Marriage And Women
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After the viewing of videos about the role of women and marriage, it can be said that both are intrinsically united, and both have evolved.
If we started from the base that our great -grandmothers were married very young and immediately had children, just as important decisions were always made by the man in the house, that has now changed radically. As seen in videos, the woman is more protagonist than ever in the professional and personal sphere, and that is the result of the work of women’s groups, feminist movements … that fought throughout history to match the rights to rights to mens.
For all this, the woman has become a more powerful social being. Hence she also makes her most meditated and late decisions about whether to marry or not, because now it is not necessary to marry to have a life in common with someone, or even to have a child. It matters little if you are a single, married, divorced, women throw themselves without fear of adventure. There is only something that all are afraid of is labor indeterminacy in some cases, which sometimes prevents them from advancing these aspects.
The notion of marriage has changed, just as our way of focusing life has changed: we postpone more life as a couple, independence, having children ..
When marriage was instituted as a family legal business in Roman law, things were very different, since women were owned by their husbands (Cum Manu marriage) did not enjoy the slightest quota of autonomy regarding their spouse, or what to say in the other aspects of life.
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Continuing that the life expectancy was another, people married "until death separates them". Obviously the life expectancy of before, with respect to the one now, has changed radically, because before a woman or a man sent at the earliest ages. However, today, life expectancy lengthens up to 90 years of age.
Since the human being will live more, priorities in life also change. Therefore, more and more, young people prefer.
Marriage is seen as a bureaucratic process and that does not give more added value to our relationships. Today we opt for couples who live together without signing any document, because the commitment is made with each other, without having to go through any institution, whether civil or religious.
So what is evolving for our generation is the idea of marriage, being outdated the thought that it should be for a lifetime. Our grandparents thought about always living together, and endured and fought what was missing because it was, but today that has changed, and that way of seeing life has been modified to the world today.
You begin to believe that there is no great love, but several loves, and that one day you get married or even several times, because we let life flow in another way without marking an objective for marriage and without the thought that We have a predestined person for us. We realize that there is the possibility of living and being alone, and neither does it dislike or scare us.
Sentimental ruptures, divorces are not seen as a failure but as a learning that leads us again to singleness, freedom and living new more authentic and free experiences.
The marriage does not happen or go out of style, but we must modify the way of understanding it, because it should not be a goal in life but a manifestation of a commitment that you want to last forever, in which you will commit to that person to walk from The hand and in which together you will face the good and the bad. We are increasingly independent and in us is the choice of how to live our relationships, or with a ring or simply with another person.
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