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Legalization Of Marijuana And Its Possible Effects


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Legalization of marijuana and its possible effects


Marijuana has been one of the most used drugs for medicinal and recreational purposes. Although crops increased rapidly to meet US demand at the end of the 60s and early 70s, there was already an important market for domestic consumption in Colombia. Currently marijuana is the most consumed illegal substance in the world, this makes its legalization a very controversial issue, since it generates different points of debate between those who agree and those that do not. It can be evidenced that in several countries the prohibition of drugs produced great problems such as mafias, wars and corruption. Marijuana is already legal in more developed countries than ours and this could be a way to reduce drug trafficking, violence and corruption.

Decreased drug trafficking

Marijuana, according to Royal Queen Seeds, is one of the most used drugs in the world, is a green or gray mixture of dried flowers cut into pieces of the Cannabis sativa plant. It smokes like a cigarette called ‘Porro’ or using a pipe, although it also has other ends. This plant is originally from Central Asia, its origins date back to the year 5.000 a.C. However, during the following years, its consumption expanded to the other continent, opening a time of prohibitions. However, many of these prohibitionist policies have failed. Today marijuana is already legal in more developed countries than ours and this could be a way to reduce drug trafficking, violence and corruption, which is why the legalization of this plant is a issue of such importance today.

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The legalization of trade, production and consumption of drugs is necessary if it is sought that illegal trafficking ceases to be such a profitable business for violent sectors, so that market monopolization is over to become a common business, whichalso produce taxes that reach the State and benefits of them can be obtained. This drug is legal in nine states and in the Columbia district in the United States, a study conducted here shows us that, in 2017, this business contributed US $ 9.000 million to the states on account of taxes (El Espectador, 2018, Para. 1).

"Legalization is the necessary policy for the business to cease to be excessively profitable for certain violent sectors that control it today," he says (Yohir Akerman, 2009, Para. 7). Taking into account the above, we can show that one of the benefits of legalization would be the decrease in drug trafficking, since it would become a more common business in society, as they are currently tobacco and alcohol. In addition, taxes that could be used in other social problems would be generated.

Decreased violence

Within the great advantages that would generate the legalization of marijuana, according to Vicente Fox (2019), former president of Mexico and director of the Cannabis Khiron firm, is, first of all, the possibility of destroying a great empire controlled by criminals, bosses and posters. Second, health solutions;And finally, the generation of employment and economic growth and investment. Similarly, Johann Hari explained for Forbes magazine (2015) that “something that has been said a lot of people who consume drugs is that they become violent and attack people. But this is not what happens. Drug violence starts from its prohibition, trying to protect the market and expand it (…) The problem is that there is no control over the cannabis consumption chain. If legalized, violence would end ". In this sense, the big problem of marijuana is not its use, but its prohibition, because from this measure there are organizations responsible for doing everything possible in order to be able to market it, regardless of the consequences that this entails.

One of the main evidence to affirm that the legalization of marijuana can decrease violence refers to analogy with the United States case. Following Flores (2015), there is no evidence to indicate that with the legalization of cannabis illicit markets such as kidnapping, child pornography or prostitution have increased. In fact, when its consumption was legalized in several states, the number of kidnappings decreased and this is precisely due to the fact that, if you want to kidnap someone, money is needed, and keeping the prohibition, criminal gangs still have access to muchmoney. So, with legalization incentives are removed to these criminal organizations.

Second, the Daya Foundation (2019), said that “the creation of laws that regulate the medicinal use of cannabis has led to a drastic reduction of violent crimes in the US states.UU. that limit with Mexico."According to a study entitled" Legal marijuana weakens Mexican drug trafficking organizations? The effect of medical cannabis laws on the crime of the United States ”, violent crimes decreased by 13%, in those states that legalized the use of this drug. Likewise, they affirm that “most of the marijuana consumed in the USA.UU. It originates in Mexico, where seven of the main cartels control the illicit drug trafficking. These laws allow local farmers to cultivate marijuana that can then be sold in dispensaries legally. As a result, cartels get much less businesses ”.

Starting from the above, it can be concluded that although each country is free to choose what kind of rules they will regulate what they consider dangerous for their citizens, they must perform a weighting and verify that effectively, legalize the medicinal use of marijuana to himIt removes the immense power that criminal posters tell, especially in countries such as Mexico and Colombia, which have suffered from an immense wave of violence due to the internal war of these organizations.CHAPTER 3

“For drug trafficking to work, illegal money must be washed, making it legal money. This is done many times by the same public officials, which results in corruption and makes the community distrust their governments.”(Cecilia Rodríguez, 2014)

In an interview with Forbes Mexico, Johann Hari states that “with the legalization of drugs, cartels would have less money to corrupt the authorities. If I have less money to corrupt people, less people would enter drug trafficking ranks ”(Ana Flores, 2015, Para. fifteen).

The OAS (Organization of American States) (2014) declared the commitment of American States to increase efforts to prevent, detect and punish money laundering operations from criminal activities, particularly the illicit drug trafficking and corruption. According to this organization, one of the benefits that legalization would bring is to end the illegal market and reduce corruption.

It can be seen that multiple reports show that the legalization of marijuana decreases corruption.


In conclusion, the prohibition of marijuana encourages the increase of an illicit, violent and corrupt business, in addition, Colombia does not have the economic resources to deal with a problem like this, which would only bring problems in the development of the country. Society must learn to live with this drug, as it is currently with tobacco and alcohol.


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  2. Flowers, a. P. (2015). Legalization of marijuana, the end of violence in the country? . Forbes. Recovered from https: // www.Forbes.com.mx/legalization-of-the-marijuana-el-flin-de-la-violence-in-the-pais/
  3. Daya Foundation. (September 24, 2019). The legalization of marijuana reduces violence according to a study conducted in the US.UU: When there are laws on the medicinal use of cannabis, a decrease in crime is seen. The Guardian. Recovered from http: // www.Daya Foundation.org/the-legalization-of-the-marijuana-reduce-la-violence-second-un-stud-entered-in-ee-u-when-there are-right-on-the-medical-medical-del-cannabis-se-ve-a-descent
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