Listening To The Attention Is Developed: Auditory Understanding And The Digital Age
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Attention is the ability to direct and maintain an adequate activation status for the correct processing of information. Aristotle was the first to mark the attention-clarity bond, which was subsequently deepened by Descartes concluding that "knowledge consists of clear and differentiated ideas, a clarity that is achieved precisely attending".
There are studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where several scientists and students prove how much an individual’s attention can be affected. One of the main objectives was to see if a person was able to keep his attention, having a headset in his ear when he is starting a conversation or listening to another person. As previously said ‘pay attention’ is not a unique behavior of the human being. Some experiments failed, but most managed to understand what they were telling them or either maintaining the conversation. This depends at what sound height is being heard or also on what type of melody is being heard, since those of a slightly noisy nature such as rock is more difficult for a person to understand the information given to him
The human data processing capacity depends on how much attention he pays to the matter in question and if it is important for the person;For example, if a programmer attends a business administration conference, he can hardly pay attention and capture the central theme, it will easily be distracted because it is not from his area, but if he goes to a technology conference he will quickly capture the subject and whatwill remember.
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Memory works based on the attention given to said event or content. Now, how can this attention be used for business?
Information attention and size
Today people seek information shortly and precisely, that is, a concept that is short but understandable;Students when doing research tasks no longer read books to read but simply tyok on Google to find the term and voila, they prefer to do this for comfort because they save them time and make things easier for them. Another example that occurs today focusing on the business area is in advertising mainly on the most used video platform in the world, YouTube, companies seek to structure a shocking announcement that captures user’s attention in less than 5 seconds, which is the waiting period to jump the announcement, companies seek to exploit this platform to advertise, even though they do not succeed, but try to implement this. However, when manipulating the size of the information shortens the content, it must be taken into account what content is the most essential and a strategic duration, because a short content but full of technicalisms will perplexed anyone, or that it was understandable but very longIt makes the consumer distracted and only retain a small part of the information, it must also be dynamic to attract more people and who recommend it to leave a clear satisfaction of doubts and achieve the goal.
Attention and digital era: a powerful combination.
The Silicon Valley boom was an event that would mark the story forever with the appearance of new technologies that facilitate communication and obtaining information in an easy and fast way. For several years social networks have redefined this concept by attracting everyone, mainly capturing the attention of the young public. Another important concept that is important that is digital or virtual life has also been defined.
Digital life is life itself and technology represents a fundamental part of human being. In the world there are more people with access to a smartphone than with access to running water, which is extraordinary. Regardless of whether or not to have a device, mobile technology has been generalized. Digitization stimulates the activity of health services and world research centers, feeds the infrastructure of public services, supports educational systems, revolutionizes our way of directing companies and, at a more intrinsic level, allows theHuman race communicate through the borders.
Even so, with all these benefits that have brought new technologies, a dichotomy has been created, that is, digital life has complemented real life, but going on separate paths. This dichotomy causes people to spend much longer on social networks and smartphones than other things, such as talking with family or playing football or other sport, prefer to play Free Fire or Fortnite. This leads to considering many risks caused by this situation, there is a health risk due to the much use of the screens, this causes blindness, due to the abuse of time this causes the user to forget their basic needs and this causes in the long runserious diseases, not forgetting the lack of physical activity that causes them obesity;In the social field these people become antisocial, their social relationships with family and friends begin to fail, they cause low academic performance, tasks are missing;Addiction means that when electricity is cut, they believe it is the end of the world and generates a dependency to this.
What to invest attention then?
To learn new knowledge and be aware of any situation it is necessary to pay attention to the explanation. The tendency in which the use of social networks will increase every day and the contents will be updated with the step, but how can we take advantage of knowledge? We must use the Internet and social networks for knowledge, not only to share memes or tendency videos, but to generate knowledge. The responsible use of these technologies is also important. We should pay and invest in all that content that helps us enhance our abilities and skills and recommend it to our friends and family to take a positive benefit from the content. Nowadays, most invest a very valuable time in idle activity without any productive benefit, which is why you have to acquire the habit of focusing the mind on ‘Yes it is productive I see it, otherwise I reject it’, only through techniquesFrom discipline you could acquire the habit of seeing and sharing material that helps enhance productive knowledge in an leisure society.
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