Life After Death And Soul
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It is not possible to light in other beings the flame that illuminated all the paths of man on earth without taking into account – and in a living way – the problem of what will come after death. It is of any essential point to note that a living fear, beyond all logic, assaults Westerners when they face the proximity of the other shore. There are exceptions among mystics and among those who have a deep faith; But they are exceptions. The common thing is that the wing of terror takes over those who are in the trance of abandoning the world. Someone once said that the earth is only abandoned by who wants to abandon it. This is known in depth all the oriental philosophers, very particularly the Hindus. This concept was somewhat inaccessible to the intelligences of the West until some superior mentalities of the East, who in turn knew the western mentality, dedicated themselves to clarifying the problem. Among those who undertook this task, Hivekananda and Ramacharaka stand out. The first, to use a western expression, is expressed in a metaphysical language; The second, is eminently practical, because it has more closely understood the needs of the West.
Let’s not involve faith in the discussion, I want to deal with this matter from a completely philosophical point of view. Most philosophers have historically agreed that death is not the end, but the beginning of something different (although they have disagreed what concrete form adopts that ultraterrene life).
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This implies the acceptance of the existence of an immaterial soul within each of us that survives that great trauma that is death, the separation of our body. That soul is usually considered a rational nature. That is, it is immaterial because it deals with immaterial objects such as ideas and concepts.
According to these philosophers, what is related to the immaterial must also be immaterial. In the Fedón or about the immortality of the soul, Plato’s wonderful dialogue, the following argument is offered: since the soul is the principle of life, it is impossible for him to die, since he would go against the same essence. It would be like saying that it is possible to turn 3 into a couple. Subsequent philosophers, such as rationalists, will affirm that the human soul is so different from the body that there is no really relationship between the two. In this way, the body dissolves after death, but the soul does not suffer any change. Humanity is hypnotized by the idea of death. The vulgar use of this word denotes the illusion. On the lips of those who should have more knowledge, we hear expressions such as ‘the implacable scythe of death’, ‘Trochada in the flower of his age’, ‘missing forever’, ‘Everything ended for him’, ‘irreparable loss’, etc., When talking about a person who has just left this world, as if they implied that he has ceased to exist and is nothing. Above all, these pessimistic and skeptical ideas predominate in the western world, despite the fact that the Christian religion prevailing there describes the delights of heaven in such vigorous and attractive terms that all their faithful should desire the transit to such a happy and happy life. If Christians sincerely believe what their esoteric religion teaches and promises, instead of regretting bitterly and dress Being loved to the happy, happy and blessed celestial life. What we call death or destruction, even of the most insignificant to be inanimate, I don’t know more than a change of form or condition of its energy and activities. Not even the body dies in the strict sense of the word. The body is not an entity but an aggregate of cells that serve as a vehicle for certain energy modalities that vitalize them. When the soul leaves the body, the cells disintegrate instead of adding as before. The unifying force that maintained them added their power and the reverse activity is manifested.’There is never the body more alive than when dead.’‘ Death is nothing more than an aspect of life, and the destruction of a material way is the prelude to the construction of another.’
One of the most frequent questions of those who begin to be interested in the mystery of the other life is: ‘What happens to the soul immediately to get out of the body?’Very deplorable are the answers that give this question many of the entitled authorities in the matter. In truth, ‘poor knowledge is very dangerous’. Vulgar people appear that as soon as the soul emerges from the physical body, it enters a new world of activity, in a wonderful country of strange and mysterious scenes. Many hope to find after death the loved ones who preceded them in the departure of this world.
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