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Marketing And Management Of Child Obesity


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Marketing and Management of Child Obesity

Obesity is one of the biggest problems in human health worldwide, especially if we talk about childhood obesity itself that "means having too much body fat" (u.S. National Library of Medicine, 2018). The data on the number of infants who have obesity problems are overwhelming because "1 in 3 children in the world is overweight or is obese" (Araque & Montero, 2018).

The consequences that obesity brings in children are more than known throughout the population, but, the entire population is aware of the problems caused by their consumption. Why do consumers continue to acquire products that damage the health of the health ofthe children?, From my point of view, this is due to the role played by the marketing of companies with a commercial junkCommercials continue to be transmitted that promote junk food during stellar schedule, in Mexico “the night schedule is the one that has a largest number of spectators with 81.4%” (Nava, 2017). 

The transmission of commercials that incite consumption begins to be increasingly worrying, since at least “minors receive 7.500 impacts a year of messages that tell them to eat a product that is not healthy ”(Salas, 2017). In addition to this in other investigations they have identified that the use of a popular character among children in the packaging of a food has a similar effect. In a study, children from 4 to 6 years were asked to prove and evaluate the taste of two identical snacks, but with different packaging, one wrapped with a character and another without the character.

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The result was that the children preferred the taste of the snacks with the character (Macari Berumen, & Calvillo, 2018, p. 5).

That is why, as children develop, consumption increases, this because the decision and acquisition capacity of their food begins to be more independent and having an impulse history by their unconscious their decisions mostly inclined to consumptionjunk food. 

As cited in (Hazaki, 2013) marketing strategies seekResults the creation of new food behaviors, which are determined and approved only by them, the consequences that children leave victorious of this battle is obesity due to the excessive consumption of foods that are harmful to their physical health. 

Recent research from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) shows the main food preferences during children’s school recreation from 9 to 10 years where they are positioned in the first places junk food.

This shows that children unconsciously when they are in a decision situation about their diet do not know how to take the healthiest choice for their physical development. According to (Hazaki, 2013) Marketing strategies seekThe creation of new food behaviors determined and approved only by them, the consequences that children leave victorious of this battle is obesity due to the excessive consumption of foods that are harmful to their physical health. 

That is why Marketing plays an important role within the food style in Mexican homes, since it is present in virtually all media mainly in the mass such as digital media that are the main risk factor forChildren because it is currently the most attractive means visually, this facilitates the action of capturing the younger public to induce the consumption of food with null nutritional content.

The reason why the population consumes and gives products with low nutritional content is because the marketing of these products with void nutritional content is more strategic, since they adapt each product to the living conditions and income of families offering productsapparently healthy in exchange for a low price.

One of the main reasons why I consider that the role of marketing in childhood mostly negative, are the tactics they use to deceive children’s tutors and even the children themselves by mentioning or even emphasizing that a certain harmful productFor health it contains some type of vitamin or mineral, emphasizing that single nutrient as a guarantee that the product in addition to being rich in flavor is also healthy, with the aim of diverting attention and adding a point in favor of the purchase of the purchase of the purchasesame product. It is an effective tactic that deals with raising the sales and income of these companies leaving aside the well -being of who will be the future of the nation.

In conclusion I consider that the efforts of marketing within the food industry are not adequate, since they incite the consumption of foods that cause damage to the growth and mental development of children, causing the creation of bad eating habits mostly inMexico ends at diagnoses of childhood obesity. 


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