under the surveillance of the authorities and the respective Boards and Agriculture Committee. He made the construction of several important works in Guatemala such as: the National Palace, the Post Office and Telegraphs of Guatemala, the National Police Palace, the classrooms of the November Fair that after their overthrow they made them museums. An objective for Ubico was to improve and expand the roads and was considered one of its most important achievements.
Ubico struggled to provide Guatemala with an economic infrastructure starting out of nowhere;In 1931 there was no transfer system, traveling was very difficult and slow, the entire territory was very abandoned and desolate. Many peoples and areas were accessible only on foot, mule or spine. Due to this Ubico problem he decided to focus Guatemala with bases of a more modern and new system. So he focused on building kilometers of very long railway line, with a single lane and a very narrow road. The Railroad linked Guatemala City with Puerto Barrios, the Caribbean and with that of Puerto San José, little by little it was building many more routes for railways. Jorge Ubico was a president who gave many contributions to Guatemala who are currently very functional to all.
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