Leadership And Negotiation In The Business World
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Every leader is aware of the value of a well -defined business strategy. Few, however, pay attention to the necessary leadership to apply strategies that require changes in the management or organization’s abilities. If there is no adequate leadership, even the best and most bold strategies will remain on the way and their potential will never take advantage. This article defines what a leadership strategy is and how to design a strategy for your organization that changes forever the way in which leaders are formed and new leadership capabilities are created.
Since the appearance of the human being in this world, since the formation of his social system from the real need for survival to the challenges that nature imposes, he has felt the need for direction, of someone who guides him along the waycorrect to achieve the social and satisfactory objectives you need for its development as an individual and be social.
Leaders currently should no longer have power leadership, but of authority, since previously the leaders believed they could be rigorous and the people who disobey should receive punishments.
Being a leader is very complicated, of what is impossible to define the concrete concept of being a leader or leadership.
Most of the time we classify as the leader as people who guide more people, and we also figure the person who earns the most, and the least important, but not very true is that he is the person who earns more within a company.
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In the end, the leader is a person who gives his team the sense of belonging, who guides his team and not only the success within the company, but in the entire sense of it, that is, the people who are in chargeThey have some situations that are not necessarily company he can help and put the person safe.
To know if there are candidates within the company, they must have very important requirements, but above all the issue of service, since if people tend to service they will be excellent leaders. Basically leadership consists of a way of being, since the formation of a leader is day by day, and under many experiences, so it is necessary that the experience be part of the character and attitudes and feelings to take correctly.
Being an excellent leader ruled out the idea that this is not natural, but is a process that individuals can form, and as the previous paragraph says is day by day;It should also be noted that the situations, as conflict solutions are the ones that most enhance the knowledge of how to learn to lead, we already see it in the clear example that let us send it in his life, and he joined two personalities so to speak, and totally because even the physical condition dispersed them, and let’s not say the economic position.
Within the base of being a leader and as a concept we can consider as the person who influences the thoughts and behaviors of others;To the leaders is one that establishes the address to be followed by others. Leadership levels can be, as personal that is how I am with myself, and that will lead me to behave with those of the team.
Reliability is one of the qualities of a leader as the book of the paradox of Games C says so. Hunter, since there must be a net trust in people, and that everyone needs to aspire to more and when they have growth inspiration.
There is a trait theory that expresses that if they have these characteristics they will be candidates for leaders, even if people are not so intelligent to be leaders.
- Ambition and energy.
- Desire to direct
- Honesty and integrity
- self-confidence
- Intelligence
- Knowledge of work
In large part of the work done on the talent and strength of leadership, only ways to describe the leadership of an organization has been emphasized only. Leaving aside the connected leadership and leadership culture is to ignore what gives life to leadership in organizations, as well as the factors that normally determine that strategies and plans come to be carried out.
The leader must also be helpful, he must always know the personal life of the group, he must always think of improving the lives of others and not only the production within companies must always have a sense of love, since this weAbout more than a good leader. The leader always approves absurd ideas, but knows how to empower the team, since excellent empowerment can have excellent impact to the mood of people.
When we talk about a leader, reference is made to a person with greater authority, prestige, esteem and submission that can influence the group, to achieve a common goal. With this work a leader was known the characteristics of a leader, since the leader must always be competent in calm moments and complicated times. In the end I believe that the leader alone is not a leader must be included with the group, since doing this we fall into a group working hard and well, so two heads are said they think better than one, three better, for the team toIt works well, it is necessary to be clear about what you want to achieve, recognize what tasks each of the team members can develop;This is how a team discovers what its members are good for, having the result of the work team well.
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