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Management And Types Of Conflicts


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Management and Types of Conflicts


The interpersonal conflict is a fact of life and can arise in almost any sphere, from organizations to personal relationships. Therefore, learning to solve it effectively, in a way that does not increase your stress levels, it is important for all. Those with good conflict resolution skills generally help organizations and groups to work more effectively.

The interpersonal conflict is widely defined as a conflict between two or more people. Chambers English Dictionary defines the conflict as ‘a violent collision: a struggle or contest: a battle: a mental struggle’. Therefore, interpersonal conflict can begin with a simple disagreement. However, to become ‘conflict’, those involved must climb it beyond that disagreement to something considerably more. In a employment situation, the interpersonal conflict is generally defined as what happens when a person or group of people prevents or tries to prevent another person or group from achieving their objectives.


Types of interpersonal conflict

The first step for conflict resolution is to decide which strategy will use to address it. However, before being able to do that, you must identify the root source of the conflict and, therefore, its type. There are three main types of conflict.

Types of conflict

There are three types of conflicts, personal or relational conflicts, instrumental conflicts and conflicts of interest:

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  • Personal or relational conflicts are usually about identity or self-image, or important aspects of a relationship, such as loyalty, violation of trust, perceived betrayal or lack of respect.
  • Instrumental conflicts are about objectives, structures, procedures and means: something quite tangible and structural within the organization or for an individual.
  • Conflicts of interest refer to the ways in which the means to achieve objectives, such as time, money, space and staff are distributed. They can also refer to factors related to these, such as relative importance or knowledge and experience. An example would be a couple to disagree on whether to spend a bond on vacation or repair the roof.

Solving conflict

It is important to emphasize that dealing with early conflict is generally easier, because positions are not so entrenched, it is less likely that others have begun to take sides, and negative emotions are not so extreme. The best way to address a conflict in its early stages is through negotiation between participants.

The importance of interpersonal skills in conflict resolution

Humans are social creatures that cannot exist without interacting with each other. As the famous appointment ‘no man is an island’ says, humans need to interact with each other to coexist peacefully. These interactions sometimes generate conflicts due to a misunderstanding that arises between two or more parts. The conflict emanates from bad communication between the parties in conflict. 

The interruption of communication, therefore, evokes negative feelings that can even lead to an intractable conflict. Therefore, interpersonal skills are useful during such a situation, since it allows one to get rid of a conflict before the other party realizes that there was even a conflict. The following document seeks to show how interpersonal skills are important in the conflict resolution process.

Interpersonal communication can be defined as an information exchange process between two or more people. Through interpersonal communication, people use nonverbal and verbal messages to communicate meanings and feelings. Nonverbal messages communicate through means such as body language, gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice. 

For communication to be a complete process, there must be two parts;Affairs and recipient of the message. The two interact when the sender speaks while the receiver listens and provides comments through body language and gestures such as smiling and shaking a hand. Feedback explains how others perceived, understood and experienced behavior. If the person wants to have a good interpersonal communication ability, it will take a long time to practice.

However, effective communication is not an innate practice;Therefore, it requires learning and practice. A conflict in teams is more likely where team members lack interpersonal communication skills. Actually, people may not realize that there is a conflict between them until the open conflict stage reaches. 


During this stage, the conflict is obvious and the parties in conflict generally evaluate the potential to use threats, strength or reward to attack or defend themselves to defend. The teaching of the interpersonal skills of these teams will help them notice conflicts during the latent stage in which the parties have different attitudes or opinions that have a potential for a conflict.

For interpersonal communication to be successful, the sending of the message and the recipient must participate fully listening and speaking effectively. Working in interpersonal skills leads to a successful personal and professional life. Improves communication and understanding;Therefore, improve intimacy and open the doors to joy. People with this ability are more likely to have reduced levels of stress and resolve conflicts.


  • How to manage cultural diversity in the company. (2018, May 23). 
  • Ruiz, r. T. (2019, March 13). Ramón Trujillo Ruiz. 

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