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Labor Satisfaction And Your Needs


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Labor satisfaction and your needs


According to what is described by Chiavenato in his research "Action and effect of informing and informed", the concept motivation derives from the Latin term I will move, which refers to moving Chiavenato. The behavior can have two causes or origins, being able to be external or internal, is linked to inheritance and is also considered the environment as an additional factor. These factors are able to motivate in a different way, manifesting behaviors through impulses, desires, needs or trends;All these manifestations have a specific purpose or objective.

Other authors define motivation as that set of forces that cause forms of behavior that are more marked or usual than other alternate behaviors. In the work environment, the motivation includes: the individual processes that influence the behavior of each worker and have a direct impact with their performance and the organizational processes that are needed to positively influence the worker’s motivation, making bothare aligned at the same management of the company.


Motivation is considered as the fundamental axis directed by the field of the emotions of each individual, promoting it to achieve their objectives individually or requesting external help;The most important thing about motivation is not to identify the needs of each individual, the fundamental thing is to identify the scale of values and passions.

 Motivation considers the scale of values as its rational component and passions constitute its emotional component, it is possible to establish a hierarchical relationship between the two, values and passions exist due to the existence of needs.

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If we consider a person with a high scale of values, then it will be possible to think that for this person money is not a priority, but friendship will be a priority value in their life. 

That is why it is important that the Chief of Human Resources or area manager, know each worker in detail, taking into account their attitudes, skills and emotions. The knowledge of these three elements is essential, thanks to this the person in charge of the area or the boss may perform successful motivation tasks. 

Abraham Maslow proposed that human beings present five needs which are in an order, established being the following: physiological. They are all those linked to the satisfaction of needs such as hunger, thirst, sex and all organic needs. Of security;Search for defense and protection of damage that can be physical or emotional. 

Social;need to be part of a social group is related to social acceptance. Of esteem;They are divided into two factors, internal related to the person itself, such as respect for oneself, a sense of autonomy, realization, as well as external factors such as position, recognition and attention. Self realisation;is linked to the desire to specify personal growth and development, to be what feels capable of doing. 

The satisfaction of one of these needs, makes the next one considered a priority. The theory concludes that no need can be fully satisfied, but that the degree of satisfaction of a need makes the motivation for this cessation, according to Maslow, so that a person can be motivated, it is necessary to know which of the scales is foundand meet the needs of the level at which it is at the time of evaluation.

Herzberg. Proposed a theory called motivation and hygiene. He states that the relationship of a worker with his work is basic, it is the attitudes of the individual with respect to work that finally guarantee the successful realization of a work or the failure of a task. Herzberg I invest on what do the people of their positions want? Individuals were asked to precisely mentioned the events that gave them satisfaction in their work and also those events or activities that filled them with discomfort. 

Immediately after data collection, tabulation of the responses obtained prior categorization was carried out. It is concluded that the factors that generate intrinsic motivation have a direct impact with the level of satisfaction of individuals in their daily work. This theory is based on the following assumptions: the satisfaction at work is determined by the presence of these related to certain first level factors in its positive motivating dimension the success and the second level which I call hygiene.

McClelland, developed a theory based on three essential factors: realization needs, their priority is development, it is the desire to perform tasks optimally, with responsibility, prioritizes success and not other type of recognition, they face and seekProblems as a constant challenge to be overcome, finally carry out a feedback to know the result of their actions and face the result of them, there is the possibility of failing or being successful.

 Power needs, seeks as a primary objective to influence and control their environment, have influence and power over other people, compete with them until having full control is more important than getting results in their activities. Filiation needs, mainly seeking to be necessary and requested, seek the acceptance of the social group, their purpose is solidarity, cooperation and friendship as fundamental values, they renounce competition, they want to achieve as a final objective a work environment with optimal relationships and understanding betweenworkers.

According to Reeve, the motivation emanates from two great aspects, on the one hand there are those that have to do with the internal factor with the inner self of each person and on the other are those that can occur by external factors related to the individual’s environment. Product of this, it is defined that motivation presents two types: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Extrinsic motivation;They originate from the pressures of becoming a sanctions external to the behavior itself. It is based on the constant search and struggle between achieving a reward to avoid punishment, or seeks to avoid consequences that could be unpleasant to the individual. According to Reeve, intrinsic motivation;It is originated by the gratification derived from the execution of the behavior itself. 

