Learning And Evaluations In The Training Process
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This act has led to dismantling the training process, since teachers simply are responsible for quantitatively measure the learning acquired for a period of time, with the aim of promoting at a higher level. Very apart, it is the qualitative that is almost always neglected or has less value within the evaluation.
All this disarticulation process is initiated in the standards imposed by the education control agencies. They believe that the better the score, the better the quality of education, characteristics of a neoliberal education will be. Unfortunately, this is well seen internationally and therefore it is a model for national education.
The evaluation has to be well defined according to what, how, when, to whom it is addressed, why, why and what will be done with the results obtained. Because the evaluation is considered "(…) means to build equity and justice" (Rueda, 2016, p.191), therefore, if it is correctly built and applied, it will generate essential information to propose redesign in public programs and policies within education.
Regarding why? And for what? Jorba and Sanmartí (1995) pedagogues are evaluated, they consider that students are evaluated in the learning process in order to adapt the teaching procedures to the learning needs of the same. This process is not only useful for students, but also for teachers, because, through evaluation, students can access and difficulties of students (Monteagudo, 2015), in this way you geta diagnosis, through which new methodologies for the intervention of the teaching process are proposed.
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This idea of the intervention originated from the theories of Cronbach (1963), the author suggested that an evaluation function should be to help teachers make decisions within the teaching process, and reorganize it depending on the results of theevaluation.
Academic success is linked to teachers, directors, supervisors, parents, in themselves, to the whole society. But fundamentally it is linked to the various forms of how? The teaching process is developed, hence the need to search, investigate or create innovative, creative, dynamic and productive forms to encourage the student during their training process is born. The evaluation is used for members of the educational community to wonder how can students be helped so they want to learn?, How to motivate to have internal control and assume the responsibility for learning? While teachers should ask if the evaluation practices are well aligned with what we would like our students to do?
The challenge of education today is to reinvent the evaluation, see how an opportunity to improve students’ skills and skills in the face of complex problems. Initially, one should stop believing in simple numbers, since certain aspects of people cannot be quantified (emotions, attitudes, mood, etc.). The obsession with quantifying learning leads to educational failure, because the student is specializing in a certain area of knowledge, neglecting the relationships he can have with his environment.
To initiate the dissertation on evaluation we must first know the term and its meaning. To get to understand the meaning of the term evaluate, we can start from its etymological character. The word ‘evaluate’ is formed with Latin roots, so we find in Latin the term valere: be strong, have value. Also, in the old French Value: value. The past participle of Valoir: Valer, which also comes from the term Valere: be strong, have value. In this sense, evaluate, comes from the French term Évaluer and has two lexical components: the prefix ex (out) and the term (value) itself, its conjunction represents estimating the value of something.
In this context, for researchers such as Escamilla (2009), the evaluation is:
A continuous, flexible and participatory work process aimed at assessing the evolution of students’ learning, and making the necessary decisions to improve the design and development of the educational action according to the needs and achievements detected in the learning processesof the students. (p.197)
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