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Lunar Cycles


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Lunar Cycle and Phases of Moon
The experimentation has comprised of observations based on lunar cycles. This phenomenon can be accurately observed by analyzing the position of the earth; Moon and the Sun. Surely, the earth and moon are in continual motion whereas the Sun is considered stationary. This paper will look at different phases of the moon and would provide an explanation for different phenomena’s that occurs as part of a lunar cycle.
Causes of Moon Phases
There are a number of potential causes; however, the most important one is the relative position of moon and sun with respect to that of the Sun. It can be implied that like any celestial body, the moon also rises in the east and surely, sets towards the West.
Two Phases of Moon
Moon possesses a total of eight phases that is evident by its change in size and shapes all around the month. Usually, the lunar cycle lasts for around 29 days, and each phase can be observed during those time period as evident from the observations and data logs. The phases of moon include new moon, waxing crescent moon, first-quarter moon, waxing gibbous moon, full moon, waning gibbous moon, last quarter moon and waning crescent moon (Byrd). Following is the pictorial representation of the Moon phases:

Figure 1: Moon Phases (Holt and West)
As part of the paper, only two phases including new moon and first quarter moon would be described in much detail.
New Moon
Considering the new moon phase, it basically describes the moment at which the sun and the moon are in conjunction.

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It means that the Sun and the Moon are on the opposite side of the Moon as seen in the data log observation of February 19th, 2015. The new moon is not quite commonly observed from the Earth surface because of the reason that only the darker side of the moon faces the Earth during that time. However, in some instance, the moon lies quite directly between the Earth and the Sun during the very same new moon phase. During that period of time, the Earth experiences a solar eclipse as the Earth is shadowed by the Moon. However, during that special period of time, only a fraction of the Sun is quite commonly interrupted.
Besides these basics, the following data is observed consisting of that specific day (Peter Heyes 19-02-2015).
Sun Rise = 05:26 EST
Sun Set = 18:48 EST
Moon Rise = 06:07 EST
Moon Sets = 20:03 EST
Moon Phase at 0% illumination = 00:00 at 174o
Moon Phase at3% illumination = 24:00 at 160o
First Quarter Moon
During the first quarter of the Moon phase, only the half of the Moon is quite commonly illuminated as visualized from the surface of the Earth. During this phase, the Moon rises quite near in the middle of the day; however, it sets during mid of night. Usually, the northern regions of the world have clear visibility of the right part of the Moon whereas the southern part of Moon is visible within the Southern regions. At the equatorial regions, the upper part quite commonly appears to be brighter after the moonrise. Nevertheless, the lower part is quite bright before the moon set (Holt and West 109-134).
As per the data logs, the Moon experienced at the February 26th, 2015. Besides these basics, the following data is observed consisting of that specific day (Peter Heyes 26-02-2015).
Sun Rise = 05:16 EST
Sun Set = 18:55 EST
Moon Rise = 01:17 EST
Moon Sets = 12:11 EST
Moon Phase at 52% illumination = 00:00 at 88o
Moon Phase at 62% illumination = 24:00 at 77o
All in all, the lunar cycle is one of the most interesting phenomenons of the Earth. And it can comprise of different phases thereby leading to numerous changes on the face of the Earth.

Works Cited
Byrd, Deborah. ‘Understanding Moon Phases | Earthsky.Org’. Earth Sky. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from http://earthsky.org/moon-phases/understandingmoonphases
Holt, Geoff, and Nancy W West. Project Earth Science. Arlington: National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), 2011. Print.
Peter Heyes 19-02-2015,. ‘Sun And Moon Calculations’. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from http://www.aphayes.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/sun_moon.html?Place=%27Washington%20DC%27&Lat=+38.88&Long=-77.0&TZ=-5&TZname=%27EST%27&Year=2015&Month=4&Day=19
Peter Heyes 26-02-2015,. ‘Sun And Moon Calculations’. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from http://www.aphayes.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/sun_moon.html?Place=%27Washington%20DC%27&Lat=+38.88&Long=-77.0&TZ=-5&TZname=%27EST%27&Year=2015&Month=4&Day=26

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