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Lgbt Community And Its Situation As A Vulnerable Group


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LGBT Community and its situation as a vulnerable group


In this research we will talk about the discrimination suffered by the LGBT community in Mexico, there are groups of people who, due to their ideas, way of thinking, race, religion, nationality, sex, skin color, diseases, different physical abilities, just to mention Some seem to have no place in the common idiosyncrasy of the Mexican, the people who express their affection, preference or physical attraction for others of the same sex are not saved from the individual and collective suffering that generates discrimination against them.

We will see how the LGBT community is too vulnerable due to lack of the fundamental rights they have in Mexico and indifference from the authorities.


The need to live in a peaceful way, shores the inhabitants of Mexico to fight to achieve solutions that facilitate this coexistence in a country that faces a spectacular cultural clash, with varied territories and climates, in addition to different ways of thinking of the inhabitants that They make up.

The right is useful, because it serves people, and can be used as a life tool, that is, as an elementary instrument in the social, economic, educational and cultural development of any state, or as the support of the changes elementals that influence political thinking, as well as the way in which public policies have to be implemented; It also serves as the limitation of the action of the powers that make up the government of a state.

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The law as a tool for legal and social work, must serve to implement public projects and policies that at the same time translate into effective actions for fighting the problems that afflict a society such as Mexican, in which hunger, Poverty, ignorance, but above all inequalities continue to wreak havoc in sectors that clearly seem more vulnerable or punished even by the same living conditions in which they are voluntarily or involuntarily.

The principle of equality before the law must prevail in the universal legal culture, but first of all it must be put into practice, it should not become a pamphlet or a simple poster of some government office, phrase of some non -governmental, civil, civilian organization or association or association., Since the generation of ideas and studies would be of no use from that premise if there are no sharp and forceful results that help men, women, children or elderly to learn to live harmoniously protected by the constitution of the country in which are and attending to the legislation that corresponds to them.

That is why the idea of ​​legal recognition to the fundamental rights of the LGBT community in Mexico, central point of the investigation, is warned

Interesting in relation to the need that a group of people in a situation of frank vulnerability, manifest regarding the guarantees that the State must seek.

The foregoing, in order to live, develop and progress regardless Better seem without affecting the life or moral of some people who have not been, they are not and will not be able (because they do not want it in the foreground) to accept the decision of others to take a different path from that chosen by the generality.

The problem becomes more complicated not because of the absence of action by the authorities involved in the subject, but, because there is a lot of information, but very little interest in achieving the knowledge of these problems by the majority of the community towards this type of matters, which, in reality, manage to wrap two more people, families and even moral people. generating the production of prejudices and generalized chaos that damages the inter -personal and social relationships of the LGBT community.

The principles of freedom and equality for homosexuals or any person who identifies with divergent sex of your sexuality ". Dignity that can be understood from several approaches or points of view, such as the condition inherent in the human being to try to live and live with their peers with the greatest possible decorum and respect.

It seems correct and fair, in addition to necessary, that every human being who is in a feed pressure (family, labor, social). Roger Raupp Ríos, "Notes for a democratic right of sexuality", sexual citizenship

in Latin America. Opening the debate, Peru, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, 2004, P. ecclesiastical) externalize its preference and the sexual orientation with which it is identified, regardless of its physical appearance or of the genital organs it possesses.

The above, it seems ideal to achieve the best conditions of equity and equality in some community, but the reality of things is that today the injustice and discrimination, in addition to the abuse of power by public officials, private institutions or For the individuals, they tend to stop the advances and achievements for the recognition and respect for the fundamental rights of groups in vulnerability, that of homosexuals, it is a clear example of this.

Therefore, law, constitution and legislation constitute a very useful support and become indispensable to ensure that security, legal certainty is strengthened and the promotion of the culture of respect for the rights of fundamental individuals is achieved , regardless of your preference, orientation or sexual identity. In addition, there are large areas of opportunity to continue the strengthening of the culture of respect, tolerance and above all of the inclusion of these groups in frank situation of vulnerability to common social activity, without labels, without stereotypes.

As mentioned in advance, part of the problem about homosexuality, it has a root in the distorted information that is generated within a socialist social circle, regarding the decision to manifest or make public any other type of different sexual orientation.

In most of our country, homosexuals are not well seen and even discriminatory practices against them are rooted, since the majority of the population has or has had a conservative and impregnated formation of a great religious influence, which has generated that this Culture of repudiation and mockery has been permeating over the years and for this:

“Mexico has been and is considered one of the countries with an accentuative and traditional culture, where sex is sinful, dirty, disgusting, and all possible negative qualifiers, leaving aside to consider the sexual facet, as an essential element Of physical, mental and psychological health, exercising, enjoying and enjoying sexuality is one of the basic human rights of every person ”.

Even, until just a little time ago it was unlikely that some young, adult, senior age, man or woman, express their sexual preferences or manifest their sexual orientation without immediate repercussions on personal, work, religious, social, social life In other words, it was not convenient to make the public domain.

In this way, through time and history homosexuals would be formed for many times to live clandestinely, confined in silence and fear of the rejection of the other members of the intolerant and exclusive conservative societies that fostered the cloister of The people considered by them different, however:

"Leaving the closet" is an expression that homosexuals adopted to express that some of them would have been encouraged or daring to openly manifest their preference and sexual orientation, that is: stop living even a double life, since many of these of these people had (or still) to simulate a role or role different from their desire or identity.

On the other hand, there are also the teasing of some other people who fail to understand the grievance and offense for members of vulnerable groups such as those that make up the LGBT collective (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals) and for families of these, but what seems more serious is that they have not assimilated that for a homosexual it can be harmful to their mental health.

