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Leadership Issues In Scripture


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The Bible says that Christian leadership is built on those principles that are absolutely contrary to the principles of the secular world. In practice, this is extremely rare. Therefore, the church needs such leaders, which will differ radically from the leaders of the secular world, because, according to the Scriptures, Jesus, being the Chief, was completely different from all worldly rulers.
“… All the same, their deeds are done so that people see them: they expand their vaults and increase the excitations of their clothes …”
Here Jesus speaks of the religious leaders of the time. They wore special clothes, thus demonstrating their religiosity. Christ told not to do this, and the Church should follow this command. He said that the Pharisees dressed for show, so that everyone could see how religious they were. There should be no such thing in the Church in any way.
“… They also like preemergence at feasts and presiding in synagogues and greetings in public gatherings, and that people call them: teacher, teacher, and you do not be called teachers, for one is your Teacher – Christ, yet you are brothers, and your father do not call anyone on earth, for one is your Father, who is in heaven, and do not be called preceptors, for one is your guide, the Christ, the greater of you shall be your servant: for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and humiliated himself, he will be exalted ”
This is the essence of Biblical leadership. I would like to examine several principles that reveal the basics of Bible leadership according to what the Scripture teaches.

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First, the Biblical leadership is delivered and anointed by God. In other words, the only one who can elect leaders is God Himself and no one else. This is the opposite of traditional leadership, where people seize power, inherit it, or come to it through elections. But in Christianity, in the Church, God anoints, God appoints and decides whom to elect. According to the Scriptures, God does not choose the way people would normally choose. He can choose a very humble and humble person.
In Acts 20, Paul refers to the presbyters of the church, saying that “… the Holy Spirit has appointed you as guardians …” Second principle: Biblical leadership is a ministry, not a career. In the above passage, Jesus says that you should not have a hierarchical ladder. In the secular world there are chiefs, then his deputies, then deputies’ deputies, someone else behind them, others behind them, and so on. If you are successful at work, then perhaps you will be promoted, then higher, then higher and higher. You sort of advance through the ranks. This is a hierarchy. And the higher you become, the more importance and honor you are entitled to. “But do not be like this between you: but whoever wants to be big among you, let him be your servant,” Jesus says, which is absolutely contrary to the traditional vision of leadership.
The third principle: true spiritual power is characterized by mutual subordination. In Ephesians 5:21 we read that we must obey each other. God’s leader is characterized by obedience. If the leader lacks obedience, then he is not yet ready to lead. Anyone who does not want to obey others cannot be a Christian leader for a second, even if he has huge talents. He may have the first quality – anointing from God, but if he is not under the authority of others, the Bible says that such a person cannot be a leader, no matter how he is anointed.
Thus, on the basis of the three principles described above, we can assert that leadership, as a phenomenon, is described in some detail in Scripture, while at the same time somewhat different from the traditional perception of leadership by such qualities as lack of hierarchy, choice from above, and mutual subordination of leader and community.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984.

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