Man And Impact On Society
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To be able to understand this work we will define the contemporary man who is between the French revolution and the present, as the result of a long process of evolution and cultures. And each man has his own conception of reality and his position in today. The contemporary man has the different characteristics: consumer: because the more he has the better. Merchant: its value depends on what you can offer. Automata: it depends on what people need or what is fashionable.
The contemporary man had a variety of values (they are the ideals of each person in the positive aspect, that is to say good habits. Juan Lorentzen at this time some of the values such as love or help to others have been forgotten since we live in a world full of violence, envy and addictions. As technology has affected relationships in the families of contemporary man. The irony of our time is that, although we have all possible systems and devices to connect, now many feel further away from the beings who love the most. It is not uncommon to enter a restaurant and see a family that, more than gathered, is sitting together, but with their mind far from that moment and place.
A misunderstanding is that people blame technology, but in itself technology should help foster family time because it allows you to locate someone more easily, even video call. The real problem is the misuse that is given to the devices or in the wrong time.
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Some of the questions we can ask ourselves to see if technology is affecting our family relationship are: Do you interrupt a family conversation for answering a call or a chat? Have you been struck by using technological devices at not appropriate times and places? Is it difficult for you to turn off your cell phone in family times?
Many might think that this family disunity is on the part of the children who are those who are playing with these devices, but I believe that parents have the same fault since they are the ones that allow it and many times they are the ones who do notThey stop talking on the phone. Excessive use of technological devices can generate different types of diseases and evils, both physical and back pain, head or loss of vision, as well as problems with social interaction. Rolando Pomalima, psychiatrist doctor. Another example is that of isolation, in which the son prefers to lock himself in her room in order to chat with someone else online than with the people he has above.
Even calling those people who saw in school instead of having quality time with their family, and thus end up ignoring the people we have winged, and the classic example that we previously knew as quality time that were the 3 daily mealsin those who were told about what they were going to do, how they were going and how they went on the day when the whole family laughed or cried, but it was the best moment of the day was lost thanks to the fact that everyone alreadyHe is involved in his things without interest to others. Let’s not confuse technology, but it is not all its fault before it was to read the newspaper or television on at the moment, the fault is the misuse that is given to it.
A study published in the Pediatric Research magazine, analyzed a total of 337 parents with children 5 years or less showed that, although technology could function as a refuge of parents to the child behavior of the children, that prevents the father from providing them with supportemotional and that this bad behavior is to get the attention of parents and pay more attention to the cell phone. To conclude this analysis, he showed that when the children grow up they become more stressed people. Something that parents have lost over time is the loss of authority that he exercised over the children, as he plans to exercise an authority that was had if in these times man does not realize what his son does thanks to the fact thatHe is pending his devices and the family moment in which he was going to find out no longer exists.
From my point of view, the hope that this long -awaited Sunday has come in which you are going to see the family because everyone is in their things, your cousins in something your uncles in something else when before seeing cousins isWhat gave the greatest illusion because you were going to play the park with them or walk by bike and right now they come together to play video games or talk by message even if you have it winged. What technology replaced was family communication that is now mainly that they were increasing less and less among each other, many members in various families have experienced isolation of family communication and all thanks to the progress and hitting technology.
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