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Mass Communication And Their New Environment


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Mass communication and their new environment


The mass media are means that spread information that reaches a large audience. Throughout their history they have had a very important role in society, so much, that there are those who consider it the fourth power. The design of the information, as we have already seen in previous sections, is responsible for analyzing, organizing, understanding, selecting and designing. Its main objective is the translation of complex and disorganized information, to ordered and easily accessible information. 

This applies to the field of the media so that they fulfill their function as information diffusers, since, being information carriers, they make sense in themselves, but the important thing in them is their purpose, function, function,contents and the way in which this information contained in them is transmitted. It is here where graphic and information design participate and become something essential when it comes to disseminating data and information effectively.


The design of information has taken importance with the appearance of the Internet, and, in the media, it depends, among others, on the environment in which it is going to be distributed and its formal characteristics (columns, type, titration, format,Distribution of texts, use of graphic material) varying depending on the chosen medium (it is not the same to design content for a newspaper than to design them for a television or radio show).

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This design has not only been influenced by the format or device where it is presented (see previous section on screen design and printing) but has also been affected by the incorporation of the Internet and new technologies. In the next section we will see how the media were before the appearance of the Internet and how they have adapted, both they and their designs, to the new digital environment in which we live, also taking into account, the reasons that have taken themTo take this change from the analog world to digital.

Analog media crisis

The crisis in the analog media occurs mainly by two factors, the first of them as a result of the economic crisis, and another as a consequence of the invention of the Internet and the generalization of its use, which, as happened with some inventions such as thePrinting, the train and television was seen as a threat that would ruin the supposedly perfect way of life causing terrible consequences. Although there are those who think that the Internet has caused terrible consequences and those who defend the opposite, the obvious thing is that there have been changes with their appearance.

This added to the subsequent generalization of its use has changed the way of life of much of the developed world. Specifically, in the case of Spain, Internet access has been massified, with 79% of homes with Internet connection in 2015, becoming the main information search site or content.

For this reason, the traditional sectors that are dedicated to the production of information or contents were forced to incorporate the Internet into their structures and adapt to avoid their disappearance, since despite the fact that still today the analog means with the digital meansby depending on each other, it is increasingly evident that in the future it will not be so.

Journalism crisis

With the economic crisis of 2008, the media were affected, especially journalism, which, in addition to being threatened by the digital world, also suffered the consequences of the crisis. In addition to this, the credibility crisis when establishing a business relationship between a company and a journalist, descends the quality of the information and abuses sensational issues and scandals to attract the audience. Its content is related to the interests of those who finance it.

 As a fundamental way of informing the public, it plays an important role in a democratic society. Select, filter and edit the information at will. Manipulation also, little by little traditional journalism was left behind compared to their rivals (digital journalism) for their stereotyped ideas, lack of innovation and insufficient interaction offer for its readers. With the economic crisis that exploded in 2008, he had an impact on journalism, where there was a great fall in sales of printed newspapers. 

In Spain, 30% fell since the advertisers cut the funds in this area and ceasedadvertising income that has affected all media, but especially the written press. Template cuts and worsening of work quality. This crisis due to migration is also produced due to the facilities of online consumption, product gratuity.

In recent years, traditional media have lost popularity while gaining followers in their digital version. Digital newspapers have increased their quota of readers exponentially. That is why traditional media have and are investing to disseminate their online contents and create independent writings on the Internet with journalists specialized in these media.So much so that there are even traditional newspapers dedicated exclusively to the digital world.

For example, The New York Times has more than one million daily readers, but those who come from the Internet, increase very quickly. All added causes a descent of newspaper sales in Spain is 60 percent since 2007. An example of this is the decrease in sales in kioskos: the country. Although TV and Radio do not suffer a crisis like journalism that was much stronger are also affected above all online.

TV and radio crisis

First the passage of analog television took place with its corresponding designs to the digital TV with the incorporation of the DTT and then, with the incorporation of content extensions such as the Plus channel, from which they later derive formats such as Netflix or HBO that in addition to beingavailable on televisions and computers can be seen through devices such as tablets and smartphones with Internet access.

Traditional media nationwide have always been grouped into several business groups, which has facilitated the implementation of new tools to develop a conversion to the digital world. Many of them have different media and formats Cominando TV, written press or radio.

Put exclusively online press example. The paper is available, it is easy to use and does not run out of battery, but the paper media have a very limited useful life. With technologies it is much cheaper and readers can consult more easily through their devices. In more developed countries, digital technology has almost completely replaced analogue, in the fields of production and transmission. Analog publication is lowered. and less ecological cost.

The daily run newspapers are the ones that have evolved the most in convergence towards digital. Greater decreases in traditional format and its adaptation to the Internet is fundamental. All newspapers have websites (the world created it in 1995). Its design is structured to facilitate navigation, with sections differentiated by sections and topics, highlighting at the top the issues at that time, more relevant and current. They have common elements with other websites such as search engines, interest links, live sports results or weather information. Constant update throughout the day quickly to react to the new information.

Web for PC and web optimized for Smartphone and Tablets mobiles. The mobile has surpassed the PC as the main means of Internet access in Spain, and therefore more attention is paid to mobile content, with specific designs for these terminals with sizes and texts adapted to facilitate navigation and experience of the experience of theuser within it. Also apps, which allow access to the newspaper in a faster and more easily and enhance the use of search engines in between.


New formats never before linked to the written press, videos. It is one of the main novelties, with the aim of improving the content they offer. A link is also included sometimes to be able to hear a radio station from the same business group normally. (ABC with COPE, the reason with zero wave). One of the objectives pursued is the simultaneous consumption of both formats.

Possibility of subscription to exclusive content where the media can obtain income directly by their publications. The non -free content is very specific (special reports, newspaper supplements, group magazines or digitalized paper edition. Several rates according to duration, type of product and type of access by digital kiosk such as Orbyt or Kiosko.net. Vast majority is free.

Personalization: User Zone whose record allows access to the web in a personalized way to comment on publications and make valuations on these, customization of the cover in some newspapers, allowing to place at a relevant point of the screen those sections that the user considers of their interest.

Records allow you to have a database of readers, to carry out email marketing actions, with the aim of maintaining faithfulness or getting publications of interest (informative or commercial scope). They have included other tools such as forums, where registered users can discuss relevant issues with journalists from the medium. The goal is to create a community with its readers.

Each newspaper also has its own blogs, referring to very different issues and that are written by a specific author (newspaper collaborators). They function as the traditional opinion columns. They are also used as means of advertising diffusion.   

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