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Lgbt Community: A Community Without Rights


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LGBT Community: A community without rights

Colombia in recent years has been increasing social exclusion figures towards the LGBTI community, although in the legal field, battles such as adoption by homoparental couples and their marriage have been gained;Fields such as labor not yet managed to advance significantly, such as Ulrich Zachau’s argument The director of the World Bank for Colombia and Venezuela, who assured that the discrimination of the community in the labor market is the most serious and this causes the country to havea decrease in the competitive development of its economy. Sexual orientation and other factors already known as age, nationality, social and economic status or having HIV are items that can contribute to the people belonging to this group become highly marginalized by society and isolated fromYour communities and families. But “the workplace is a space for fundamental socialization in the lives of people and therefore the working time is, because of their daily life and for its proximity, a vital key to make visible, to make equality, the dignity of the dignity of the dignity of the dignity of thelesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals ". (COLGAN et al, pp. 590. 2007).

Taking into account the above, it is necessary to highlight that the LGBTI community cannot be the target of discrimination appealing to its condition. The simple fact that their preferences and their gender expression are different does not justify that there is an unequal treatment of them.

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However, it is important to understand and keep in mind that a person’s work capacities are not defined by their sexual condition. During 2019, the National Trade Union School and the Caribbean Corporation conducted a study in the city of Bogotá which threw as a result that 83% of the population of transsexual and lesbian gays have been fired from their work by making their sexual orientation visible;Speaking of opportunities for labor access, it is evident that gender diversity is not taken into account and suffers high exclusion, since the study shows that 89.9% of respondents have lived some kind of rejection by wanting to enter a job.

In surveys conducted by the Chamber of LGBTI merchants and the National Consulting Center, in 10 areas of the country during 2016, it was found that 70 % of the people of the collective confessed to feel discomfort by having to reveal their sexual preference in the work environment,On the other hand, 53% of the interviewees expressed have been victims of workplace harassment, and did not report for fear of reprisals that could be taken against them.

Now, if the subjects manage to access a position or after “leaving the closet” they are not fired, sometimes the way in how some LGTBI people seek and manage to stay in certain work spaces is sacrificing more, this meansthat are dedicated to work overtime which are not paid;This kind of situations is accompanied by the pressure and self-imposition of people who must perform more, since the fear of being fired in a staff cut is higher;In addition, in many cases, the Asense for LGBTI people who are outside the closet tend not to be done even if the person is more prepared and trained than the rest of their work environment, as Guillermo Correa, director of the National School, pointed outUnion, in a seminar on decent work and sexual and gender diversity that took place at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá. . On the other hand, although entrepreneurs are very clear that they cannot say goodbye to a person for their sexual orientation or gender identity, when they wantThey press for better performance and, when they are wrong, they turn to scolding and ways to treat derogatory until they reach a point where the person does not endure anymore and decide to renounce. So, it is never public that the reason for the dismissal of the employee is because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Another inconvenience that has been identified is that, in much of the work spaces, there are bosses with patriarchal beliefs who contemplate that the "problem" of the lesbian of the office is that it has not maintained a sexual relationship with a “maleReally ”and that he is going to“ correct it ”thus giving way to the appearance of sexual harassment cases. The problem occurs when, these women decide to file a complaint to their aggressor, and companies call into question this.

The above leads to ask: how prepared are the labor environments to link people with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities? How inclusive are?

There are people like Tim Cook, who is the president of Apple, and Rich Ross, president of Disney, who are of homosexual men who, according to several media, have achieved everything they have proposed without their orientationsexual has been presented as an obstacle to this. However, these examples are far from what real life is, it is not the same to be a gay person with university training, who has economic resources, has the support of his family and who lives in a developed country such asThe powers worldwide, to be one that lacks all the above

The work world currently supports and reproduces a series of asymmetries and exclusions referring to gender, sex and their diversities, and multiple forms of discrimination and exclusion take place in it. In this direction, wanting to include all LQTBI sectors in the working world requires a deep review of the structures, organizations, hierarchical constructions and changes in approaches in companies that lead to the creation of symmetries and eliminate the notions of subalternity built tofrom imaginary hierarchies in the face of sex and gender. Marcela Sánchez The Executive Director of Colombia diverse during 2016, expressed that while not being able to remain in the labor market and suffer discrimination in places where gay, lesbian and bisexual people work is a big problem, the situation of trans people arrives atBeing a little more complex why the majority of the population in this condition fail to access a job in the labor market, whether formally or informally. In addition, Sanchez emphasizes that there is still an absence of anti -discrimination policies in companies and ensures that there are no clear sanctions for people responsible for acts of exclusion. "It is necessary to take institutional measures to avoid discrimination and promote respect and inclusion through workshops and integration activities of the LGBTI community, such as diversity day" (Sánchez. 2016)

In conclusion, everything described above shows a very discouraging panorama for a country such as Colombia, which lives exclusion situations with high percentages towards people from the LGTBI community and violet the supremacy of the Political Constitution of 1991 which inHis articles enshrined work as a fundamental right that is part of the Colombian legal system, or other laws such as those given by the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá in 2010, where it is expressed that people belonging to the LGBTI sectors have the right to: exercise theI work in decent and fair conditions, that is, in “an environment that reflects due respect for its status as a human being, free of physical and moral threats, as well as circumstances that disturb the normal development of the assigned tasks”.

Although, as a country, progress has been registered in the recognition of human rights – including labor rights – of LGBTI people, many large employment generating companies make the workers of the collective continue to face situations of discrimination, and even harassment inthe job;which leads to many people to hide their sexual orientation or are aimed at sectors with a more tolerant work environment. That is why, Colombia wishes to improve at the economic level becoming a regional potential that can be equal to countries like Brazil, the labor participation of this community will have to be taken into account, since they represent according to the United Nations 4.5 million of the current population of the country and must be more rigorous regarding compliance with its norms and laws treating all citizens as equals.


  • F. Hang, c. Believe, a. McKearney, t. Wrightquality and Diversity Polies and Practices at Work: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Workers . Equal Opportunities International, 26 (6) (2007), pp. 590
  • Amaya, a. (2016). Be LGBT in the work world |Sense. Recovered from: https: // felt.com/ser-lgbt-in-the-world-labor/
  • Barrientos, J. (2018). Systematic violation of rights, reality of trans in the country. Recovered from: https: // www.time.com/Colombia/other-cities/situation-and-proprobles-of-the-communication-trans-in-colombia-243642
  • Franco, c. (2014). Discrimination and workplace to LGBT population. Recovered from: https: // www.Legal matters.com.CO/ANALYSIS/CARLOS-FRANCO-511151/DISCRIMINATION-Y-ACOSO-LABORAL-A-POBLATION-LGBT-214561

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