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Main Consequences Of Climate Change


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Main consequences of climate change

“If all the insects of the Earth disappear, in less than 50 years it would disappear a lifetime. If all human beings disappeared from Earth, in less than 50 years all forms of life would flourish ”Jonas Edward Salk. Climate change is global variation and alteration to the Earth’s climate system due to natural and anthropogenic factors, however, the changes that the weather has presented currently and its consequences are mostly due to human activity .According to this in this essay, the 3 main consequences of climate change will be explained that are the following: first, natural disasters, secondly, the destruction of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, and finally, the increase in risksin human health.

As the first consequence of climate change are the natural disasters that originate due to human action on nature, in recent times there has been an increase in natural disasters and at its level of devastation all this due to climate change. A clear example of these disasters are the great floods that have occurred due to the high sea level, by the increase in rains and by the thaw of glaciers. Over the years the sea level has been rising incalculable, as stated by a scientific study where it was determined that “sea level is expected to increase between 0.6 to 2.1 meters,And possibly more, in the course of the 21st century ”(Yeung, 2019) this can lead to great consequences that can be reflected in“ entire coastal cities could disappear if there are not enough defenses against the sea.

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According to the study, about 70% of people at risk of annual floods and permanent flood. Another cause of floods is the melting of ice layers more quickly caused by heat waves, an example of this is that one of the main glaciers that is that of Greenland is being melted incalculable this causes a terrible concernSince “to follow that rhythm, the sea level would rise up to seven meters” (Ramos, 2018) this would cause greater floods in areas near the sea .On the other hand, as another natural disaster we have the increase in the intensity of hurricanes that are more violent and destructive storms that are known as tropical cyclone. This increase in the intensity of hurricanes is due to the constant floods, rains, landslides, but especially by the high temperatures of the ocean, these “tropical cyclones are like engines that use hot and humid air as fuel. For this reason they are formed only in areas where ocean water is warm ”. (Eleodori, S.F.). The change in the climate reflected in the increase in temperature in the oceans and in the high sea level has caused tropical cyclones to be slower, strong and devastating. As well as the “experts of the United States Space Agency (NASA) and the Oceanic and Atmospheric National Administration say: cyclones are increasingly slow, which increases the possibilities of damage in a certain place” and “as well asIt explains it on its website the solution center for climate and energy, a hottest sea surface can intensify the speed of tropical storms and the amount of rain ”(Gozzer, 2019) .Some example of these tropical cyclones are the "Hurricane Dorian, which caused great material and human destruction in the Bahamas last year" as well as "the passage of Hurricane Maria in 2017, which left more than 4.600 dead “(Gozzer, 2019)

Second, another main consequence of climate change is found in the destruction of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity caused by variations in the climate due to anthropogenic factors. A clear example of the destruction of ecosystems is the melting of glaciers caused by intense heat waves. According to this, the Journal of Society, Culture and Sustainable Development argues that this melting “is evidenceIt could disappear ”(Ra Ximhai, 2008, p. 267). This melting of glaciers is due to the fact that the average temperature of the earth has increased 1.1 ° C One more degree above preindustrial times, so much that 2015-2019 is about to become the warmest five-year five-year, this brings negative consequences worldwide (UN Noticias, 2019).As the Climate Researcher Ben Marzeion states in a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change where he states that the world glacial mass will be reduced in the long term by 36%. (Sustainable Week, 2018). Added to this is that "almost 67% of the glaciers of the Himalayas and Tienshan mountain ranges have retired in the last decade" (Unesco World Heritage Center, 2009, p. 19). In the same way the loss of biodiversity represents a great problem worldwide, since due to the great variability in the weather the fauna and flora of the whole world are affected. Fauna is harmed because some species are not able to adapt to new environmental conditions or because some fungus fish that a migrated thanks to the increase in heat in certain areas. An example is the “increase in the incidence of the quite fungus that parasites some amphibian species“ or the “reduction of size and even the extinction of amphibian populations;For example, it could be the case with some species of salamander and the western toad “(Botero, 2015, p. 14) .At the same time the flora is affected in the loss of size, structure, composition and abundance due to the increase in rain or intense heat waves, which causes some forests to have to change their composition to be able to survive causing the death of somespecies. “For example, with a 2 ° C increase in temperature and a 10% decrease in annual rainfall, it is estimated that the most affected vegetation types in Mexico will be coniferous and oak forests, followed by the Xerophilic scrub, the forestMountain mesophile, aquatic and pasture vegetation ”(RA Ximhai, 2008, p. 628) There will also be “greater reductions in the abundance of species and increased the number of extinctions of plants and animals associated with the regressive death of the humid tropical forest”. (Nava, 2014, p. 23) .

