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Loss Of Cultural Identity, Case Of Study In The Ecuadorian Educational Unit Of Ecuador


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Loss of cultural identity, case of study in the Ecuadorian Educational Unit of Ecuador


The great questions about today’s cultural identity is the loss of culture in the social environment in which we live, it is very predictable to see culture everywhere without any exception in its maximum splendor, but this time this analysis has been carried outIn the Educational Unit "Cap. Edmundo Chiriboga ”in the 3rd BGU parallel“ I ”and each of the effects caused by the disorientation of culture in a globalized environment, in a harmonious and peaceful environment, will be determined. Having the knowledge that culture can work without the need for consciousness of cultural identity (set of values, traditions, symbols, beliefs and ways of behavior).

Like any modern and dynamic concept subject to constant changes, cultural identities can be manipulated and even modify a culture either pragmatically or unconsciously bad, in this case it can be explained that there is a correlation of "them" in front of "we". Indeed, whatever their motives and forms, intercultural encounters are and will be a growing part of our information environment. Intercultural training is, therefore, so influential in social life and in the recognition of the need to identify as oneself in the complexity of the facets of interculturality (macro theme studied).

In a school environment, the intercultural has been raised as a fundamental problem by having to deal with the cultural identity of students because of the schooling of immigrant children or belonging to minority sociocultural groups (García, 1998).

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The world, the way of living and society have changed thanks to globalization which favors the loss of cultural identities in favor of an idea of global culture, imposed by the great powers about the rest of the world. In addition to the place of study, the change of “personality” of each can be evidence.

For this we have to carry out different projects that help maintain the cultures of each of the young people so that they do not follow stereotypes of a social stigma since it has become very difficult to recognize the roots of where we come, in addition, the globalization that attacks every timemuch stronger and in different ways, television, the internet, etc.

In this event, the Government has made an important role in the daily life of knowledge to children and adolescents who are the key to the restructuring of cultures.

At present, it has not been thought about how to strengthen the cultural identity of each student but has simply dedicated themselves to “manufacturing writing and memorizing machines”, a social contribution space has not been made where each student can express the way of expressingAs really he is, therefore, there has been no due priority to what culture is important.

Definition of the problem

Culture exists in all parts of the world, it manifests itself in different ways (set of values, traditions, symbols, beliefs and ways of behavior), but the following case study will be carried out in Ecuador, in the province of Chimborazo Cantón Riobamba inTHE EDUCATIONAL UNIT "CAP. Edmundo Chiriboga G ”in the 3rd Bgu“ I ”.

In relation to the different issues that the cultural identity addresses but more specific the loss of it such as globalization, social stigmas, education, emigration and immigration are fundamental but for the loss of it the most outstanding in the lossof identity in young people is globalization and education since they play a very important role in the day -to -day life of people both in their environment and in their daily lives, according to some articles that mention “the education that is taught inSchools, such as the media, propitiate from their speeches the gradual abandonment of ancestral practices ”(Regalado Espinoza, Marín Rodríguez, & Rodríguez Méndez, 2014, p. 8).

Despite all the efforts made to maintain an intact cultural identity of young. The above, explains the reason for this research: how can we prevent the cultural identity of young people from being preserved today?


The causes that led to investigating the loss of culture in the U.AND.C.AND.Ch of the 3rd BGU “I” is set in a specific group that are the young people of the aforementioned course, it can also be appreciated as young people have been influenced by the “new technologies” that has been caused by globalization and thus different factorsLike social stigma, etc. If the expected result is obtained, young people will recognize their roots where they come without following stereotypes of an “elderly culture” since for many it represents a low economic status but this is false and this has been given thanks misrepresentation of concepts that have beengeneral knowledge.

The present problem is considered of great importance since in Ecuador it is a country that has lush wealth in traditions and customs, which contain different festivities, rituals, dances, ancestral techniques, ways of living that allow everyone to feel identified from aor another way with the origins of his homeland but this is not recognized today by young people.

