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Main Methods Of Interaction Of Autistic Children


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Main methods of interaction of autistic children

Starting from the current social situation that surrounds us, in which it is not common to know cases of people with autism, being more specific to children with autism, different research has been carried out in order to better understand this issue.

In this essay, important points will be explained, such as the correct definition of the term autism, causes and symptoms of autism and the profile of an autistic child, to be able to have bases and clear certain doubts on the subject and thus be able to move on to the main objective that is to give To know the different and correct ways of interacting or dealing with autistic children. The general purpose is to clarify all the issues to be described, since when ignoring about this disorder or syndrome, it can be categorized with other mental health diagnoses or worse, not visible. It is also of great importance to be well informed so that when meeting a child with autism, let’s know how to act and interact with the infant avoiding inappropriate or inappropriate forms that can hurt the child in any way.

Autism or also known as autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a spectrum of neurobiological alterations characterized by serious development deficits, permanent, which deeply affect socialization, communication, imagination and behavior of the child, among other things that They limit their cognitive and emotional development. Usually, it appears at an early age, although rarely, it can go unnoticed until the child reaches a school age, this occurs above all when they have no associated disorders.

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The incidence is about 60 cases for every 10.000 children.

The cause of the TEA is not known precisely. Most likely, he refers to the mixture of several different agents who lead to changes in the manner of a baby’s brain before birth before birth. There are indisputable evidence that are based on the work of the person’s genes. Other inconveniences such as those that occur during pregnancy or childbirth, could also perform their role. Too many children with tea also have intellectual disabilities. It is accurate that vaccines do not cause autism.

The symptoms and indicative indications of the ASD in children are: the persistent deficiencies in communication and social interaction, lack of interest by the other children, establish little visual contact and do not even observe the expression of the face of the dialogue of which they are found, they have A literal language (do not understand jokes), avoid as much as physical contact can be. They usually have tactile, olfactory, gustative and auditory hypersensitivity, they can show strange, repetitive behaviors and stimulating car such as balancing, the flutter movement of hands or walking on tiptoe, among others. Those children who present more intellectual level, notice that they are different and do not understand what happens to them. They are the puzzle piece that does not adapt or adjust in society.

To better understand the topic to be discussed, the profile of an autistic child is recognized in detail: the autistic infant observes everything in an inexplicable way, in a baby a lack of contact is usually observed with what surrounds him, as well as a gestural language, In the first interactions with others, it is detected is that it does not follow the mother in her communication attempts becoming any unknown object, the child has trouble recognizing others, and does not establish contact with others, being able to present behaviors aggressive, even for yourself. The autistic with a high functional level can repeat the commercial ads of television or carry out complex rituals when bedtime, it is said that in adolescence 1/3 of the autistic usually suffer epileptic attacks.

Knowing how to interact with autistic infants properly is essential for your education, future and even well -being and quality of life of the whole family. It is true that every child who presents the ASD is different, but general guidelines are known to have a positive and better relationship with an autistic child capable of enriching all members of the infant’s environment.

Lafeder (“How to treat autistic children: 23 effective advice”, 2018) teaches and informs about 23 effective advice to deal with autistic children of which those considered primordial have been taken and will be presented below:

  1. Children with autism are not flexible in their daily lives, so their lives must work for activities that always follow the same schedule, otherwise we will awaken misunderstanding and frustration.
  2. If there is the case that they did not do something correctly or that they have had inappropriate behavior, we must let him know in a calm and calm way that has bothered us.
  3. It is possible that sometimes they do not want to establish communication with anyone, so it should be accepted that the infant does not want to speak or even talk. This decision must be respected since if it is obliged, it is possible that there are aggressive behaviors on your part.
  4. You must keep in mind that it is difficult for you to understand why things are done in one way and not another. Therefore, you must support them and do everything possible to assimilate and internalize the world around them in some way or another.
  5. As relatives you have to respect your space in order not to irritate you and make your day to day more comfortable, taking into account that you should never be left alone.
  6. There are people with autism who can communicate both with help and without help and others who are not able to articulate any word. It must be careful and attentive because they are able to communicate when they are wrong through other forms: shouting, balance, fluttering their hands, turning in a circle or even self-collog.
  7. Not everyone has the ability to communicate correctly or understand what they are told. You have to avoid complex phrases and use clear and simple language.
  8. They can not be blamed for much less treat them with pity or penalty. It has to do that he is a person like any other and that he has the same needs as all.
  9. Children with autism can teach many things if attention are paid. You have to take advantage of every minute with them and try to make those moments the best for both parties.
  10. It is important that you try to help you improve in limitations or problems that may arise by giving you the necessary tools.
  11. It is important that as a family it works together and more when you have a person with this disorder in it. Following the rules will be fundamental to give the child the stability he needs.
  12. It is very necessary to accept reality with positivism maintaining good humor, since a bad atmosphere or a heavy environment could harm the child negatively.
  13. It is important that he is aware of the advances that the family is having, as well as those made by the child. This will help to see everything that has advanced and there will be a feeling of relief and gratification.

It is necessary to recognize exactly on the alteration that the child presents with the aim of understanding and understanding it. This information presented and the application of this in everyday life will improve the treatment of infant as well as the relationship with him.

Several aspects have been clarified that were confused to have a better guide on this disorder focused on children and has been learned about the best ways to be in contact, relate or establish some type of communication with an autistic child. The issue of autism has been deepened with the intention of instructing the general public to how to give children with autism the same treatment given to others and inclusion in society.

It can be noted that it should be avoided at all costs that autism is a disease, although it is a disorder, it should be recognized that autistic children tend to develop more skills and have a high cognitive capacity compared to a child without the disorder of the Autistic spectrum. It is important to have known this issue because apart from how interesting it is, it must take precautions with an autistic child and not be afraid of him, but in how he interacts with him, such as establishing some relationship with him so that it is easier to get used to getting used to Your routines. Being part of society, you must find the way in which you can interact or communicate with them, and teach children that the treatment of autistic children should not be negative, you must socialize, play and learn with them since , thus present autism or not, we are all human beings and part of the same society.

Bibliographic references

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  • "Autism". (2016) Autism: definition, symptoms and indications. Recovered from . https: // www.autism.com.is/autism/que-e-el-autismo.HTML
  • Delgado, j. (2014). Child Autism: Profile of a child with autism. Recovered from . https: // www.Infant stage.com/Autismo-Infantil
  • "Children’s Guide". (February 15, 2018). The autistic child. Profile of a child with autism . Recovered from https: // www.Guiainfantil.com/health/careful/autistic.htm
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