Still in modern times it is difficult for a person to spontaneously manifest their sexual preference, because they face the unknown, for the fear that can generate being rejected first by the family, by the circles of friendships and more serious is still The labor discrimination in which you can see wrapped, even, “when a person is recognized as homosexual, there are no visible benefits. On the contrary: an isolated and marginalized future opens, which will probably bring conflicts with the family and the social environment. Assuming homosexuality does not mean getting home; Rather, it may seem an exile ".

With homosexuals something different happens, coexistence in a couple is complicated by the taboo and stigma that navigates large sectors of the population of Mexico and the world, even, it seems that each individual and each homosexual couple have had to start from scratch.

“Everyone has had to learn, with great difficulty, how to live homosexuality: how heterosexual society. He has had to deal with the great dilemmas of gay life: or not to the closet and how, to decide how to place himself in front of homophobia and how to live with dignity his orientation."

Homosexuals are constantly involved in the paradox of being accepted first in particular or personal, as conceived, as they are, or at least as they intend to be, coupled with this, their situation of sharpening by having to have to have to deal with the dilemma and the problem that are presented to them when they decide to make public knowledge78 who feel attraction for a person of the same sex, who are probably "gays".

It is important to say it clearly, the people of diverse sexual orientation, “face situations of social segregation, lack of opportunities, violation of their human, political, social, economic and cultural rights, are even frequently victims of hate crimes for reasons of homophobia.

The most serious of all, apparently, is the latter, because today, animosity towards homosexuality, generates repudiation towards members of this sexual orientation, in addition, it motivates that discrimination is not fought effectively, since Sometimes those policies not to accept or not to "promote" homosexuality are generated from the bowels of the same system. As if it were an event that was deserving of approval by the people who relate to some homosexual or lesbian, to express that they have "left the closet", generates problems that translate into the rejection by their family and Friends, sometimes discrimination in schools and in government work centers, or for ecclesiastical dogmas, with a rancid idea of ​​morality, prejudiced, closed that do not allow equality, tolerance, but above all the inclusion of homosexuals and lesbians in Society, germinates and strengthens a culture of coexistence framed by law, for peace.

Respect for the rights of the lesbian-gay community, are always threatened by conservative sectors that do not give in to the idea of ​​imposing their moral values ​​on society, even:

“For many centuries, sexuality was a religious matter: the forbidden and the acceptable thing were determined by the Church. Thus, the definition and condemnations of the sodomy have included in different times masturbation, oral sex, bestialism, consented adultery and any physical approach between two men, in addition to anal sex. That is, the Church rejected all forms of sexuality that was not sanctioned by marriage and that did not have as an end the reproduction. Consequently, he did not admit sexual relations between people of the same sex ”.

In that tenor, it is necessary that these groups in vulnerability situ.

There is a need to reflect and make the necessary approaches to understand this problem in an integral way. In principle, because most of the ideas and doctrines that abound in the mind discuss some issue.

If someone dares to talk about homosexuality, most of the time he does it adventurously. Very few people outside the groups that make up the LGBT collective, or those who are immersed in studies of this nature can effectively support the ideas of respect for their rights and the idea of ​​social inclusion for which they have fought lately.

Any person, with the minimum knowledge of the cause, dares to affirm that homosexuals are not born, are made or vice versa, that when they were small they suffered some sexual abuse, which come from dysfunctional families, which are, abnormal, indecent, perverted, sinners , immoral, patients, "Sidosos".

From any angle or point of view, it is infamous stereotype to a person who may have suffered from his childhood or adolescence, for not being coupled to an environment that has been prepared to live it in a default or structured way to the convenience of the History, of the Church, of the conservative groups of society and largely by state.

One of the most serious mistakes that have been committed by the congresses of different federative entities, is the one that until recently, the task of including issues of the homosexual community in the legislative community was drawn and as an integral part of public policies of health, labor, educational, legal and some others that positively or negatively affect the members of the group in question.

The above is paradoxical, because far from diminishing the intentions of the homosexual community regarding the achievement, obtaining, recognition and respect of their rights, and although, although the animosity towards this particular group is not ended, an idea has been produced more forceful, more serious and based on the problem around these groups in vulnerability.

The need to address their problems with greater seriousness, in pursuit of less controversial solutions, which allow them for recognition and respect for their rights and freedoms. This also implies the commitment of these groups to fully comply with their obligations.


In this research, issues such as homosexuality have been discussed as a taboo in force in a society that is not prepared, or informed about these issues, often not even trying to train and thus generating zero knowledge, regarding the problems to which you are face due to situations that are innovative and that change regularly.

Ideological biases were also discussed so entrenched in society that prevent the LGBT community from expressing their sexuality with freedom, for fear of rejection by their family and society.

As the fundamental rights to equality, freedom and non -discrimination for sexual orientation reasons have become the main argument for community recognition.

As it is relevant to refer to them as groups in vulnerability, since it is external conditions that determine their discriminatory treatment, instead of calling them minorities, because the number of people who make up the community is not determinable in its entirety but goes in Increase, but regardless of numbers, homosexual rights continue without being recognized by most legal systems in various countries, which leads to practices that threaten them such as discrimination

Discrimination towards homosexuals is present at any time and place, consists of differentiation or segregation behaviors by authorities, who with their acts damage or injure the legal sphere of those who are in a position of inequality for reasons or cause of their Sexual identity and orientation.

It is necessary to review the national and local regulatory framework to identify the legislation and norms that reproduce homophobia, as well as legal gaps, and then propose legislative reforms necessary to enforce, guarantee, protect and promote the rights of populations of sexual diversity.


  • The National Council to prevent discrimination [Conapred]. (2018). Survey on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

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