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Justice For Women’S Victims Of Feminicide In Mexico


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Justice for women’s victims of feminicide in Mexico

Undoubtedly, in our country the issue of violence exercised towards the figure of women has brought with it a series of reactionary attitudes for a large part of civil society, which is the living image of the reflection of thousands of women who arevictims of a series of administrative offenses and even even behaviors that can become constitutive of crimes.

Therefore, in Mexico, more and more security, integrity, freedom and dignity of each of the women are transgressed, conditioned and vulnerable, this can be analyzed based on statistics from the National Survey of the Dynamics of the Dynamics of theHousehold relationships (Endireh), which mentions that during the last 11 years violence towards women has not decreased, but has increased, since there is a tremendous and strong insecurity nationwide.

Unfortunately, the public policies implemented by the previous government of Enrique Peña Nieto only evidencethat no specific action is taken to let the competent authority know, but there are some cases in which they are made known and is in most cases does not have the slightest interest to give it a quality and effective process).

I would like to emphasize the issue of corruption and impunity, since there is a latent systematic pattern in our country, which is factically reflected in the lack of access to justice enshrined in our Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. Based on data provided by the UN has reported alarmingly that impunity mainly associated with feminicide and structural violence towards women in our country exceeds 90 percent of cases.

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Of a total of two thousand eighty -three women deprived of life between 2017 and 2018, only 25% and less than half of the cases this year are still being investigated.

And of course, many women who have the courage to denounce before the Public Ministry agent on typical, unlawful and guilty conduct or simply in the case of administrative offenses before the civic judge are not properly attended and advised by the authority that is empowered for it for it.

So this is meaning that justice is increasing, in which two of the guiding principles of the same is that the culprit does not go unpunished and the clarification of the facts. It should be noted that it is also essential that the State itself cease to cover up public servants that their behavior is framed with any of these criminal types (either femicide, abuse, harassment or sexual harassment, etc.) or in general about any crime.

Violence against women is a clear proof of human rights violation, which can bring various types of sequels such as mental, physical, sexual, patrimonial and even mortal for victims. In addition, these can have a negative impact for a long time or for life on their personality.

Therefore, I urged the new federal government to implement new and better policies in the field of criminal justice and public security, well structured and configured, with properly adequate and trained personnel, to avoid any act contrary to the law that damages the woman.

We must mobilize more and more and many more to make clear and forcefully the great anger of our society that has been submitted repeatedly by authorities and individuals, but this mobilization must be organized and well structured, with ideals and requestsfirm and concrete.

In addition, these public policies must integrate the issue of gender perspective;with an approach and vision of human rights, in relation to the full accession towards our Political Constitution and of the international treaties of which the Mexican State is part, and that are fulfilled based on a well -structured legal framework.

Since the serious situation of violence that concerns women remains a great challenge for the Mexican State, which must carry out all investigations with proper proceedings and with a gender perspective as it had already mentioned and that therefore wascan reach the clarification of the facts.

A substantive analysis is fundamental to know howThe dignity and freedom of them.

In addition, the State must guarantee the safety of all, must prevent, investigate, punish and sanction all or that which commit violence against women. It is necessary, fundamental and urgent that it is also addressed in a differentiated way, based on public policies designed, oriented and intended specifically for each of the various ways in which the violence already mentioned can occur, from effective mechanisms and effective mechanisms andefficient attention, protection and research so that they can be evaluated at the appropriate procedural time.

Therefore, the Mexican State must recognize the great and worrying situation that is currently lived on this issue and investigating in an integral way the reasons and patterns that relate to these behaviors contrary to the law.

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