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Mathematical Reasoning Crossing Of The Lecto Writing


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MATHEMATICAL REASONING Crossing of the Lecto Writing


The human being throughout history has been in relation to mathematics, for being a science that at all times of his daily life, being so essential because all kinds of accounts that the human being performed is related tothis area. That is why many cultures in the world sought to strengthen their study and thus achieving great advances throughout history, this area was always contributing to the technological advance of the human being, the world was experiencing different changes thanks to the studies that were carried out based onTo this science, both in technological and social and economic.

Mathematics is present at all times in life, we are always making accounts or telling objects to analyze the amounts, space and forms, changes and relationships, as well as uncertainty. If we look around we see that these components are present in all aspects of people’s lives, in their work, in their daily work, the child as the adult is constantly related to mathematics is therefore the teaching as teaching asA fundamental subject in the study plan of every student.

Mathematics helps the human being develop logical reasoning, which is why from school both emphasis is placed on mathematics and language, since these two areas go together, however the development of the logical reasoning of theMathematics has to do with the person can have a good reading understanding that is why we will talk about the development of mathematical reasoning from reading writing

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In our country, the reading culture is below many countries since we only read when there is a need, meanwhile we forget this habit that should be common in all people, since thanks to this we can improve our reading comprehension andNot only that also our orality.

The Ministry of Education emphasizes the fifteen minutes of reading that students have to do every day to improve reading habits, this presents the lack of desire to read inside the classroom due to a lack of movement towards reading thatIt is done within the classroom or students read only what interests them or is not very beneficial in their development of their mathematical reasoning.

Most students do not understand a mathematical problem due to the reading compression they have at the time of being able to interpret them and to be able to correctly remove the data required to be able to solve a mathematical problem.

According to Carmen Silva published on the Dyslexia page.Net of the 4 Novimebre de 2011 mentions that although the predominant theory to explain the difficulties of reading comprehension has been the deficit in the fluid decoding of reading, it is currently known that there are people who automatically decodes and have a readingfluid and, nevertheless, do not understand what they read.

In our schools we see students who read in a fluid way but it is difficult for them to understand what they read and in mathematics with greater reason, that is why the desire to improve this part of their reading comprehension.

Solving an exercise in mathematics only with quantities comes to make a little easier for students and not when you have a problem with letters to which you have to be able to extract different data, to be able to give it a solution or reach the answers that you can satisfyThe problem, this is where students stumble. A mathematical problem is always solved from exercises, which is why reading comprehension influences at all times in mathematics and our lives

Reading understanding once acquired in a good way, allows usLanguage, but also covers the other areas, such as mathematics. While this discipline constitutes a different language from natural language, in problem solving it is necessary, geometry or other, and then make the interpretation of said solution and deliver it in natural language. 

The appointment mentions us that reading comprehension plays a fundamental role in solving mathematical problems and its subsequent resolution.

One of the causes of a good reading understanding are the sequences. Algorithms in mathematics help to better understand each of the contents that the student carries during his school life, it is not as they say afterThis topic comes another topic, but that new topic that is progressing is related to the previous one, if you forget your learning more.

An algorithm3, says Fernández (2005), "is identified in the set of a sequence of operational steps to carry out a task or the resolution of a problem" 

Mathematics are like the construction of a house that takes the foundations to be able to sustain themselves because only the walls will not be a good support of the house and in mathematics the same thing happens a subject is the support of another subject, to whatThat we call algorithm to that sequence, the reading writing form one of the first steps of mathematics that strengthens the development of mathematical reasoning for the same the logical from the metacognition or previous knowledge that the student has on the subject on the subject.

Then the development of mathematical logical thinking is associated with metacognition that is the individual’s ability to solve different operations and problems that arise and be able to regulate our own learning, to evaluate them different failures that arise and transmit that knowledge to new learning.

The appointment tells us that the development of mathematical logical reasoning is also associated with the metagconition or previous knowledge that the student has, either is acquired at school as in daily life.

Another way improve mathematical logical reasoning is to go through the playful games in mathematics helps the student to the reading can improve their reasoning capacity when solving different mathematical problems such as daily life, it has been seen many times thatWhat you learn playing especially in this area is not easily forgotten as what has been done on a board, that is why many teachers teach students different topics through the game whether they are known or created by the same students who adapt different topics to gamesthat they know and play we see the benefits of mathematical games.

“Thus, the dynamic and educational games arise as open educational tools, provoking participation for reflection and analysis, without dogmatically closing a topic forever collecting the objective and subjective of the practice or reality that a group or organization moves, allowing theeducational reflection of the same."

The appointment mentions us that mathematical games help improve that mathematical logical reasoning, as well as reading and writing.


Reading writing in the teaching and learning process of mathematics helps students to develop logical reasoning in a better way, since this development would help you solve different problems of daily life, not always mathematical if not anyone whoHe is presented in the advance of life.

It is likely that many students come to hate mathematics because of the fact of not being able to understand it being a factor for this fact, the reading comprehension that did not develop in time or no other form of teaching was sought more than the traditional.

The production of academic texts in the subject of mathematics helps the teacher to have knowledge that allow himThis process beneficiaries are students and society.

Also in the production of texts developed by the teacher creates materials and helps different students can overcome their difficulty when being able to read and solve different mathematical problems, through which they develop their logical reasoning not only in the solving problems of the subjectIf not, this is useful for a lifetime. The process of reading writing is not a problem of some subjects only, neither is it isolated from mathematics but that the entire process of reading and writing teaching is articulated with the knowledge and knowledge that students need on their way toPersonal overcoming during your student life.

Learning to create academic texts helps the teacher in their preparation and overcoming as an education professional having better students prepared to face the day -to -day life in the real context where he lives.

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