Leadership, Irradiation And Importance
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The paradox, a story about the true essence of leadership; It provides teaching that allows reflection on personal and group actions, having as support the demands and principles of being a good leader, so it is necessary to differentiate the concepts of power and authority, in order to identify the constant changes of society and adapt to them, fully complying with the requirements of the people who are provided, without forgetting the personnel under the direction of that leader.
Based on the above, it is vitally important.”, That explicitly, it establishes that along the job transsegar the chiefs and leaders are a fundamental part in the life of each employee, finding that all have different ways of leading according to their character and life experiences of each.
On the other hand, the word “Authority: the art of getting people voluntarily doing what you want due to your personal influence.”, Since, the primary objective of leadership is to direct the leader to exercise an accompaniment that guides the personnel for the fulfillment of the objectives without the need to make a repetitive and constant demand, therefore, it is the responsibility of the employees to acquire the knowledge and skills to build in them a person who before ordering, knows what he is to be subordinate.
In view of this, it is noteworthy that listening is the primary ability that a leader must possess, therefore, it must strengthen it every day; In addition to being, prepared, multifaceted and being ready to serve at all times; You should not confuse your personal problems with the work environment of which it is the maximum exponent, since, in a certain way it becomes an example to follow by employees, therefore, it is considered essential that recognize the characteristics in a broad sense and skills of each of its employees, worry about their well -being, and also, to perform as a psychologist, sociologist and lawyer, improvised, demonstrating affection and love according to the meaning of the book, which agrees:
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Simeon continued – Chapter 13 of the "First letter to the Corinthians". The text comes to say that love is patient, it is affable, it is not boastful or conceited, it is not rude, it does not seek its own, it does not carry accounts of evil, it does not rejoice with injustice, but with truth, everything suffers , he supports everything. Love never fails. Is this list of qualities familiar?
Employees, customers, resources, and everything that revolves around work deserves love and affection, taking as reference the above meaning; that is summarized in a few words in providing decent treatment to each of them, understanding that they deserve rest and an optimal work environment because although it is true, the machines allow to fulfill the different tasks in a smaller time and therefore, more Impeccable, but they are only and exclusively scheduled to always do the same; On the contrary, people acquire knowledge and knowledge that give way to play more than one function and also stand out in any position assigned to them, so it is good to have perfected topics to establish conversations.
The first thing that my clients and I talk while we get used to this new phase is the power of planning: explain in detail what they need to do now, tearing this in steps that can be taken to action and establishing a timeline realistic.
The planning is very important when carrying out the line of goals and objectives that will professionalize the company or organization and that will emanate with it a high degree of competitiveness, but who is the responsibility of devising improvement strategies?, To the leader obviously, to the one who represents the highest authority in the company, which is why it is required that the person who will perform the functions previously appointed be an entire person, capable of meeting the demands of the clients, possessing the listening and listening and of a technical language according to the requirement of the users.
The identification of the strengths and also of the weaknesses, allows to comply with the goals drawn in the long and short term, analyzing the possible alternatives that will be used in the event that for some reason they deviate from their course; It is fundamental in a company that establishes incentive plans to employees, allocation of resources, monthly, trimensual, semiannual and annual objectives. The bases of the company are the influential factors whether external or internal, understanding that society is in constant change; The leader is in charge of these delegations, for this he must be in constant preparation and professionalization.
Leadership in the National Police of Colombia is a topic of great interest, leads to fundamental factors for the exercise of leadership that forces to strengthen the principles required by the same; Starting from humanism, the police uniformed will have better living conditions, personal well -being and job satisfaction, generating more professionalization, discipline, integrity, innovation and effectiveness in the provision of the Police Service complying with the requirements of the Institutional Modernization and Transformation requirements and Institutional culture, generating a vision of the community towards the police as that person in which one can trust, who will be lending to listen to their problems and possibly, solve them the same.
A leader is not born, it is created; Because to be considered “leader”, a considerable number of people must take into command, to cross adversities that have left experiences to share with their staff, guide and let themselves be oriented in cases where they are failing, teach your staff from your staff The best way and is with the example, keeping humble and simple despite the skills it possesses, when addressing your staff, the talks must be based and teaching, maintaining assertive communication, recognizing limits to be a person that does not require more but that is not very flexible, contemplating an example to follow according to their way of leading, taking good aspects.
Leadership not only improves working life, but also interpersonal relationships, since it allows control over ethical principles and values that give way to a more enjoyable and harmonious interaction, managing to execute those actions that interpret and that are often only in words; Understanding that in a working group, there are functions that are more accessible to some people, than for others, without forgetting the common good, considering this as "complement"; The motivation must be constant since they will also be the results, they will invest as long.
To be a leader, rather than working on others is to work in them The way of acting is taken into account, because it depends on what the others will perceive and act, therefore, a leader must be an integral person, who possesses all the abilities and skills, which allow him to function in any environment, transmitting Security and trust to those who follow it, so that everything that is raised as a possible goal, is achieved following the steps that a leader proposes, taking into account that they are not only communicative abilities but also intellectual.
The leader has his own commitment, and is always prepared to make decisions in any situation, whether under pressure or not, because a principle that consists of thinking – acting is handled, which strengthens the leader’s abilities and the ability to not succumb to situations of high voltage, danger, etc. Without losing the course or guide method used to achieve the objectives set out previously, the leader generates dependency for others because they take it as a guide figure to carry out their goals; But likewise, it is a driver of the activities that generate progress independently, and therefore it is integral, because it complies with various roles of personal life that must fit into a profile where the class of the leader that is, the class of the leader is evaluated, the Developed capabilities and skills.
The leader must be clear about the needs of the working group and also seek the means that facilitate the activity and that are attached to the conditions presented obtaining as a result a union that allows the leader to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the group in charge; so that a leadership model that can be governed is recognized, taking into account that the main responsibility lies in the leader, and from now on the way in which he directs his team.
To do this, the leader acquires his own commitment that involves the sentimental, but aimed at searching for success and promoting an image of authority, that is, makes use of love, commitment and leadership as a necessary set within what would qualify as a leader, so that when using these tools it is guaranteed that the group is in an environment that allows them to develop their capabilities to the fullest, both group and individual.
In conclusion, the leadership is made up of several steps that lead to joint success, in the book "The paradox: a story about the true essence of leadership" are the guidelines or keys to be a leader, taking into account that leadership It is an art, which allows the transmitted influence to generate a goal and also an achievement achieved through motivation, which is a key file.
In this regard, it is the power of conviction about others, to guarantee not only approaches but also to achieve the proposed, therefore, the image conveys that a leader transmits is essential, so that those who see it, perceive positivism and commitment to the Goal, and manage to develop the capacities that take them beyond where they are, and also strengthen group work so that the advance is greater.
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