large number of police related topics
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Identify and discuss ten areas that you found most interesting in Policing and Society
1. Policing the Globe- This topic was the most interesting as it involves a wide range of criminal activities that are common in most nations while providing an opportunity to learn policing measures catering for various countries (Palmiotto and Unnithan, 2010).
2. Future of Policing- Topic was interesting because it gave me a chance to understand the direction of policing regarding advancement thus allowing me to identify career areas I will venture.
3. Police use of excessive force – was an area of interest as it provided an understanding of the use of force by police since it has become a recent claim as a result of death and other forms of harm associated with this area (Wihbey and Kille, 2016).
4. Police and Community- Topic aided in comprehending community take on police as well as social vices such as corruption that are associated with the force.
5. The Police Culture- Area facilitated understanding of behavioral change of police as a result of being in the force as well as their conduct and interaction with others.
6. Police and Crime Fighting- The topic is interesting because it brings out various types of crime and provides an understanding of motives propagating them. Also, I was able to, learn that methods applied in dealing with the crime required creativity.
7. Police and Social Control- Topic was interesting as it allowed me to learn the importance of aligning one to social norms in order to fit in a specific society hence making policing work to be a collaborative approach.
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8. Police and Social Institutions- It was interesting as it explained impact of family on policing as well as other structures that are crucial.
9. Police and the Criminal Justice System- Police are charged with response sibility of providing justice for people, therefore, making the topic interesting as it explained how policing contributed and facilitated justice.
10. Police Discretion – Topic was interesting since it brought an understanding on how police make decisions and be diplomatic.
Other students were able to select areas of interest based on their personalities as well as specialization thus the diversity.
Wihbey.J and Kille.L W. (2016). Excessive or reasonable force by police? Research on law enforcement and racial conflict. Journalist’s Resource. July 28. Retrieved from <>
Palmiotto.M.J & Unnithan. P. (2010). Policing and Society: A Global Approach. Cenage Learning. Retrieved from <;+A+GLOBAL+APPROACH+by+Michael+Palmiotto+and+Prabha+Unnithan&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwio3NbfkIffAhVBtHEKHYynAbwQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=Policing%20and%20society%20%3B%20A%20GLOBAL%20APPROACH%20by%20Michael%20Palmiotto%20and%20Prabha%20Unnithan&f=false>
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