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Machiavellianism, Cognition, and Emotion
Machiavellianism is a term that refers to any individual who attempts to achieve his/her goals through unscrupulous, scheming and cunning methods. This paper is a responsive essay hence it will respond and review ideas expressed by Ben Taylor in his article titled “Understanding how the Machiavellian Thinks, Feels and Thrives.”
After going through the article, I can conclude that the author is well conversant with the topic and that why I agree with the facts, he has discussed Machiavellianism. The author acknowledges that Machiavellianism is a personal trait that compels one to cheat, lie, adapt to antisocial behaviors and habits that at times compels one to use force and aggression to achieve own benefit (Taylor). Also, the other aspect that compels me to agree with his ideas is the fact that he hasn’t provided any contradicting information about what I knew about the issue. Nevertheless, the author should have tried to make the article more convincing. For instance, he should have incorporated a higher level of persuasiveness in the piece. To achieve influence, the author should have included discussions of other authors about the same topic. By acknowledging what other authors have covered about the subject he would have achieved to convince an audience that what he/she is reading is justifiable facts that have been proved even by other individuals but not a mere personal understanding of the topic. However, by just stating his ideas he hasn’t achieved persuasiveness.
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My belief about competitiveness is that one should perform any act to achieve his/her potential. Competitiveness is motivated by the notion of survival of the fittest. While trying to be the best, it’s one will try being manipulative and egocentric. This article challenges my view on competitiveness in that it suggests that despite the fact that I am trying to advance myself there is a need to be ethical, being emotional on what others will be affected by my actions thus I should avoid being deceitful and manipulative.” This lack of moral conscience may be dangerous and is part of the reason why Machiavellianism is so interpersonally aversive and considered one of the three ‘Dark Triad’ personality traits” (Taylor). Nevertheless, the article hasn’t changed my way of thinking because one way or the other one needs to be egocentric to achieve something.
In the introduction of the essay the author has focused on what Machiavellianism is, then he has gone to discuss the traits of this person then he has written a conclusion of the article. Therefore the article by Ben has left me with an unanswered question where I have been left wondering how one can control the personality. Despite the fact that it might not have been his intention to write ways of addressing it I believe there is a need to address ways of controlling Machiavellianism. It’s clear some individuals exercise Machiavellianism do the environment they are exposed to. Hence Taylor should have discussed ways to manage this personality.
The article by Taylor aims at condemning this personality of Machiavellianism, and this can be justified from the information in conclusion. “Thus in bypassing empathy, the Machiavellian also avoids human nature (Taylor). Therefore data in this article relates well to the data in the course by the fact that it highlights issues experienced in our society. By highlighting this topic of Machiavellianism, the purpose is to try to solve some of the unethical acts performed by humans hence it strives at promoting ethics. Despite his achievement to discuss issues in the society, there is something I perceive Taylor has ignored while writing his article. The author has ignored the fact that some audience may not be familiar with the topic because there are some essential data he has left out. For instance, he should have discussed how do people end up being developing this personality. By addressing this topic the author has just identified the traits of Machiavellianism, but he should have also addressed what compels people to develop and exercise it.
The author’s position is aligned with my opinion and ways of the society because it aims at shunning unethical behavior such as egocentrism, deceitfulness and being immoral where one act to benefit himself/herself. “The question also arises as to how Machiavellians can develop and sustain lasting and fulfilling relationships if they continue with their cold, manipulative ways” (Taylor). Therefore there is a need for everyone to consider the consequences of his/her action on other people and there is a need to be emotional to achieve togetherness in the society.
In conclusion, this personality of Machiavellianism isn’t innate thus it means that those who possess it can abandon it. Machiavellianism aims at the personal benefit, and this factor can’t bring any good in the society apart from division, violence, and chaos in the community, therefore, there is a need to avert from this trait.
Work cited
Ben Taylor.
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