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Master Mediator And Pedagogical Mediation


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Master Mediator and Pedagogical Mediation

Throughout the history of great pedagogues and scholars of the event of education, they have reflected on the vast universe of factors that affect the educational act. From different paradigms, these theoretical bets explain how learning occurs from constructs and social interactions relationships. Each trend has had its validity at different historical moments and provides learning a particular prominence from the different scenarios, in addition, to propose the interrelation between teacher-student from its particular postulates. Thus, as in the chronology of the school and from the different psychopedagogical approaches the teacher has assumed different roles. From the master coordinator of behaviorism, through the facilitator teacher of the humanistic model, until arriving at the mediator teacher of cognitive, socio-historical and constructivist-social theories.

With this in mind, my purpose is to specify how significant is the importance of the role of the mediator teacher and the pedagogical mediation in the educational processes of the current school, as well as the teacher’s social commitment to the sociocultural challenges to which they are to whichFace. For this purpose, the thesis that I am now going to express is that for the mediator teacher, pedagogical mediation understood as a "non -frontal or imposed educational interaction style, although intentionally, conscious, significant and transcendent". It allows you to become a true link between the learning subject and the learning object, between the current or real knowledge of the student conceived from their own cognitive abilities and their potential knowledge cemented and strengthened with the mediation of another or others.

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The mediating teacher must then be the main promoter and defender of socially built knowledge.

The previous approach is contrasted to the traditional and instructional currents that understood the teaching as an act where the transmission of information prevailed. But the school and of course today’s teacher have come in a progressive process of reflection and transformation. An important contribution to this paradigm shift is the Vygotsky’s socio -cultural theory that proposes the notion of near or potential development zone (ZDP), which currently continues to be a key concept of pedagogical measurement and defines itself as:

“The distance between the current, real, what a person can do at the time, without help and that reflects the level of development of their cognitive functions and the potential, what it can do with the help of another and that manifests thelevel of psychological development to be achieved " 

On the other hand, Reuven Feuerstein shares the Vygotskyian postulates and proposes the requirements with which the teacher as a mediator between the subject (student) and the object (teaching content) would manage to meet the objectives of the mediation process. These include: participation and active communication teacher-student, clear purpose of the activity (what and how), sense of activity, future applications (transcendence) and sufficiency (feeling of capacity or self-esteem).

Faced with Vygotsky and Feuerstein’s approaches, we can establish that the mediation process is evidenced in the master-student correlation, during the realization of an educational activity in which they mediate resources that seek to lead the apprentice to their area of near development.

It is very important at this point to keep in mind that technological advances and the vertiginous development of the media have led to the inclusion of ICT in classrooms and the increase in virtual educational programs, generated changes in methodological structuresand in the scope of the teaching processes in terms of mediating interrelation (teacher) – object (knowledge) – subject (student). Kings p 4 paraphrases. Even so, it is also true to affirm that the new communication technologies do not supply the role of the teacher in accompaniment to the processes of pedagogical mediation typical of these learning environments the role of the mediator teacher in these new environments does not disappear, by theOtherwise it continues to be indispensable, because the use of technology requires the mediation of the teacher, who is the one who finally confers the intentionality for students to access their ZDP. 

Something more to add is that pedagogical mediation, as a tool for the social construction of knowledge, has as its characteristic the fact of enabling student-partial intercommunication-teacher-social social context. Condition that allows the empowerment of significant learning through the intentional direction of the teacher. 

Let us conclude that, the pedagogical mediation for the mediating teacher becomes a pillar of his teaching act, and confers the competition that as an education professional must acquire to ensure true strategic teaching processes aimed at the acquisition of really significant learning thatIn addition, they generate true metacognitive and self-regulatory processes, so indispensable in the integral formation of the students of this generation. In addition to the above, the pedagogical mediation provided and promotes the vision of education as a social practice whose axis is culture, and whose main purpose is the promotion and defense of the autonomy and freedom of every individual, so that on thesepremises is finally reached the long -awaited humanization of knowledge.

Finally, it is important to highlight communication as the basis of the educational processes in which there must be “a co -responsibility between the institution that offers the materials and the participants, a meeting then, oriented towards the construction of knowledge and the appropriation and significance of the own itselfreality". 

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