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Mandatory Youth Military Service


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Mandatory Youth Military Service


The action of habeas corpus and the process of incorporating young people in the military forces, stands out because it allows the incorporation of young people in the military forces, without the need to incorporate in a mandatory way, opening learning horizons adding to this the voluntary wayto provide service and the number of young people who want to incorporate into the ranks of the National Army, not forgetting that worldwide still provides military service as is in twenty and six countries and in most from thefifteen years, being forced both men and women, while in our country it lends itself from the age of eighteen, generating great advances in our country.

It should be taken into account that mandatory military service has had many advances internationally as they are: in Argentina the mandatory military service stopped being applied from 1994, the service voluntarily provides for both men and women and this to thisfrom 18 years to 24 years. In Bolivia, military service is mandatory for both men and women and is provided from 17 to 22 years despite the fact that in 1996 a voluntary service was established for one year. In Brazil the service is mandatory for men and women from the age of 19.


In Chile, military service is both mandatory and voluntary but this has great privileges, registration is mandatory after 18 years and it lasts one year. In Ecuador the mandatory military service ended in 2009 and since then it is voluntary for young people from 18 years, since 2018 they can voluntarily enter women.

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In Paraguay, military service is mandatory for men this lasts 12 months. In Peru, military service is voluntary from 1999 and can enter the ranks both men and women in Uruguay military service is voluntary and can enter both men and women from 18 to 30 years. In the United States it is voluntary from 18 years.

In Mexico, military service is mandatory with a duration of one year for men, in the case of women it is voluntary and there is a minimum age that is 16 years. In Canada it is totally voluntary, both for men and women between 17 and 34 years and this service can last between 3 and 9 years in Australia, it is voluntary since the 1970s.

In Germany there was recruitment until 2011 and starting at that time it is voluntary and can be between eight to twenty and three months and women can opt for any branch and position of the armed forces. In Spain since 2001, the process is totally voluntary for Spanish citizens or legal immigrants.

In Italy the service is voluntary since 2004, the year in which the Parliament ended with recruitment and looking for an army of professional soldier. In China there is mandatory military service since the Popular Republic of China was established in 1949 and has two years old although there is a possibility of voluntary without age limit, women to enter must see their secondary studies finished and have between18 and 19 years.

In North Korea it is mandatory and reaffirmed by the Constitution in 1992, for men it lasts ten years and for women only until 23 years in India the service has never been mandatory since independence was declared in 1948. In Israel all Jewish men and women are obliged to perform military service, men must pay for three years and women only two and cannot be exempted from providing it.

In Japan it is not allowed to have armed forces after World War II and the voluntary service can be provided from the age of 18. In Venezuela, military service is a duty and must be provided between 18 and 30 years because with the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in 1999 the military service was mandatory through forced recruitment.

In Colombia, Law 48 of 1993, indicates that every male is obliged to define their military situation from the date on which it fulfills its age, with the exception of the Baccalaureate student, who will define it when they obtain their bachelor’s degree andWomen can provide their service voluntarily. In twenty -six countries, military service is still mandatory, mostly men must provide mandatory service in countries like Israel, North Korea is forced for men and women, being mandatory for women as of 2015

  • Austria
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Cyprus
  • Finland
  • Myanmar
  • Brazil
  • Egypt
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Mexico
  • Swiss
  • Russia
  • Thailand
  • North Korea
  • Ukraine
  • Greece
  • Turkey
  • Norway
  • Israel.

Israel has had its military service for decades because it is one of the countries with the most military expenses per capita that the world has;Norway has had great gender equality problems, which is why women must also provide their mandatory service;In these countries they make it mandatory to improve the security of the country, which is why in these 26 countries men and women train and train high sums of the national budget for training expenses and invest in weapons. 


This is why in the present work we are going to talk about habeas corpus whether it is appropriate or not, in the process of incorporating young people in the military forces because it is a resource that must be used in a timely manner, it is in search ofDefend Constitutional Rights and Guarantees either when the person is deprived of liberty with violation of their constitutional guarantees and is enshrined in our Political Charter in its thirty article.

ARTICLE 30: Who is deprived of his freedom, and believes to be illegally, he has the right to invoke before any judicial authority, at all times, by itself or by interposed person, habeas corpus, which must be resolved within thirty -sixhours. Start in England in 1679, indicating that no one could be arrested but only by virtue of a sentence.

In comparative law defends two fundamental rights such as individual freedom related to movement and the right to personal integrity, which is why it is of great importance, so much so that its jurisprudence covers both national and international issues and tailored to time have been createdorganizations that promote the application of habeas corpus.

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