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Martin Luther and the Church
According to the Catholic Church, an indulgence was a remission before God with consideration of the sequential punishment due to the sins that had already been forgiven. According to Luther, the belief indicated that the indulgence was to reduce the believers need for decontamination from the consequences of sins before entering heaven. Besides, no human being has powers to minimize the penalties of a sin on earth. Presently, the tolerance has been given in churches for the recital of prayers or as an act of charity. As a way of reducing the amount of punishment in the Catholic Church, Martin Luther was against the sale of indulgence with consideration of going for sins.
Pope Julius II had commissioned the reconstruction of St. Peter’s Basilica, and it was to be done by Donato Bramante. The painter had applied himself posing as an architecture that had the best architectural plans for the church (Luther, 277). As the construction was half-way, it stalled due to Bramante’s incompetence. With regards to the matter, Luther had dropped his belief in Purgatory. He argues against a person’s actions having a role in salvation as he approves faith to be the only determinant factor.
Among the significant issues of the Protestant Reformation, Luther believed that Christians were to only hold on to the Bible. For instance, the Catholics taught that divine revelation was only communicated through tradition and the scripture.
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Catholics argued that the living legend existed ahead of the New Testament. This included papal infallibility, clerical celibacy, and the immaculate conception of Mary mother of Jesus. Luther went ahead and married a runaway nun and had six children creating a happy family.
According to Luther, individuals could only be saved through faith, and the Catholic Church was doing it wrong. By contrast to the Protestants, the Catholics believed in a mixture of works and confidence necessary for salvation ( Luther, 278). Luther thought that true faith could not be separated from jobs and Catholics should agree that its grace that can give salvation.
Luther was not happy with the manner in which the Pope was becoming too political. This led to issues of where the taxes collected were sent to the churches as the spending of wealth was adorned to churches. People were buying their way to heaven, and there were prayers for forgiveness of sins. The Roman Catholics were claiming a different authority by tracing the roots of their churches or apostolic succession back to the first succession. In determining the line of succession to the apostles, the Eastern Orthodox, the Roman Catholic, and the Protestants attempted to derive the support of authority from the wrong source instead of getting it from the word of God. The popes and the council had contradicted each other forcing Luther to be convinced by understandable reason and the scripture.
In conclusion, the 95 theses were aiming to affirm the salvation by grace has an individual was to be rescued from the Wrath of God by His grace. The blessing is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit which unites Christians through releasing one from the bondage of sin. Salvation is by faith alone, and it is through Christ that His uprightness can be attributed to the possible contentment of God’s ideal impartiality. The ultimate authority of forgiveness comes from God.
Work Cited
Luther, Martin. “Ninety-five theses.” 120 banned (2011): 277.
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