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Maddox and Alperovitz Articles


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Maddox and Alperovitz Articles.
The assumption theory that Alperovitz is talking about revolves around the reason behind the launching of the atomic in Japan during the second world war. According to him, there is no clear reason for what led the U.S to use this powerful weapon in 1945 (Alperovitz 35). This emanates from the fact that while some texts have doubted whether a decision was reached or President Truman was prompted to use the bomb due to the pressure that he had because of the events that were taking place at the time.
The thesis of Alperovitz articles intends to critically investigate the new implications which have been discovered as far as the assumption-based theory is concerned. The author shows that if it is true that no decision was reached before the use of the atomic bomb during world war 2, then new consequences stand in place (Alperovitz 36). Besides, the thesis states that there are some limits to our knowledge of the atomic bomb. This is possibly because we have been made to believe that President Truman and his government made a decision to use it in Japan.
According to Alperovitz, it was not a must to use the bomb; President Truman could have just invited the Soviets to join the Asian conflict. This is because the reason behind the launching of the bomb was to pass a message to the Soviets (Alperovitz 38). The second alternative was that he could have calmed the surrender demand which was declared by President Roosevelt back in 1943.

Wait! Maddox and Alperovitz Articles paper is just an example!

According to the thesis put forward by Maddox, the reason that the atomic bomb was dropped during the second world war is the U.S military officials as well as the civilians in the country (Maddox 260). The author shows that these two parties felt the pressure to win the Pacific war in a unique way. By launching the bomb, the U.S would elevate HER reputation as far as stability is concerned, and it would be easy for the nation to build diplomacy with the Soviets.

There is no moral difference between the launching of atomic bombs and firebombing. Owing to the fact that both weapons cause deadly effects, they are used to destroy a place. The functioning mechanism of the two may be different, but the moral impact is the same. They all lead to massive injuries, loss of lives and destruction of property.

Works Cited
Alperovitz, Gar. “More on atomic diplomacy.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 41.11 (1985): 35-39.
Maddox, Robert James. “The Biggest Decision: Why We Had to Drop the Atomic Bomb.” American Heritage 46.3 (1995): 70-76.

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