Manufacture Of False News Or Fake News
Words: 507
Pages: 2
Fake News are manufactured and viralized news, through different methods, to penetrate public opinion and persuade a large number of people. They are a serious problem of today’s society and suppose a push so that the misinformation reig.
Currently, manufacturing false news is a very common trade;And it is not something recent, in fact, creating fake news dates back to the former Socialist Republic of Macedonia. At present, there are several realities behind the false news that are read on the web, for example, one of them is that it is a trade that practices thousands of young people who expect only their remuneration, without giving greater importance towhat could generate the dissemination of these bulls.
Another reality is also as easy as that an entrepreneur, a politic. Once this is done, then the use of influences, owners or personal contacts on web pages with some traffic and call "media" begins, when they are barely portals that reproduce the information that is already available online, or completelyfalse.
Surprisingly, these portals can easily penetrate the web, presenting themselves in social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and also in instant messaging services such as WhatsApp, where people publish and share information without occupying themselves to verify the sources.
These portals, and sometimes the creators of the fake news, are participants in their diffusion upon receiving profits based on the number of clicks that the news receives.
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Therefore, they are dedicated to forward the information as many times as necessary to obtain greater profits.
Another factor that facilitates monetizing this type of content is advertising, which abounds on the web. These same portals also generate money by attracting traffic to the page, using services such as Adsense or Infolink, which are tools that are used to manage internet advertising.
Also, social networks such as Facebook, for example, are a great platform to disseminate this content without making much effort. This through a small investment in advertising offered by this type of portals, and the rest do the same users who are responsible for repeating not verified information thousands of times. The greater the number of times the information is shared, then the greater the gain will be.
False news factories are a danger to public opinion, also for many people involved in the same news, for example, politicians or other characters, and also many brands that consciously, or not, are part of the circulation of fake news. This is because its image is linked to that of fraudulent pages, which is unfavorable for its reputation.
There are usually very few people who take the time to properly review where the information they are seeing or reading comes from, so creating content to make it viral becomes easier, assuming that the false news generatessome impact on the followers of these websites, something necessary for everything to be triggered from the beginning.
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