Memes As Communicative Satire Through The Internet
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The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976, within the field of communicative evolutionary theory. Other authors such as Francis Heylighen have studied the appearance of the meme since a more theoretical sense. Articles how Evolution ofmemes on the network: form chaim-leetters to the global brain or whats a meme Successful? They have applied a series of theoretical knowledge to investigate the meme phenomenon in a social context.
With the arrival of new technologies, the term meme evolves towards what is now commonly known as the Internet meme: an image with a text that transmits a humorous idea for a specific context in a specific time. The American psychologist Susan Blackmore in her book The Meme Machine, carried out an exhaustive analysis around how the emergence of the Internet has increased the possibilities of expressiveness, notoriety or expressiveness of the memes in this network. Internet memes have been investigated in a descriptive way, always starting from a specific case. Studies have determined memes as collective ideas and that participation confers a feeling of belonging to the group and collective self-affirmation.
Does the ideology of memes are related to their virality?
Memes generate a collective relationship between users. Its iconic recognition in the person makes it feel that it is part of a unique social group, not linked to ideologies or political parties.
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The only link is found in the irony of the meme and the viral effect of this on users. Beyond ideologies. With respect to politics, for example, in the case of conflict in Catalonia, the most retweeted politics memes are those that referred to well -known cultural elements that have nothing to do with politics.
In this specific case, the theme of Catalan independence through memes has no other objective than ironic and ridicule certain political behaviors. And this situation can be transferred to the general scope of politics, reference is made to leaders to exaggerate the meaning of the meme, but they have no political purposes as the main reason. Sometimes it is ridiculed and in others a figure is exaggerated, however, they are not used as a method of dissemination to promote campaigns, millennials and z go further and know how to understand the humor of different ideologies and find a common point of understanding. The relationship of the memes with the millennials and z nowism.
Both generations handle memes daily, while millennials shared joke content or images with text, in the style of the meme, but without necessarily being ironic or sarcastic, in recent years, the youngest, the generation Z has been simplifying eacheven more until it becomes just a very colorful image with a small phrase. Simplification and especially speed is the key to understanding these trends and especially this generation;The Nowism the desire for everything now, the attractiveness of instant gratification, constant hedonism.
That is why even brands are using these techniques as a engagement method for marketing focused on young people. An emotional connection is created because that meme would not understand the whole world, but in the sector that interests the brand, it can become viral without practically cost. They are generations that do not like advertising but brand identity. The Nowism is an upward trend that must be taken into account with respect to the way of communicating to reach this audience effectively. Memes about politics in American millennial society.
In the United States, the most relevant moment to consider with respect to memes, has been during the 2016 presidential elections, became a very popular way of communicating and this trend remained. They were real time reactions on events that were happening during the campaign and also focused on inconsistencies by the candidates, both Democrats and Republicans. Provided parallel speeches against conventional media. During the 2016 campaign, Memeing served as an example of an unusual political-cultural discourse, which is a model of a new trend that conventional political analysis alone has not been able to capture.
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