Literary Work: Chronicle Of The Announced Death
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García Márquez’s work, the chronicle of an announced death, occurs in a small town that is patriarchal and conservative. The fundamentals of this work reflect the values of religion, honor, and the honor that this people sustain above all. At first glance, the representation of women is marginal in this town that is dominated by machismo and honor, but in reality, the whole plot is dominated by women. In the work the chronicle of the announced death, there are two types of women who dominate not only the outcome of the plot, but also reflect or reject the expectations of female roles.
Women in the work are carriers of the ideology of the people and interpreters of the social mandate. In the chronicle of the announced death, the text contains two stereotypes of women: those that challenge the macho ideology from the opposition to the social mandate. In contrast, the other type of women are those that remain linked to codes and simultaneously grant other women who do not value sexist and oppressive dynamics in this society. Women in the work The chronicle of a death announced carries a power marginalized by machismo, but nevertheless, the feminine in history has rigor and manages the interactions of the characters.
In the first group of women they challenge and question the power and image of the masculine imposed by society. Among this group is Clotilde Armenta, Luisa Santiaga and María Alejandrina Cervantes.
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In the first chapter Luisa Santiaga says "Men of bad law, he said in a very low voice, shit animals that are not able to do anything that are not misfortunes" (García Márquez) and tries to prevent the murder of Santiago Nasar. She not only recognizes and establishes the taxism that is machismo, but also has the courage to try to confront the situation to stop the Vicario brothers.
Another woman who mentions her rejection of machismo is explicitly. When she tells her part she says: “That day I realized- he told me- how alone women are in the world!". The narrator also acknowledged that "Clotilde Armenta thought that this was the height of machismo" (García Márquez). These characters not only recognize that the Vicario brothers are not doing wrong to kill, but point out that men are irrational and women have the power to resist these macho values that society imposes on them. Another of the chronicle women of an announced death is María Alejandrina Cervantes.
She is described as "the most elegant and most tender woman I ever met, and the most helpful in bed". It is ironic and strange that in a small village where good morals governs all the norms of life, the existence of a brothel is accepted. This woman is not only a prostitute, but has also educated men: "He taught us much more than we should learn, but he taught us above all that no place in life is sadder than an empty bed’. She sows the idea of sexuality, but it is also the word that teaches and reassures the men of the village. His assertiveness in his character shows power and resistance to the marginal norms assigned to women.
Through this character, the role of the women of García Márquez’s text can be read between the lines. In contrast to the challenging female characters, we do not find those that not only defends the machismo of society, but also believe it is necessary to respect it. Ona of them is prudence Cotes, girlfriend of Pablo Vicario, by affirming the attitude taken by the twins “I knew what they were in – he told me – and I not only agreed, but I would never have married him if I did not fulfill as a man".
She defends Pablo Vicario’s actions because he also values the ideology of honor and he honors through machismo. His name, prudence, is also ironic, since it means the ability to think rationally, virtue that she does not possess. When rationalizing the slaughter of a man in the name of honor, he is not really prudent. Another character that stands out as a guard of social norms is pure vicar. The blows in her daughter’s body after Bayardo San Román returns her home is a main example that demonstrates the importance she gives to honor and simultaneously holds the idea of machismo.
Ángela Vicario describes: "The only thing I remember is that I was holding for my hair with one hand and hitting me with the other with such anger that I thought I was going to kill me". Pure Vicar protects more to his honor before the people than the well -being of his daughter. The simple fact that she decides to force her daughter to marry someone just for money and reputation. Although Ángela Vicario must be highlighted, it is the one who begins the central theme of the novel- The announced death of Santiago Nasar- Ángela is part of the two types of women described in this essay. Despite being a victim of society that values virginity and honor, his character embodies this martyr ideology in itself.
When her cousin interviews her, she says "I found too much man for me" and starts her weak and submissive figure. In Chapter 3 of the work, Angela is described by Bayardo San Román, the man who basically bought her and then returned her violently for not being a virgin. Despite the horrible thing that Bayardo treatment was treated and everything Angela suffered as a result of him, she not only forgives him, but he also begins to love him for years. In the work, Angela has no reason why she should love Bayardo, but nevertheless she writes letters and awaits him even if he does not answer.
By romantizing the figure of male of a violent and traditional nature, Angela fosters and justifies how toxic machismo is. As I mentioned, Ángela Vicario is a complex and deep character to which the two types of women can be identified. Although of character it is mainly submissive, since it is not a virgin she begins the rejection of the rules assigned to the woman. Twenty years later, Angela is described as a mature and ingenious woman. His mother “had done more than the possible for Angela Vicario.
On the contrary. Everyone who wanted to hear her had her details ”(García Márquez). Angela has self-value and confidence to continue her life without shame of what the people say. The idea of honor and honor to press women to maintain that martyr and submissive figure is being dismantled by Angela by not giving importance. Women in that work by García Márquez play a role that reflects or rejects the value that society gives to toxic machismo. But the dynamics of power and submissive goes beyond obeying what it means to be masculine or female in this society.
The figure of machismo, honor and honor is more glorified than the principles of religion, another aspect that people value and reflect their image. On the day that the bishop visits the people and despite the fact that everyone is religious, no one for or cares about the death of Santiago Nasar. Such as in the Spanish society of the Golden Age, the "honor" and "honor" go through and define the actions of men and women. The inhabitants of the patriarchal and neatly religious people of the novel encourage the idea of a caste, pure, and beautiful woman. His actions are discussed around this conception and everything is worth relatively little when honor is stained, including religion.
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