In the context of the problem it was to see what factors limit expressing culture in important spaces as in the field of education but these are very noticeable and thanks to that the problem of loss of identity could be identified, it can also be noted that it has beenA reason for study since years ago. You are intended to raise awareness of young people not to lose their cultural identity, strengthening their trust.

General objective

Investigate the incidence of the loss of cultural identity in the youth of the 3rd BGU “I” of the Educational Unit “Cap. Edmundo Chiriboga "

Specific objectives

  • Promote the strengthening, care and valuation of cultural identity and avoiding the uprooting of it.
  •  Develop a proposal that allows to solve the problem detected in this research.


Conceptual framework


It comes from the term Latin cultus and in its beginnings referred to agricultural activity, it is now understood as the cultivation of the human spirit, the intellectual faculties of man, and its definition has changed throughout history.

Cultural identity

Cultural identity from the point of view of anthropology constitutes a type of social identity that has to do with awareness, by the members of a group, about their cultural differences.


Custom is based on routine. Indeed, certain behaviors tend to prevail that however never acquires a mandatory character (for example: clothing customs, beliefs, funeral culinary, etc.)


Belief in particular to religious experience, evokes at least a state of permanent tension between doubt and faith, the way of believing for a long time attributed without more to societies called primitive. Beliefs would look like dogma or the idea received.


Forms of social nature in which the elements of cultural heritage are transmitted from one generation to another by medical contacts of continuity.

Cultural expressions

Cultural expressions expressions resulting from the creativity of the people, groups and societies that have a cultural content. It must be safeguarded by and for the community.


Knowledge is a situation expressed by a proposition also known as knowing. True knowledge has a logical structure by which it is intended to influence. They reach knowledge those who need to influence.


Clothing in some investigations it is proven that not only served to cover itself, taking as an ornament which relates to something symbolic.

Loss of cultural identity

The globalization of the economy, communications and technologies is not an exclusive issue of them, but also penetrates the social and cultural in general, exercising a significant influence on the culture of peoples, thus transforming the most everyday relationshipsof human beings in a radical way. This growing international integration has produced a whole series of consequences of character, economic, political, cultural and environmental environment. Unfortunately, some of them can be and are negative. The life of people around the world is more deeply linked, more intense and more immediate than ever.

The identity of cultural and popular values or expressions of a nation appears in the difference in conception that is in front of the general cultural phenomenon and in the diversity of the confrontations of the actors with their own medium. In popular and folk expressions, much of the personality of a people rest, and that is that in every cultural process the tradition represents the root of the cultural activity of the people, being the tradition where the values that characterize the culture of atown, hence the resistance and native and nationalist responses.

How values influence cultural identity

The training process through the internalization of sociocultural values, the student has been a matter of analysis among educators, in view that behavior does not correspond to the principles of coexistence that must exist in society. The theoretical bases that support this work are based on the humanistic opinion that places the family in their relations with the school, as a fundamental axis to specify their life project in the citizen training of its members

The values reflect the individual’s personalities and are the expression of moral, cultural and affective internalization that intrinsically carries in itself and can externalize in the social environment where it develops when giving importance to the norms, guidelines and duties enshrined in the Constitution and thelaws, and that it is the duty of every citizen to abidecommunity and other members of their family nucleus.

Educational strategies to develop cultural identity

Regional identity and cultural diversity in students and is required, in which to make an educational attitude of teaching, a situation that falls on the teacher’s ability to act planned and consciously to favor the learning of the constituent elements of the identityCultural of the place or town where school is located. Situation that leads us to think or rethink not only the strategies that we must use, but even the curriculum and its ends.

It is assumed at first that the work for the development of cultural identity requires teaching strategies that harmonize learning and cultural diversity or particularities present at school, guiding students to stimulate self-learning through aSelf-knowledge of his personal and cultural peculiarities that allows him to feel strengthened to share and enter an intercultural dialog.