Finally, the increase in human health risks is another of the main consequences of climate change. As we already know, climate change has altered the ecosystems and individuals that make it up, therefore, the human being does not get rid of these alterations that are reflected adversely in human health and mainly in infectious and respiratory diseases. Infectious diseases that are caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa and multicellular parasites, have been increasing due to climate change, these diseases that are transmitted by vectors such as: malaria, dengue, chikungunya fever and Lyme’s disease, haveincreased in several regions of the world. A clear example is the "malaria constitutes an emblematic case, since it is the cause of 350-500 million affected per year and more than one million deaths". Due to the high temperatures or in the alterations in the rainy seasons “The Anopheles mosquito expands its habitat towards greater latitudes and altitudes, considered malaria free areas, where it finds a high number of susceptible people” (Ochoa, M., Castellanos, r., Ochoa, z., Oliveros. L., 2015). Regarding this "WHO in its health report, he estimated that climate change was responsible in 2000 […] of 6 % of popular cases in some middle -income countries". The high temperatures contribute to the fact that there are greater number of mosquito cria. (López-Vélez, R., & Molina Moreno, R. , 2005). All these factors contribute to the estimated “100 to 700 million people will be exposed to the risk of malaria due to climatic changes due to human activities by 2050 and that another 1000 million would be infected when 2100” arrived (Sánchez, L., Mattar, s., González, m., 2009). On the other hand, respiratory diseases that are those that affect the lungs and respiratory system have increased due to heat waves, pollen redistribution and dry and aggregate ecosystems. A clear example is “in July 1995 a heat wave was charged in Chicago 514 lives and led to 3 300 urgent hospital income rather than the average“ which they entered because their respiratory diseases were aggravated as a consequence of the heat waves .In these times, pollen seasons arrive earlier than expected due to the high temperatures of the earth, which causes diseases such as asthmaM., Castellanos, r., Ochoa, z., Oliveros. L., 2015). Added to this “the evolution of certain ecosystems made more arid and dry climates, this situation can worsen. This powder is presented as contamination […] that causes notable problems in the respiratory system such as respiratory diseases, aggravated asthma, chronic bronchitis and the decrease in lung function.”(Nava, 2014, p. 32).All these factors caused by climate change negatively affect human health and contribute to respiratory and infectious diseases rising or aggravating thus increasing the mortality rate.

In conclusion, we consider natural disasters, the destruction of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity and the increase in human health risks as the 3 main consequences of climate change, and we consider that each of the exposed ideas cause irreversible damage to the planet and toThe living beings that are reflected in the economic and social losses caused by natural disasters, or the significant loss of several glaciers due to heat waves or ultimately the increase in mortality rate due to aggravated diseases by climate change. That said, we think that an environmental awareness must be promoted so that these damages decrease or at least do not continue to increase.


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  • UNESCO World Heritage Center. (2009). Case studies Climate change and world heritage. Paris: Spacephic .
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  • Gozzer, s. (December 4, 2019). 4 effects of climate change that can already be seen in Latin America. BBC News World.
  • López-Vélez, r., & Molina Moreno, R. . (2005). Climate change in Spain and risk of infectious and parasitic diseases transmitted by arthropods and rodents. Spanish Public Health Magazine, 177-190.
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