The behavior is expressive, it is simultaneously medium and end. The realization, taking the previous example, a worker wishes to become the best employee because he loves his job and feels identified with the company, as we see the activity does it because he feels satisfied when he does it, in case it is satisfactory for the individual. Reeve thus summarizes the difference: 

“With the intrinsically motivated behavior, motivation emanates from internal needs and spontaneous satisfaction that the activity provides;With extrinsically motivated behavior, motivation arises from incentives and consequences that are contingent to the observed behavior ”.

Extrinsic motivation is essentially dependent on the outside, the individual generates stimuli on the worker, using the reward or punishment as a mechanism to obtain the desired behavior, not always the behavior obtained can reflect the individual’s feelI generate the stimulus. Without taking into account that the behavior obtained can be comforting for the organization but not for the individual, this is not sustainable over time generating a wave of discouragement and demotivation. 

Intrinsic motivation, on the contrary, dispenses with any external factor or stimulus. Is enough in itself. That is why it is considered as the ideal and most sustainable motivation over time, new theories agree that intrinsic motivation must be a potential factor to be developed, increase it is complicated, due to its introjected character, while still recognizingthat there is eventually the need for external stimuli. .

Intrinsic motivational factors

  • Autonomy: the self-perception of the individual who defines him as capable of achieving an objective through his actions. Full freedom of each individual in the realization of their work without rules that submit it exerting suffocating pressure that limit it, guaranteeing an optimal rhythm, with responsibility, exercising authority in their work, with freedom to interact with their peers, carrying out activities that are carried outThey frame in their profile and professional competences, generating intrinsic motivation in the tasks performed. The subject feels motivated when the organization makes him feel important by delegating responsibilities and crucial tasks within the organization. Providing autonomy and full confidence to feed new ideas, generating novel projects, where the active participation of employees is guaranteed. 
  • Identity: Internal condition regarding the essential character, feeling that remains in time, the same person feels an important part of their institution or social environment, thanks to this sensation the person is projected to the outside world. They are feelings of union and link in the work done, they love their work and therefore has skills and characteristics inherent to their work, their work acquires an essential sense, vital energies are channeled positively identifying with the organization and also with theclients as part of that whole, which constitutes the organization. 
  • Feedback: It is the feeling of satisfaction to the work done, experiencing a high degree of satisfaction performing customer service. "Feedback is any type of direct information from an external source about the effects and results of one’s behavior". 

Extrinsic motivational factors

  • Work environment: they are defined as the ideal conditions for work, among the most important, are the necessary material, aesthetic and hygienic conditions. Since their existence encourage and strengthen the interest of workers. 
  • Area facilities: comfort experienced by workers who provide services in a given department, this is related to the provision of materials, accessories and machinery ideals to have a good job performance. 
  • Chief-Subaltern Relationship: It is based on communication between the two, if there is good communication the productivity of the worker is guaranteed regardless of the presence or absence of the boss, it is important to take into account the opinions of the workers, if there will be conflicts,These bring multiple problems as work absenteeism, it is always essential. They work because they feel affinity among colleagues.
  • Subaltern-Subaltern relationship: It is based on the importance of co-workers, with constant meetings, people choose the workplace not only for the environment or endowment of resources. They do it because of the relationship between co -workers, the human being is social, the work fulfillsof friendship, apart from any reward.  


 In conclusion, behavior becomes a means to get a reward and at the same time avoid punishment. For example, a person wants to become the best worker because he wants to be recognized and economically rewarded, but in turn this guarantees that he will not be thrown out of the company, on the contrary his continuation and social acceptance will be guaranteed in the company.

Loke, considers that work goals have a fundamental value, mentions that they are the most important work engine. The goals draw the path of what needs to be done and serve to define how much you have to strive to achieve them. Concludingly, we can affirm that specific work goals increase job performance;Those considered with a high degree of difficulty, when assimilated generate greater performance than simple tasks. It is important to point out that constant feedback proportionally guarantees a better job performance.

Humanity is immersed and governed by impulses, which lead to activities, generate cataloging human behaviors as correct, incorrect, moral or immoral, this is related to the culture in which the individual develops. These impulses or stimuli can come from the inner self of each individual, as well as can be governed by external factors. The needs are temporary and therefore the impulses or motivators are also.

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