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leg position in heart failure. should the patient leg be raise or not. support your answer with scholaric source and references. article use should not be more than 3 years old


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Position in Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure also known as heart failure, happens when the heart fails to pump blood as it should. Conditions such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease make the heart weak to pump blood effectively (Lainscak et al., 2017). Through treatment, the heart failure signs and symptoms can be improved hence prolonging the lifespan of a patient. Heart failure patients can change their lifestyle through exercising, handling stress, losing weight and reducing sodium in their food. This paper will discuss the importance of leg position in heart failure and whether legs should be raised or not.
Heart failure can occur in diverse parts of the heart. The heart may be so feeble to pump the blood out, or it may be unrelaxed to fill in blood. Heart failure affects the kidney’s ability to remove water and sodium. The excess water can cause the swelling of the legs and ankles. Raising the legs in a heart failure patient will help in draining the fluid from the legs. Passive leg raising (PLR) is a method that helps to determine whether cardiac output will rise with volume increase.
Passive leg raising (PLR) helps to identify patients with impairment of practical diastolic reserve during an exercise. Passive leg raising (PLR) has the potential of rising the intrathoracic blood volume, cardiac output (CO) and cardiac preload from the legs to the thorax. The PLR is a test which can be made reliable through cardiac output monitoring (Wray et al.

Wait! leg position in heart failure. should the patient leg be raise or not. support your answer with scholaric source and references. article use should not be more than 3 years old paper is just an example!

, 2017). The implementation of the passive leg raising method in critically sick patients should make it possible to reduce the accumulation of a potential harmful fluid (Cronhjort et al., 2017)
In conclusion, passive leg raising (PLR) is done by adjusting the patient’s bed rather than raising the legs. This method acts as a fluid maneuver for the heart failure patients.
Cronhjort, M., Bergman, M., Joelsson-Alm, E., Divander, M. B., Jerkegren, E., Balintescu, A., & Svensen, C. (2017). Fluid responsiveness assessment using passive leg raising test to reduce fluid administration and weight gain in patients with septic shock. J Anesth Perioper Med, 4, 169-78.
Lainscak, M., Spoletini, I., & Coats, A. (2017, June). Definition and Classification of Heart Failure. In the International Cardiovascular Forum Journal (Vol. 10).
Wray, D. W., Amann, M., & Richardson, R. S. (2017). Peripheral vascular function, oxygen delivery, and utilization: the impact of oxidative stress in ageing and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Heart failure reviews, 22(2), 149-166

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