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Lesson 5: Review Comparison Activity
The aim of this essay is to describe, compare, and contrast two reviews, one shortlisted from a database source and one found over the Web (i.e., Google Search Engine), on the basis of tone, content, and overall usefulness. The product chosen to be reviewed is the documentary film, titled The Imposter, that details the 1997 impersonation case of Nicholas Barclay by delinquent Frederic Bourdin.
The first analysis, shortlisted from a database source (i.e., Opposing viewpoints), is written by Mr. Peter Bradshaw and originally published as a review article in The Guardian newspaper. Mr. Bradshaw praises the ingenuity of director Bart Layton in producing a “white-knuckle thriller” (Bradshaw par. 1) while praising the story for its powerful twists and “delicious suspense” (Bradshaw par. 3). The second article, appraising the respective movie, was selected from an online source titled, Den of Geek. It was written by Michael leader in 2012, shortly after the release of the movie, to praise the interplay of “creative forces” exhibited in the thriller (Leader par. 1).
The tone of both the database source and the web source primarily used a passive voice to detail various segments and subjects outlined within the film and consequently praising such incidences and directions with the use of verbs such as, “minor key of ambiguity” (Bradshaw par.

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2) and “false line of thought” (Leader par. 4). The content posted within the database source was more succinct and thorough, utilizing phrases such as “diversionary tactics of unspeakable evil” (Bradshaw par. 3). However, the web source was a comprehensive write-up and give an in-depth “explanation” (Leader par. 7). In terms of usefulness; I believe the database source was much more expressive and briefer as opposed to the web source with its emotional analogs (i.e., “diabolic talent” (Bradshaw par. 3)) in comparison to the lengthy and “quirky” findings of the latter (Leader par. 10).
Works Cited
Bradshaw, Peter. “Film & Music: Review: Face Value: The Imposter: This Outstanding Documentary about a French Con Man Is Pure Suspense from Start to Finish. “The Guardian [London, England]. 24 Aug. 2012, p. 20, General OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com.ezp1r.riosalado.edu/apps/doc/A300620900/ITOF?u=mccweb_riosalado&sid=ITOF&xid=4d9c7d12. Accessed 22 Nov. 2018.
Leader, Michael. “The Imposter Review.” Den of Geek, Dennis Publishing Limited, 24 Aug. 2012, https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/the-imposter/22448/the-imposter-review. Accessed 22 Nov. 2018.

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