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M6D1 Burnout


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M6D1: Burnout
Institutional Affiliation

M6D1: Burnout
Jet Blue Flight Attendant Actions
Burnout is known to have an adverse impact on the productivity and well-being of employees in an organization. Employees who suffer from burnout are likely to deliver poor quality services in their workplace. Similarly, such employees are unlikely to exploit their potential. Thus, Jet Blue flight attendant incident is a typical example of what may befall a person when their burn out and stress levels cannot be handled. Human resource departments have been charged with the responsibility of enabling their employees to manage stress and burn out. The way in which Steve ended his 20-year career is an indication of the levels of distress he faced while at his workplace. There are several better mechanisms of handling stress encountered at work. Steve failed in handling his challenges at work and hence led to the end of his career in a worse way. A better way would have been to seek the counsel of his human resource department. Alternatively, he could have considered resignation.
Causes of Snapping
People face different challenges, which in turn prompt them to snap. When the professional demands of a job are too high, it is likely that the individual would consider leaving the opportunity. Steve’s incidence of snapping must have been the demand of his work. Working as a flight attendant demands that a person be always on the move and have little time for self. Having few social connections results to a disconnect and hence lead to snapping.

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The nature of the working environment may also be a catalyst prompting a person to act unexpectedly (Slocum & Hellriegel, 2011; Dixon & Hart, 2010).). The situation may be worsened when the available resources to perform a task are inadequate. As a result, those who have poor response mechanisms will most likely respond by snapping.
How I behaved in a Similar Situation
I have never been in a similar situation before. However, I have witnessed other friends in the same case, whereby they lamented that the working environment did not favor them. Poor stress management is a negative catalyst that hurts the outcomes of the work quality of those affected.
Relation between stressors and Conflict
It is essential for organizations to develop amicable mechanisms for the management of conflict and stress. The impacts of stress and conflict deteriorate the quality of work that employees ought to deliver. Santora and Esposito (2010) define conflict as the process by which a party perceives that another party is negatively interfering with their interests. Subsequently, stressors refer to the elements that trigger stress in an organism. The relation between conflict and stressors are that conflicts can present an ideal environment for the existence of stress (Arnold, Flaherty, Voss & Mowen, 2009). When the working environment harbors conflict, and they remain unresolved, it is likely that the work of employees would be equally affected.
Recommendations to those who want to snap
When a person feels stretched beyond their capacity, chances are high that they will abandon their responsibilities or even break down. Thus, employees are supposed to identify reliable methods upon which they can relax their minds and physical body before they can engage in employment activities. Taking a rest away from work may provide an alternative approach that would enable them to relax their body and minds away from straining working environments. Relaxing ensures that persons can rejuvenate their energies and thus deliver their best when at work

Arnold, T., Flaherty, K. E., Voss, K. E., & Mowen, J. C. (2009). Role stressors and retail performance: The role of perceived competitive climate. Journal of Retailing, 85(2),194–205
Dixon, M. L., & Hart, L. K. (2010). The impact of path-goal leadership styles on workgroup effectiveness and turnover intention. Journal of Managerial Issues, 52-69.
Santora, J. C., & Esposito, M. (2010). Do Competitive Work Environments Help or Hurt Employees?. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(1), 81-82.
Slocum, J., W. & Hellriegel, D. (2011). Principles of Organizational Behavior. South Western

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