Long -Term Health Traumas Due To Child Abuse
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The following summary is based on an article made by “European Journal of Psychotraumatology´´, published on January 1, 2018, about a study carried out on child abuse, a problem that unfortunately covers all countries of the world of the world.
Child abuse is all that action generated to a minor which negatively affects his life and is characterized in various types as negligence, physical, emotional and sexual. For this reason this article explains how these classes of abuse with physical health are associated with the passage of time, according to a study prepared through a representative sample in Germany.
Because of child abuse, irremediable traumas in health
According to a study conducted in Germany through a representative sample, an investigation was carried out to corroborate the hypothesis of other inquiries on how child abuse in physical health affects adulthood during adulthood during adulthood. As we know child abuse is characterized by several types such as, negligent or abandonment, emotional, physical and sexual, but what we did not know is that these abuses leave irremediable traumas in health.
According to this research, all types of abuse influence the development of physical diseases, which are responsible for many deaths in the world. Some of the results in this study showed that people who suffered sexual abuse in their childhood tend to suffer diabetes.
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On the other hand, he explains that all experience in these abuses brings with I continue over the years, other health disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular conditions, chronic bronchitis, cancer among others.
It is worth noting that the results of this research benefit a whole society in general to make a call of conscience and promote tactics for prevention of child abuse, through family education, encourage more participation from public entities andinstitutions dedicated to the protection of children and eradicating this situation so inhuman that it leaves as consequences public health concerns.
Finally, it can be said that the investigation is very complete and leaves on understanding that child abuse beyond experienced trauma, but also affects throughout life generating high -risk diseases of many deaths.
According to the analysis set forth in this article, on the study carried out in Germany, child abuse is largely related to the chances of long -term health disorders, such as obesity, arterial hypertension, cancer, diabetes among others. And the higher the highest abuse index will be health problems. For this reason, actions must be taken to prevent these abuse, educating society and creating more laws that are valid throughout the world that punish these barbarities.
- Clemens, v., Huber-Lang, m., Plener, p. L., Brähler, e., Brown, r. C., & Fegert, J. M. (2018). Association of Child Maltreatment Subtypes and Long-Term Physical Health in a German Representative Sample. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 9 (1), 1. https: // doi-org.Ezproxy.Collegofthedesert.EDU/10.1080/20008198.2018.1510278
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