Methodological framework

It consists of the explanation of the research strategy that will be developed in the case study. The nature of the project should be considered to determine the most relevant methodological strategy.

The present investigation in an initial phase will be of an exploratory type since research of this type offers a first approach to the problem that is intended to study and know in this case interculturality, at first its instrument of information collection to be used will beThe simple observation of the object of study.

Exploratory research is carried out to know the topic that will be addressed, which allows us to “familiarize ourselves” with the problem, this type of type of research gives us a panorama or superficial knowledge of the subject, but it is the first inevitable step for anyType of subsequent investigation that you want to carry out.

With this type of research or the initial information is obtained to continue with a more rigorous investigation, or it is proposed

It is important to analyze that given the characteristics of the work, the size of the population will be the BGU course “I” and in a concrete way the population will be made up of the BGU course “I” of the Educational Unit “Capitan Edmundo Chiriboga”.

This work will be done in five phases, which are: Phase 1: application of data collection instruments, phase 2: systematization, categorization and analysis of information, phase 3: interpretation of the data, phase 4: presentation and writing ofResults (Final Report) Phase 5: Writing of conclusions and recommendations, which will be described in detail later. In addition, two data collection instruments will be used, the first is a survey, which aims to obtain the perception that participants have on “Identity Loss”.

Among the data collection techniques and instruments, it is a survey conducted on Google forms, a means that allows you to obtain opinion in relation to the problem. For the procedure and information organization, records and analysis of the data obtained are made.


Then the survey established for this study, is obtained as information through the Internet of a survey consisting of 4 questions, that the parallel "I" of the Educational Unit "Captain Edmundo Chiriboga"

Regarding question 1 How do you self-define? 83.40% mestizo, several people who are indigenous, few white people and there is no Afro Ecuadorians.

Regarding question 2 Do you think that the new generations of your cultural identity do not know the values, traditions, symbols, beliefs and ways of behavior in your community?, 50% say that new generations have lost their cultural identity, many of them believe that perhaps and also few people believe they know traditions..

Regarding question 3, apparently their classmates have lost the feeling of belonging to their cultural identity?, 66.7% give a positive response, the rest deny the answer.

Regarding question 4, which of the following expressions of your culture do you think it has been lost?, The manifestation of young students is 43.3% is due to the ancestral language, 33.3% the way they dress, however 13.3% opt for music, and the remaining one for popular festivals.

Analysis of results

The survey conducted to the 30 young people of the third BGU “I”, obtaining as a result:

When observing the results you can see a high degree of young people manifest as mestizo/ with which they identify;In conclusion, it can be affirmed that a very small percentage is self-defined indigenous, traditional values are unknown. Therefore, cultural value should be encouraged through talks, group work, dramatizations, etc. in which highlights the value, respect and importance that has interculturality.

Students if they feel that the feeling of belonging to their cultural identity of their ethnic condition has been lost since this culture is due to this culture. Therefore to try to lose this, talks about identity and values should be given but before all this, education should come from home because the school will end students with the related personality and identity and thusNot having complexes or cohahibitions with yourself in the future. The loss of the ancestral language and that with the loss of cultural identity, due to the fact that people learn or opt for new ways of life, clothing, traditions or new cultures. In conclusion, it can be said that the visit has affected the indigenous cultural identity in our students in a large percentage.


Once the students of the Students of the Educational Unit "Captain Edmundo Chiriboga" Bug Pararallo "I".

In Educational Unit, the indigenous population has innumerably increased where most people especially young people are losing their cultural identity due to the influence of foreign customs. Cultural identity students should assess much more than any other cultural so that it has the respect and meaning that it deserves, in terms of acculturation, students are observed as the lack of education, respect, devaluation and little interest of theirown culture.


  • Educational institutions that have indigenous ethnic students must opt for permanent training in related issues in the conservation of cultural identity.
  • Awareness, valuing all the cultural wealth that students of indigenous ethnicity possess and thus realize how much it means and how it identifies us of other cultures.


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